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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她东北大学22春“公共课”大学英语(四)在线作业二辅导答案一.综合考核(共30题)1._ in the office had made a mistake, and the firm regretted causing the customer inconvenience.A.SomeB.AnyoneC.OneD.Someone参考答案:D2.The basic fire insurance policy covers losses _ damage or destruction by fire or lightning.A.resulting directly fromB.resulted directly inC.resulting directly inD.resulted directly from参考答案:A3.I have not found my book yet; in fact, I am not sure _ I could have done with it.A.whetherB.whereC.whenD.what参考答案:D4.The information we have got _ that the area has a hot climate all the year round.A.directsB.indicatesC.claimsD.contains参考答案:B5.The fire was finally brought under control, but not _ extensive damage had been caused.A.afterB.beforeC.sinceD.as参考答案:B6.The great fire _ the forest to a few tress.A.shiftedB.switchedC.reducedD.decreased参考答案:C7.My father has lived a long life, and done enough to _ great respect in his town.A.employB.achieveC.useD.win参考答案:D8.Her parents tried to _ a subtle pressure on her to marry someone who would carry on the family business.A.bringB.employC.bearD.exert参考答案:D9.Though he was born and brought up in America, he can speak _ Chinese.A.smoothB.fluentC.fluidD.flowing参考答案:B10.The workers demands are _; theyre asking for only a small increase in their wages.A.excessiveB.rawC.superD.moderate参考答案:D11.A strike began late in September in protest against a _ of wages.A.limitB.raiseC.increaseD.reduction参考答案:D12.A policemans first duty is the _ of the people.A.benefitB.safetyC.responsibilityD.protection参考答案:D13.As far as computer programming is concerned, this model is obviously superior _ any of the others in our department.A.toB.thanC.overD.from参考答案:A14.Miss Evans knows that Arthur and I cant be _ the same committee. We are not compatible.A.atB.onC.byD.to参考答案:B15.She had often _ about her fathers choice of doctor and knew now that she had been right.A.protestedB.complainedC.accusedD.concerned参考答案:B16.You cannot _ it, for I saw you in the very act of doing it.A.denyB.rejectC.withdrawD.avoid参考答案:A17.I like black coffee so much because the stronger it is, _.A.I like it betterB.the more I likeC.the better I like itD.I like it more参考答案:C18.Abraham Lincoln was raised to farm work, _ he continued until he was twenty-two.A.sinceB.whatC.whichD.that参考答案:C19.On arriving at Singapore, we telephoned to _ our mothers uneasiness.A.cutB.relieveC.subtractD.decrease参考答案:B20.A year ago the first volume in this series successfully _ the pattern which is here continued.A.establishedB.organizedC.proceededD.represented参考答案:A21.The older New England villages have changed relatively little _ a gas station or two in recent decades.A.exceptB.besidesC.in addition toD.except for参考答案:D22.As a public relations officer, he is said _ some very influential people.A.to have been knowingB.to be knowingC.to have knownD.to know参考答案:C23.Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe _ by the judge.A.serviceB.sentenceC.crimeD.crisis参考答案:B24.Mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A.having been finedB.to be finedC.to have been finedD.being fined参考答案:D25.All the tasks _ ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week.A.had been fulfilledB.were fulfilledC.having been fulfilledD.been fulfilled参考答案:C26.This is confidential. Dont _ a word of this to anyone.A.letB.utterC.leakD.expose参考答案:B27.Even if you disagree with her, she is wroth _.A.listeningB.listen toC.to listen toD.listening to参考答案:D28.By the time he arrives in Beijing, we _ here for tow days.A.have been stayingB.have stayedC.shall stayD.will have stayed参考答案:D29.Not a _ has been found so far that can help the police find the criminal.A.crewB.clueC.crumbD.sign参考答案:B30.Eating too much fat can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A.contribute toB.attribute toC.attend toD.devote to参考答案:B


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