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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她北京语言大学22春“英语”综合英语()在线作业二辅导答案一.综合考核(共30题)1.The low gravity _ they are able to move around easily.A.standsB.meansC.tellsD.looks参考答案:B2.It was very important to have enough spokes so that the wheel remained more or less _.A.roundB.aroundC.circleD.circling参考答案:A3.In many ways, Mars is the planet which is most _ Earth.A.familiar withB.familiar toC.similar toD.similar with参考答案:C4.The tree was so beautiful that cars are stopping _.A.to lookB.loolC.lookingD.looked参考答案:A5.He asked as I was sitting in the backyard _ the autumn twilight.A.enjoyB.enjoyingC.enjoyedD.being enjoyed参考答案:B6.Sades music was _ in the hard and rap-dominated 90s.A.in placeB.in fashionC.out of fashionD.out of place参考答案:C7.There were several _ branchs near the top of the tree.A.emptyB.bareC.hollowD.vacant参考答案:B8.Nowadays many women _ to make themselves beautiful.A.go to any bestB.go to any widthC.get to any lengthsD.go to great lengths参考答案:D9.Since the beginning of history, people have_ travel.A.dreamedB.dreamed forC.dreamed ofD.dreamed with参考答案:C10.The acient Romans played games _ men kicked a ball.A.whichB.thatC.in thatD.where参考答案:D11.Taking exams must be one of the most _ experiences.A.frightenB.frightenedC.frighteningD.frightens参考答案:C12.I dont see there is any real _ in looking back at all these quaint old customs.A.pointB.meaningC.partD.dot参考答案:A13.Many people are unhappy because they cant _ their bosss ideas.A.fitB.fit forC.fit toD.fit up参考答案:A14.He _labels _ the luggage.A.fixed.toB.fastened.toC.attached.toD.stuck.to参考答案:C15.I dont know if it was lost or stolen; _, its gone.A.anywayB.anywhereC.any wayD.anytime参考答案:A16.Huge solar mirrors are put in orbit around Mars to _ the polar ice-caps.A.warmB.heatC.heatenD.enheat参考答案:B17.She wraps her arms around her son, giving him a _ embrace.A.powerB.powerfulC.forcefulD.strenghtened参考答案:B18.Since the beginning of history, people have hoped for _ travel.A.mutualplanetaryB.interplanetaryC.crossplanetaryD.betweenplanetary参考答案:B19.You could tell a really fast bike rider by the _ of mud up his back.A.steakB.streakC.trackD.streaks参考答案:B20.Sade leapt to fame with the _ of her debut single Your Love Is King.A.productionB.issueC.emissionD.release参考答案:D21.She caught his eye _.A.for a whileB.for a timeC.for an instanceD.for an instant参考答案:D22.The boys had nowhere to hunt; fish; ride or _ use up their energies.A.otherwiseB.butC.elseD.others参考答案:A23.Her fourth album sold only a _of her first two albums.A.fractionB.partC.bitD.section参考答案:A24.The two colleges are _ on the scientific research.A.operatingB.cooperativeC.co-operatingD.operative参考答案:C25.You have no _ at all of how difficult my life was in those days.A.conceptB.thinkingC.pointD.conception参考答案:D26.You stay with her although she finds fault with you _ .A.all timesB.all timeC.time to timeD.all the time参考答案:D27.The Roman Empire has long _ vanished.A.fromB.beforeC.untilD.since参考答案:D28.There are many examples of societies _ people have done so much to be more beautiful.A.whichB.whereC.at whichD.that参考答案:B29.I _ be out when he called.A.happened toB.happenedC.was happening toD.happen参考答案:A30.For 300 years this game suffered greatly from _ disapproval.A.officeB.formalC.informalD.official参考答案:D


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