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总经理欢迎信尊敬的贵宾:我谨代表 常德托斯卡纳大酒店 向阁下的光临致以诚挚的问候和热烈的欢迎!承蒙阁下光临常德托斯卡纳大酒店,我们深感荣幸。酒店全体员工将竭诚为您提供热 情、周到、礼貌、高效且宜人的服务,热切期望为您营造“家”的气氛,让阁下在逗留期 间尽享舒适和安逸,同时也感谢您对托斯卡纳大酒店 的关爱。欢迎您对我们的工作提出宝贵意见,我们将以实际行动回报您的勉励和厚爱。如果阁下有所需要,请与酒店总台联系()。衷心祝愿您在酒店能留下美好的回忆。酒店名称总经理:WELCOME LETTER FROM GENERAL MANAGERDear guests,Let me extend our sincere regards and a warm welcome to you on behalf of Changde Toscana Hotel.We are deeply honored by your presence. All staff here will provide heartily, well-considered, Courtesy, highly active and pleasant service for you, earnestly expect us could provide a warm Home-likeplace, comfortable and cozy environment during your tarry, at the same time, thank You for your concerr .we will valne your suggestion to our work and repay your encouragementand excessive care by practical action.If you have and question and request, please do not hesitate to contact the Front Desk at extension( 电话 ).We hope will have a good time here which be kept in your memory.酒店名称General Manager前台酒店前台经常保持高水平及亲切之服务态度,在阁下入住期间,需要以下任何帮助,请与前台联系。接待处: 收银处:大堂副理: 礼宾部:客房服务中心酒店客房服务中心为阁下提供住宿服务,需要以下任何帮助,请与服务中心联系。内线:客房部: 工程部:空调 客房供有空调,客房墙壁上的调温器设有高、中、低三档,客人可根据需要调节 室内温度及风量。商务中心位于一楼,营业时间:每日上午8:00至晚上 23:30特为各界商务旅游人士提供一切办公室设备及业务服务,包括秘书、传真、复印、快件专递、确认国际航班机票、预定国际航班机票、预订火车票、私人电脑及投影租用等。内线:退房时间退房时间为中午12 点,如需帮助请与前台联系。内线:礼宾部位于酒店大堂,提供行李搬运及寄存服务、同时也负责安排机场接送及车辆租用 。 内线:信用卡酒店接受以下信用卡:美国运通卡、万事达卡、Visa卡、大来卡、JCB卡、长城卡、牡丹卡等国内主要信 用卡。国内长途直拨( DDD )客房内可直接拨国内长途( DDD ) 。具体城市及地区代号请参阅“电话指南”一栏,每次拨号对方铃响 6 声后开始计费。门闩客房设有门闩,请阁下使用。请勿打扰当阁下不希望被访客打扰时,请按亮客房客厅门旁边的“请勿打扰”开关。如果阁下不希望被电话打扰或只希望接听某些来电时。请与接线生联系。内线:饮用水小冰箱内供有饮用矿泉水,请勿饮用自来水。如需热水,情使用客房内的电热壶。值班经理在阁下入住期间需要任何帮助,请与前台联系。内线:电源客房梳妆台侧面配有220伏 50赫电源插座,如要借用万能插头及变压器,请与客房中心联系,为安全起见,法律禁止在客房内私自使用暖气或烹调设备。紧急事件如有紧急事件发生,请与接线生联系。内线:传真酒店传真号是:,需要发传真时,请与一楼商务中心联系,营业时间:每天上午8:00 至晚上23:30,营业时间外请与前台联系。冲洗胶卷请与商务中心联系。内线:防火措施 酒店内备有全套消防设备,请参阅挂在房门背后的“消防图” ,以了解紧急疏散路线。客房的衣柜内亦备有防火自救面具,酒店与本市各有关部门通力合作,保证采取一切预防措施,以确保宾客之安全,发生火警时拨“ 0”与接线生联系,并告之所在位置。吹风机装置在客房洗手间内国际直拨长途(IDD )客房内可直拨国际长途,具体拨号程序及地区代号,请翻阅“电话指南”一栏,每次拨号对方响铃 6 声开始计费。互联网酒店所有房间配有高速宽带接口,部分高级客房配有品牌电脑,请您在利用我们的网络时,不要进行任何违反法律以及危害国家利益的行为。同 时,请您明白,网络上的不安全因素总是存在的,对因此造成的损失,我们概不负责。洗衣服务酒店提供专业水洗、干系及烫衣服务。衣柜内备有价目表及洗衣袋,服务时间上午 8:00 至晚上 21:00 时,另设有加快服务。本市电话请先拨“9”,然后再拨打电话。失物招领 请与客房服务中心联系。内线:行李服务 请与大堂礼宾部联系。内线:客房小酒吧客房小酒吧每日添置饮品,如需其它物品或其它种类饮品,请与客房服务中心联系。为方便快速办理离店手续,请于退房当日将小酒吧账单填好后直接送交至前台收银处。客房电话联系请拨“ ”与接线生联系。保险箱如有贵重物品保管,请联络前台处收银。阁下如在房间或酒店公共场所遗失任何物品,本酒店概不负责。客房窗户为了您的安全起见,酒店不提倡宾客打开客房窗户。计程车服务请与大堂礼宾部联系,内线:市区旅游观光有关详情及具体安排,请与大堂礼宾部联系。内线:访客根据常德市公安局的有关规定,所有来访者需出示有效身份证件,并在前台进行来访登记。晚11 时至早晨 7 时,访客不得在客房内逗留。起床唤醒服务如需起床唤醒服务,请与接线生联系。内线:宠物酒店内请勿携带宠物Front OfficeThe Front Desk has been established to provide quick response to telephon e requests in the following areas.check:收银处Concierge:礼宾部Reception/Cashier 接待处Duty Manager: 大堂副理Housekeeping DepartmentHousekeeping 客房部LaundryEngineering Department 工程部Dial:客房部Air-conditionedYour room is full air-conditioned. You may adjust the ventilation and the temperature level on the wall mounted thermostat .Please contact Housekeeping DepartmentBusiness CenterLocated on the first floor, Open everyday from 8:00amo11:30pm.Dial:商务中心Check-Out TimeCheck-out time is 12:00 noon, Please contact Front Desk should you require an extension, If you need any requires, Please dial?台接待ConciergeLocated in the Lobby. Provides baggage collection, delivery and storage, as well as airport transportation and limousine arrangements .dialL 宾部Credit CardWe are pleased to accept: American Express, Master Card, Visa Card, diners, JCB,Peony and Great wall Credit Card.Domestic Direct Dial (DDD)The telephone in your room is equipped with Domestic Direct Dialing (DDD ) facilities, Please refer to the TELEPHONE DIRECTORY section for details and dialing codes, Please be advised that all calls will be charged after six rings.Door BoltPlease use the door bolt of roomDo Not DisturbA button at the living room the Do Not Disturb indicator outside your room t o ensure your privacy, This button also disengages your doorbell, If your wish to have your call screened, Or do not wish to be disturbed by telephone calls, please call Operator, Dial: 总台Drinking WaterMineral water is provided in the Mini Bar. Tap water is not potable, You can use immersion heater if you need boiled water,Duty ManagerFor any assistance required during your stay, please contact Duty Manager at the LobbyDial:接待处ElectricityRooms are equipped with 220 VOLT/50 WATT outlets located by the writing desk. Adaptors and transformers are available from Housekeeping. In the interest of safety, the use of private heating is not permitted in guest rooms in accordance with local regulationsEmergencyIn the event of an emergency, please contact Operator. Dial:待处FaxOur fax number is (86-736)7155099 . If you want to send a fax, please contact Business Center on the lth floor. It is open from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm every day.You can connect with the Front Desk during the buiness time outside. Th e extension is 前台电话Film ProcessingPlease contact Business Center on the floor. DiaW 务中心、Fire ProcedureThe hotel is full equipped with sophisticated fire detection and preventionsystems. Please study the fire escape plan mounted on your room door asaprecautionary measure, Fire Escape masks are provided in the closet of your room. In accordance with requirements of the local authorities, the Management takes this opportunity to assure you that every precaution is constantly made to ensure your safety. In case of fire, dial” 0” toreport the location Zof affectedareaHair-DryerHair-Dryer is located in the Rest room,International Direct Dial (IDD)The telephone in your room is equipped with International Direct Dialing(DDD) facilities. Please refer to the TELEPHONE DIRECTORY section for details and dialing codes. Please note that calla will be charged after six ringsInternet AccessThe hotel is equipped with high-speed internet connection. Brand computer is provided in the partial Deluxe room. When using the Ethernet and the Internet, please don t do anything unlawful. And please be aware that Hotel doesnt holdresponsibility for any loss or damage resulting from the use of the Hotel Ethernet and the InternetLaundry/Dry CleaningProfessional dry Cleaning, laundry and pressing services are availabl e Items collected before noon will be returned on the same day. Service hour:8:00am to 21:00Pm.Express service is availableLaundry/dry cleaning lists and bags are available in a desk drawer.Local callsPlease call 9 followed by the telephone number.Lost and FoundPlease call Housekeeping center of assistance.Dial:前台接待Luggage ServicePlease contact concierge. Dia礼宾部Mini-BarYour Mini-bar will be replenished. Should you require more of any items or a more comprehensive range of beverages, please contact Housekeeping. For fast check-out on the day of your departure, please complete your mini-bar voucher and hand it to the cashier.Room to Room CallPlease dial接待处for Operator assistanceSafe Deposit BoxesAdditional safe deposit boxes are available at the reception. The hotel will not be liable for whatever you have lost in the guest room public areas inside the hotelWindowsFor your safety and security. Hotel normally discourages, the guest to open the window of room.Taxi ServicePlease contact concierge Dia 胺待处Tours Sightsee tingFor tour information and arrangements, please concierge. Dio待处VisitorsIn the interests of your safety, and security all visitors are required to leave guest rooms by 11:00pm Local laws stipulate that anyone visiting youbeyond 7: 00am or sta ying wit h you as a guestin your room must beregistered with the HotelWake-up CallPlease call Operator for assistance. Diaft待处PetsPets are not allowed in the hotel.位置电话营业时间为商务旅行者提供:旅途中之办公室,包括专业服务、传真、复印、办公室出 租、会议设备及设施的租用、名片印刷、邮政服务、个人电脑出租、为阁下提供 方便。印刷和复印可代为制作名片、个人信笺及其它文件的印刷,同时提供复印、校队和装订服务快递国际及国内快递服务 传真全球范围即时的传真请阁下在使用传真服务前仔细阅读下列声明:酒店将不承担其在所提供的服务传真中可能涉及传真内容遗漏或失误之责任,洒 店亦不对由当事方或第三者提供出任何要求酒店承担由此所导致其相关之部分或 全部损失之赔偿负责。商务参考资料提供最近期的商务杂志、贸易指南及其它指南LOCATIONDIALOPEN DAILY FROMWe provide busy business travelers with an“office away from the office ” ourbusiness Center offers professional secretarialservices, facsimile andphotocopying facilities, offices for rental conference equipment and facilitiesname card printing, courier service and binding services rentalPrinting and PhotocopyingPrinting of business cards, personalized for word processing requirements can be arranged. Photocopying, collating and binging services are available.Courier ServiceWorldwide and local courier service is available.FacsimilePrompt facsimile to destinations all over the world can be sent from the Business CenterThe following disclaimer appears on our faxes:The Hotel shall not be responsible for any loss or damage howsoever arising in the provision of this facsimile service I/we shall indemnify the Hotel for anyclaims by any third party against the Hotel or loss or damage suffered by the Hotel howsoever caused by or in connection with the provision of this service.Business Reference LibraryCurrent business magazines, trade directories and other indexes are available.阁下房间的电话机设有国际与国内直拨电话服务1、卡付费电话请先拨“ 9”2、再拨有关号码房间直拨请直拨分机号码(房间电话机上标示),如需协助请拨“ ”与接线生联络 如何拨市内电话1、请点拨“9”外线2、再拨电话号码如何直拨国内电话1、拿起话筒,听到拨号音后再开始拨号2、先拨“9”3、接着拨地区编码4、再拨对方电话号码为阁下拨完号码后,或需等待10 秒电话方能接通为了避免拨错号码,请预先将阁下想拨的国内电话号码写下阁下需知的区域编码,若不在本册内,请拨“ 某些国内区域是没有国内直拨电话服务的。通话完毕,请确定将电话挂好向客房中心询问,请注意如何直拨国际电话1、拿起话筒,听到拨号音后再开始拨号2、先拨“9”3、然后拨“00”4、接着拨国家编码及地区编码5、最后拨对方的电话号码当阁下拨完号码后,或需等待20 秒电话方能接通为了避免拨错号码,请预先将阁下想拨的国际电话号码写下通话完毕,请确定将电话挂好阁下需知的区域或国家编码,若不在本册内,请拨“ ”向客房中心询问。请注意,某些区域或国家是没有国际直拨电话服务的。Domestic Direct (DDD) and International Direct Dialing (DDD) are available on your room telephone.Dial 9“” for operator assistanceRoom to Room CallsPlease dial the extention(the room number). If you need any help, please“83188” for operator assistanceHow to make a Local Call1、 Dial “9” to get an outside line.2、 Dial the telephone number or called party.How to make a Domestic Direct Dial (DDD) call1、 Commence dialing only after you hear the dial tone.2、 Dial “9”3、 Followed by area code of city required.4、 Dial the telephone number of called partyThere may be a waiting period of up to 10 seconds before your line is connected.It is advisable to write down the complete number before dialing to avoid errors.After completing your call, please ensure the handset is replaced securely on the telephone set.If you are unable to locate the code for the city you require, please touch“83198”for Guest Service Center assistance . Please note that DDD may not be available in some cities.How to make an International Direct Dial (DDD) call1、 Commence dialing only after you hear the dial tone.2、 Dial “9 “3、Dial 00”4、Follow by the Country Code and Area Code.5、Dial the telephone number of called partyThere may be a waiting period of up to 20 seconds before your line is connectedIt is advisable to write down the complete number before dialing to avoid errors.After completing your call , please ensure the handset is replaced securely on th e telephone set.If you are unable to locate the area code for the city or country you require, please touch 89198 for Guest Service Center assistance. Please note that some countries may not have IDD access.国家COUNTRY时差(HRS)TIME直拨号IDD国家编码COUNTRY城市编号AREA-1900541ARGENTINACORDOBA51ROSARIO41SANTIAGO85澳大利亚+290061ADELAIDE8BRISBANE73CAIRNS70CANBERRA62DARWIN89MELBOURNE39NEWCASTLE49PERTH9SYDNEY29-790043SALZBURG662AustriaVIENNA1比利时-790032BRUSSELA2Belgium巴西-1190055BRZILIA61BrazilRIN DEJANEIRO21SAN PULO119001CALGARY403CanadaEDMONTON403HAMILTON416MONTREAL514OTTAWA613TORONTO416VANCOUVER604WINNIPEG20490045COPENHAGENDenmark(INNER AREA)1(OUTER AREA)2HOVER7埃及90020ALEXANDRIA3EgyptCAIRO2国家时差(HRS)直拨号国家编码城市编号COUNTRYTIMEIDDCOUNTRYAREA南非-690027CAPETOWN21South AfricaJOHANNESBURG11PRETORLA12西班牙-890034BARCELONA3SpainBILBAO4MADRID1瑞典-790046COTEMBORG31SwedenSTOCKHOLM8瑞上-741BERN31Switzerland900GENEVA22LAUSANNE21ZURICH1泰国-190066BANGKOK2ThailandCHIANGMAI53PATTAYA38PHUKET76美国-13to-189001CHICAGO312AmericaHAWAII808LOSANGELES213MIAMI305NEWYORKCITY212SANFRANCISO415WASHINGTON.DC202英国-890044BIRMINGHAM121BritainEDINBURGH131LONDON(INNER)171(OUTER)181MANCHESTER161城巾CITY直拨号区域DDD CODEAREA CODE北京BEIJING9010K春CHANGCHUN90431长沙CHANGSHA90731成都CHENGDU9028重庆CHONGQING9023福州FUZHOU90591广州GUANGZHOU9020桂林GUILIN90773贵阳GUIYANG90851哈尔滨HAERBIN90451海口HAIKOU90898杭州HANGZHOU90571合肥HEFEI90551香港HONGKONG(IDD)9052澳门MACAU(IDD)90853呼和浩特HUHEHAOTE90471吉林JILIN90432济南JINAN90531昆明KUNMING90871兰州LANZHOU90931城巾CITY直拨号区域DDD CODEAREA CODE拉萨LASA90891南昌NANCHANG90791南京NANJING9025NANNING90771秦皇岛QINHUANGDAO90335青岛QINGDAO90532二业SANYA90898上海SHANGHAI9021沈阳SHENYANG9024深圳SHENZHEN90755石家庄SHIJIAZHUANG90311苏州SUZHOU90512太原TAIYUAN90351天津TIANJIN9022武汉WUHAN9027乌鲁木齐WULUMUQI90991厦门XIAMEN90592西安XIAN9029西宁XINING90971银川YINCHUAN90951郑州ZHENZHOU90371珠海ZHUHAI90756品名Article单位Unit赔偿价格(RMB)Compensation品名Article单位Unit赔偿价格(RMB)Compensation沙发张4000男士衣架个40SofaMans Clothes Rack床单床150元女士衣架个30元SheetWomans Clothes Rack被套床150元茶几张1000 元Quilt CoverEnd Table枕套个45元圈椅把500元Pillow slipArm Chair Upholstery被芯床200元梳妆台镜面块500元Quilt InnerDressing Table MirrorWK个50元浴室镜面块500元Pillow InnerBathroom床护垫床180元浴缸个2000 元MattressBathroom窗帘个800元花洒个300元CurtainBathtub席梦思张2000 元水龙头个200元Spring MattressTap浴巾条60元面盆个500元Bath TowelsWash Basin面巾条20元马桶个1000 元Face TowelsClosestool方巾条10元马桶盖个300元Squarc TowelsClsestool Cover地巾条45元马桶水箱个300元Bath MatWater Tank洗衣袋个30元马桶水箱盖个2000 元Laundary BagWater Tank Cover祝您晚安牌个30元冰桶个50元Good night ”licensingIce bucket皮制托盘个80元自动麻将机张3500 元Leather traysAutomatic Mahjong Machine自动麻将副300元小冰箱台500元Automatic Mahjong machinesmall refrigerator大冰箱台3500 元厨具套2000 元Large refrigeratorKitchen品名单位赔偿价格(RMB)品名单位赔偿价格(RMB)ArticleUnitCompensationArticleUnitCompensation电视机台5000 元座式电话机部200 元TV SetStock Telephone遥控器个300 元壁画张480 元Remote ControlMural电脑台6000 元房门锁把800 元ComputerLocker键盘个300 元吹风机个200 元KeyboardHairdryer鼠标个50 元服务指南个50 元MouseDirectory Of Service手电筒个30 元便签本个20 元Electric TorchScratch Pad落地灯台300 元防毒面具个50 元Stand LampGas Mask日本雷士吊灯台2000 元地毯烟洞平方厘米100元Droplight Of CnlesCarpet Flue电水壶个150 元沙发烟洞平方厘米200 元Electric Jug KettleSofa Flue冷水壶个50 元被单污染平方厘米20 元Ice BucketCoverlet Smutch口杯个10元床头柜烟洞平方厘米50 元CupBed stand Flue红酒杯个30 元烟灰缸(大)个30 元Red Wine GlassAshtray (large)茶杯个15元烟灰缸(小)个15元TeacuAshtray (small)遥控器套个50 元不锈钢垃圾桶个80 元Remote control umitsStainless steel trash顶灯个500 元阻燃垃圾桶个30 元Top lightFlame-retardant trash保险柜台600 元面巾纸盒个50 元SafeTissue box餐桌张1000 元小花瓶个10元TableSmall vase酒店具有完善的消防及防火监测系统,以防万一,请参观房间门后的消防疏散 图以留意防火通道的位置。酒店将时刻执行一切预防措施,以保证阁下的安全。酒店有保安人员定时巡逻,若在楼层发现可疑人员请与前台联系。请留意各防火通道的位置,万一有火情或浓烟时,请保持冷静并疏散至就近的 防火通道。酒店员工都穿着制服及佩戴名牌,请阁下必须确认是本酒店工作人员后才准他 /她进入阁下的客房内。保险箱设在本酒店的前台收银处,为了阁下的方便起见,贵重物品保管,请联 系前台收银处,酒店对任何财务的遗失概不负责。倘若阁下不愿意别人打扰,情将门外“请勿打扰”的指示灯亮着并栓上保险锁。23:00前离开,如需住宿须在前台登记。酒店规章1、每位住客都应出示有效证件以证明其身份。2、每位客人都必须遵守酒店的规章和章程,配合本酒店工作人员把酒店工作做好,并且要爱护酒店财产。3、住客请不要把没有登记的访客带进客房过夜或让其他客人使用他/ 她的床。4、请勿将动物或任何不卫生物品带入本酒店。5、请勿把易燃、易爆品、有毒及带放射性物品或其他危险物品带入本酒店。6、请勿在酒店客房内私自安装电器设备或使用电热器、电炉、微波炉登。7、严禁打架、赌博、吸毒、卖淫或嫖娼等违反犯罪活动。8、对于违反上述规定的行为,本酒店有拒绝为其服务的权利,对于违反“中华人民共和国治安管理处罚”或其他管理条例的行为,将依法受到公安机关处罚,对于那些违反“中华人民共和国刑法”的行为,公安部门和司法机关将依法调查并追究其刑事责任。常德市公安局The hotel is fully equipped with sophisticated fire prevention and detection systemsPlease study the fire escape plan mounted behind your room door as a precautionaryMeasure. We assure you that every precaution has been made to ensure you r Safety at all times.The Hotel is patrolled reguiariy by our security persons. Please callHousekeeping Center or Front office should you notice any suspicious personsloitering on your floor.Please observe the location of fire exits. In the unlikely event of fire or smoke, stay calm and proceed to the nearest exit Do net use elevators in case of fire.Keep a close eye on your property and belongings in public areas.Allow only authorized hotel staff to enter your room. All hotel employees wear uniforms with name tags.Safe Deposit Boxes are available at the Front Desk. For your added convenience, please contact the Front Desk. When you like to deposit your valuables. The hotel is not responsible for loss money or valuables placed in your room.Use the security latch and the “Do Not Disturb ” sign on the door of your room when you do not wish to be disturbed.In the interest of your safety and security, visitors should leave your guest room by 11:00pm. Visitors staying beyond 11:00pm. Or overnight must register at the Front Desk.Rules and Regulations1、 Guests are required to shoe proof of identity papers.2、 Every guest has an obligation to abide by the rules and regulations of the hotel to cooperate with personnel carrying out their duties and to take good care of hotel properties.3、 No guest is allowed to take an unregistered gust to his/her room for the night.4、 No pers or unsanitary articles are allowed to be brought into the hotel5、 No inflammable, explosive, poisonous, radioactive or other dangerous articles are allowed to be carried into the hotel.6、 Use of electrical heater, electrical stoves, microwave ovens, etc are not allowed in the guest rooms.7、 Legal and criminal activities such as fighting, gambling, drug use or prostitution are strictly prohibited.8、 The authorities of the hotel have the right to refuse service to anyone who has violated the Regulations mentioned above. those who violate the Laws Relatin g to the public Order, Administration and punishment of the Peoples Republic ofChina or other administrative laws will be punished the Criminal Laws of thePeoples Republic of China, the public Security and judicial Bureau willinvestigate and affix their responsibilities for the crime in accordance with the law.The changed Public Security Bureau内线电话Extension:营业时间Opening Hours:本酒店为阁下在客房内提供早午晚餐服务,详情请参阅附后“送餐服务


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