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重庆市南开中学2020届九年级英语下学期期中试题(全卷共九个大题满分:150分考试时间:120分钟)第卷(共100分)I听力测试。(共30分)第一节:情景反应。(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1. A. Thanks.B. Youre welcome.C. Thats OK,2. A. Twice a week. B. Three times. C. In 2 days.3. A. Thats all right. B. Certainly not. C. Thats right.4. A. I agree with you! B. I hope not. C. I guess not.5. A. Its Thursday. B. Its Thursday the 14th. C. Its April the 14th.6. A. With pleasure. B. You are welcome. C. Never mind.第二节:对话理解。(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. A. An actor. B. An artist. C. A doctor.8. A. 15 minutes. B. An hour. C. Two hours.9. A. Linda. B. Larry. C. John.10.A.Toms B. Lucys, C. Lilys.11.A. By bus. B. By car. C. On a taxi.12. A. Having a trip. B. On business. C. Having a picnic.第三节 (每小题1.5分,共6分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 听第一段材料,回答13至14小题。13. Whats wrong with Helen? A. She has a cough. B. She has a cold. C. She has a headache.14. What did the doctor tell her to do? A. To have a good rest. B. To drink boiled water. C. To do more exercise. 听第二段材料,回答15至16小题。15. Why is the woman going to learn Chinese? A. Because she wants to meet new students. B. Because she wants to get better grades. C. Because she wants to go to China.16. What do you know about the man? A. He is good at Japanese. B. He has to study hard this year. C. He will join the International Club.第四节:短文理解。(每小题1.5分,共6分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。17.Tom did a lot of things on the train but .A. enjoy the scenery B. serve other people C. watch films18. It took him to get to Canada by train. A. one day B. four days C. ten days 19. Tom saw a as soon as he got off the train. A. notice B. sign C. letter20. Tom felt when the trip was over. A. sad B. worried C. happy单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。21. There is s in word sit. A. a, the B. an, the C. the, a D. /, a22. - has he lived here? -Since two years ago. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How many times23. -Would you like to give me a hand? - Sure, . A.I would . B. Ive love to C. yes D. my pleasure24. Do you know what he was made by his father last night? A. to do B. do C. did D. does25. Well move to Paris as soon as he ready next year, A. will be B. is C. is D .was26. the radio so that I can hear it clearly. A. Turn on B. Turn down C. Turn off D. Turn up27. There a cherry tree and two chairs in front of our building. A. is B. are C. will have D. has28. The cake smells , so throw it away. A. nicely B. good C. bad D. terribly29. -Is your father here? -No. He books in the study. A. reads B. is reading C. read D. has read30. Can you see the on the floor? Please pick them up. A. milk B .apple C. pears D. dictionarys31. After I looked over one of his hands, he showed me . A. the other B. others C. another D. the others32. The temperature today is 35 , so the birds the tree are quiet. A. above, in B. on, on C. over, in D. under, on33. This winter vacation Chinese went to Japan, but only were from Chongqing. A. thousands of, nine hundreds B. thousand of, nine hundred C. three thousands, nine hundreds D. three thousand, nine hundred34. Look out, you may hurt yourself. A. but B. and C. or D. though35. -Will you go there with us next week? -No. I there twice. A. have been B. have gone C. went D. will go36. Who jumps , Jim, Sam or Tom? A. highest B. tallest C. farther D. longer37. -Wow! What a nice bike! -Thanks. I it for almost 2 weeks. A. have bought B. have had C. bought D. had38. -Dont stay up late because you must get up early tomorrow. -Dont worry, I getting up early. A. used to B. am used for C. am used to D. didnt use to39. -May I play with your iPhone 6? -Im afraid you .Ill use it soon. A. neednt B. may C. can D. cant40. I wonder . A. what to listen B. when to start C. how will they go home D. which one can I choose完型填空。(每小题1,5分,共15分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 Chinas Olympic 110m hurdles(110米跨栏)gold medalist and former world record holder Liu Xiang announced(宣布)his retirement(退役)on Tuesday, April 7Liu Xiang started his way of 41 a hurdle player at the age of 13.And 19 years later he has to retire because of his_42 foot injury.As one of the best athletes(运动员) in China, Liu Xiang won the gold medal in the 110m hurdles at the 2020 Athens Olympic Games, becoming the first man Olympic champion in athletics in China. Later in 2020, Liu Xiang set the new world 110m hurdles record of 12.88 seconds in Lausanne, Switzerland. 43 at 2020 Beijing Olympic Games, Liu Xiang gave up the race of 110m hurdles because his feet hurt badly before the race. In 2020, Liu Xiang_ 44 the competition again for the same reason at London Olympics. Although Liu Xiang tried to overcome his injury and come back to competition, he did not succeed in making it and finally 45 to end his sports career(事业) officially at the age of 32.In the announcement of his retirement, Liu Xiang showed his thanks 46 his family, coaches and friends. He said he thanked all the support he had when he won or lost given by them, and the support has always encouraged him to carry on, 47 big the challenge is. Looking back at Liu Xiangs sports career, he has made great achievements in the event of 110m hurdles. He is a World Record Holder, World Champion and Olympic Champion. He is truly the pride of Chinese. As for the future, Liu Xiang plans to make his contribution to the youth sports development and 48 more activities that allow him to connect more with children in mountain areas. As said by himself, Everyone has something that he wants to do. I have made a clear_ 49 for the coming years. I believe 50 I want to do is something that is simple. Even if its not big, I am sure that it can make a real difference.41.A.gettingB. becomingC. goingD. making42.A.harmful B. ill C. serious D. badly43.A.But B. Although C. Instead D. While44.A.took B. had C. missed D. won45.A.liked B. kept C. decided D. began46.A.with B. to C. on D. around47. A. wherever B. whenever C. whatever D. however48.A.enter B. take part C. join D. join in49.A.mistake B. mind C. plan D. living 50.A.what B. how C. anything D. nothing阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳的答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。AComedy:Life and DreamDirector:Xu XiaopingDate:May 5th Time:7:30 p.m.Price: ¥80Piano ConcertBy:Benjamin Nuss(Germany)Date:May 14th Time:8:00p.m.Price: ¥180Musical:CatsDirector:Andrew WebDate:May 10th Time:9:00p.m.Price: ¥280Drama:Romeo & JulietDirector:Meng jinghuiDate:May 8th Time:7:00p.m.Price: ¥280Telephone:023-63860588 Address:guotai Art Center,jiefangbei51. If you want to enjoy something funny, you can go to . A. Life and Dream B. Piano Concert C. Cats D. RomeoJuliet52. For booking tickets, you should call .A. 68603588 B. 63860588 C. 66860588 D. 6886058853.If you invite a friend to watch the musical Cats with you, you need to pay . A.¥80 B.¥180 C.¥280 D.¥560 BOne day, John Randolph rode on his horse to a town many miles from his home. The road was strange to him, so he traveled very slowly. When the night fell, he stopped at a nice roadside inn for accommodation(求宿).The innkeeper welcomed him.A fine supper was prepared. The innkeeper talked about the weather, the roads, the crops. However, his guest ate silently. Next morning after breakfast, Mr. Randolph paid his bill and was ready for his journey. Leading his horse to the door, the innkeeper said, Which way will you travel, sir? Mr. Randolph looked at him and answered, Ive paid you my bill. Should I pay you anything more? I travel the way I wish to go.But not far from the inn, to his surprise, there were two ways. He searched for a while but there was no sign to help him. The innkeeper was still standing by the door. He called to him: My friend, which road leads to Lynchburg? The innkeeper answered, Sir, you have paid your bill and dont owe(欠) me a cent. Travel the way you wish to go. Good-bye!As bad luck would have it, Mr. Randolph took the wrong road. Though out of his way, he lost much time, all because of his rudeness.54. John Randolph traveled slowly because A. it was rainy B. the horse was tired C. the road was strange D. the time was early55. According to the passage, the innkeeper was trying to be at first. A. friendly B. silent C. cool D. serious56. The innkeeper asked which way he would travel because .A. he wanted more money B. he wanted to help Mr. RandolphC. he wanted to know the way D. he wanted to keep Mr. Randolph57. We can learn from the story that A. we shouldnt tell others we are rich B. we shouldnt travel on a horse C. we shouldnt be rude to others D. we shouldnt stay in a roadside inn CFor a student, reading ability is very important in our study. How to read faster and understand better? Here is some advice for you.1. Find Your Purpose for ReadingBefore you start reading, ask yourself why you are reading this book. Most people read for two main reasons-pleasure or knowledge. Being clear about your reading purpose not only helps you to stay away from books that you dont need to read. It also reminds you why reading the. book is important to you when you are reading it. You can easily keep reading and finish the book faster.2. Read Only What You Are Interested inWhether youre reading fiction or nonfiction, its important to enjoy what you read. Your friends may share books they love, but those books might not be the ones you enjoy.3. Give up Books That You Dont EnjoyYou may have chosen books that agree with your purpose. You may have chosen books that you are interested in. But when you are reading them, there may still be some books that you wont enjoy reading, Whenever you realize that you arent enjoying the book you are reading, give it up. Remember reading shouldnt be a chore.4. Give Yourself a Deadline to Finish Each Book Before you read each book, ask yourself when you need to finish this book by. What I find interesting is that I read books that I borrow from libraries faster than the books I bought. The reason is the books I bought dont have a due date! I dont need to return those books, When you dont set a deadline to finish your book. There isnt a sense of urgency(紧迫). And when something isnt urgent, you will like to put it off.58. Before reading a book, you should . A. pay attention to the price B. find your reading purpose C. ask your friends for advice D. find a library59. When you find that you arent enjoying the book you are reading, you should . A. share with your friends B. keep reading it C. give it up D. take it easy60. The writer reads books borrowed from the library faster than the books he bought because . A. they are easy B. he has more time to read them C. he likes them better D. the books he bought have no due date61. The underline word deadline means . A死期 B期限 C边界 D死线 DYou cant remember who sings a certain song from the 90s. You Google it. Youre arguing with a friend about who played Mickey in The Goonies. You solve the problem by Googling it. You dont know the way to that new restaurant. You Google Maps it.We hold the answers to about all of lifes questions in our hands today. But that means our brains are feeling free to take some rest. According to the Daily Mail, our growing reliance on(依赖) the Internet for fact checking is making our memories worse.Scientists at Harvard University found people now regard Google and other search engines as an outside part of their own brains, rather than a tool. Writing in the Journal Scientific American, Harvard psychologists Daniel Wegner and Adrian Ward warn that people who believe their memorable facts that are saved online are much worse at remembering them.The Internet is also unlike a human memory partner; it knows more and can produce the information more quickly, You can find almost all information today easily through a quick Internet search. It may be that the Internet is taking the place of peoples memory.In a series of tests, researchers found it was easy for people to remember information well if they believed it would be deleted.Those who thought it was stored on a computer were more forgetful, even if they were asked to keep the information in mind.62. When people want to check a fact, probably they will . A. look up in a book B. ask friends C. use the Internet D. go to teachers for help63. According to the passage, if we depend on the Internet for fact checking, . A. our brains will become smaller B. our brains will become bigger C. our memories will become worse D. our memories will become better64. People are easy to remember things well if they know . A. they will lose the information B. they will lose the computer C. the information is good for them D. the information is important65. The writer wants to tell us .A. not to use GoogleB. Google is bad for our memoryC. Google is a good tool for checking factsD. not to depend on the Internet for checking facts too muchV口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。A. What time does it start?B. Im not tired at all.C. I have to do my homework.D. Lets go and watch it, shall we?E. I have no idea.F. I agree.G. Weve already seen it.A: Betty, tomorrow is May Day, and you havent been out for over two days. Lets go out this evening,B: Fine, Where would you like to go? _ 66 A: A new play is on this week. 67 B: The newspaper said it was the worst play of the year.A: How about the film Hero? That sounds exciting.B: 68 Dont you remember?A: How about the cinema in the neighborhood? The film Taken 3 is on.B: Good. 69 A: 10 minutes ago. We just missed it.B: Well, I guess what we can- do is to stay at home and watch TV.A: Now lets make it next week. I think wed better make a plan.B: _ 70 第II卷(共50分)VI任务型阅读。 (每空 2分,共 8分 ) 阅读下文并回答问题 。The movie Big Hero 6 has delighted audiences of all ages and the biggest reason for its success is the films superhero, Baymax.Baymax was made by Hiros older brother, Tadashi. He wanted to help a lot of people in need and Baymax was how he would do it. At first Baymax was used as a personal healthcare assistant robot to heal the sick and injured. If you are his patient, he will tell you, There, there, it will be all right and he wont leave you alone until youre well again.After Tadashi died, Hiro upgraded Baymax and changed it into a rocket-fueled fighting machine who can fly above the city of San Fransokyo and take out any enemy. The robot carries Tadashis selfless personality and through him, Hiro can still keep a little piece of his brother always.There are some cool things about Bymax. As a robot, Bymax feels no pain, and he carries some special abilities. Bymax can fix himself if necessary. All he needs is some Scotch Tape. The funniest thing about Baymax may be his little footsteps. With a fat body and tiny legs, the superhero has to say I am not fast, But that doesnt stop him from heading out into the world.71. Is Big Her0 6 a successful movie? 72. Who was Bymax made by? 73. What was Bymax used as at first? 74. What does Bymax need if he wants to fix himself? 完成句子。(每空1分,共10分) 根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。75. The hen laid an egg this morning.(改为否定句)The hen an egg this morning.76. He saw Mr. Li just now.(用Miss Wu改为选择疑问句)Did he Mr. Li Miss Wu just now?77. Do you often walk to school every day?(改为同义句)Do you often go to school every day?78. 他们去年发射了3颗卫星。(完成译句)They three satellites last year.79. 那则消息非常的令人兴奋,我不敢相信它。(完成译句)That was a piece of exciting news that I can hardly it.短文填空。(每空2分,共16分) 根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。Club activities after class hours are an important part of our school life. There are a number of sports and cultural study clubs that students may_ 80 .Students are free to choose the clubs they are 81 inNobody forces you to choose this club or that one. Some students join two or more while only a very few 82 join any clubs at all. The students organize (安排) all the clubs by 83 without the help of teachers.The clubs meet two to four times a week after school. Many students feel that club activities are the most enjoyable part of Senior High School life. When we asked them the 84 : What interests you most in daily life? There were their answers:Classes: 28%; Teachers: 24%; Club activities: 38% and others 10%, Young people spend a lot of time in club activities


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