2018-2019年高考英语学业水平测试一轮复习 书面表达 话题11 购物

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2018-2019年高考英语学业水平测试一轮复习 书面表达 话题11 购物_第1页
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2018-2019年高考英语学业水平测试一轮复习 书面表达 话题11 购物_第2页
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2018-2019年高考英语学业水平测试一轮复习 书面表达 话题11 购物_第3页
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话题11购物 (Shopping).话题相关词汇名词、形容词(词组)1商业中心区shopping centre2百货商店department store3儿童用品商店childrens goods store 4古玩店antique shop5旧货店secondhand store6柜台counter7售货摊stall/stand 8橱窗show window9玻璃柜台show case10货架shelf11收银处cash desk/cashiers desk 12标价签price tag13折扣价discount price14零钱change15售货员shop assistant16女售货员saleswoman17价值;益处value18市场,集市market19钱包purse/wallet20货币;现金currency21债务;欠款debt22食品杂货商grocer23号码,尺寸size24超市supermarket25购物单shopping list26支付方式payment27销售中on sale28待出售for sale29信用卡credit card30信用卡提现cash advance31微信支付WeChat pay32支付宝Alipay33促销sales promotion34便宜cheap35昂贵expensive/dear36优惠券discount/coupon37品牌brand38商标trademark动词(词组)1买东西do some shopping/go shopping2留发票keep the bill3包装wrap up4送deliver5售空be all sold out/be out of stock6(价格)上涨go up/increase7(价格)下降go down/reduce/decrease8不收费be free of charge9分享,共同使用share10花费,值cost11提供;提出offer/provide/supply12挣得,赚得earn13买单pay the bill14成交make a deal15现金支付(pay)in cash16付款pay for17还清/付清pay off.实用句型1如果你今天买这台微波炉就可以享受15%的折扣。If you buy the microwave oven today, there will be a 15% discount for you.2我想看看最新款的电视机。I would like to have a look at the latest model of TV set.3我不喜欢这颜色,有点艳。I dont like its colour,because its a bit too bright.4我试穿了大衣,有点大,能不能换件小一点的?I have tried on the coat and it is a little bigger for me. Can you change it for a smaller one?5我昨天在这里买的录像机有点问题,请问我能要求退款吗?Something is wrong with the video recorder I bought here yesterday. Could I ask my money back?.佳作背诵你过年的压岁钱计划如何使用呢?请你写一篇文章,内容包括:1你大概有多少压岁钱;2你打算如何使用,为什么;3号召青少年要合理地使用压岁钱。注意:词数80个左右;开头已经给出,不计入总词数。写作提示:题目要求写一篇压岁钱使用计划,因此在写作时应使用一般将来时,注意使用will do和be going to do句型。During the Spring Festival, the happiest thing for me is to get some gift money from my family and relatives._参考范文During_the_Spring_Festival,_the_happiest_thing_for_me_is_to_get_some_gift_money_from_my_family_and_relatives.Though it is not much, around 1,000 yuan each year, I feel thankful and loved. So I think I should put it to good use. First, I will save onethird for myself so that I can buy something I want, such as books, CDs and birthday gifts for my friends and parents. Then I will put the rest of it in the bank. In the past fourteen years, I have saved more than ten thousand yuan. It will be used for my college education in the future. All in all,as teenagers, all of us should deal with the gift money wisely.4


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