山西 英文 介绍PPT课件

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山西 英文 介绍PPT课件_第3页
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My Topics1、History 2、Folk Cultural2、Products3、Tourism第1页/共24页My Questions1、Why Shanxi Province is abbreviated as Jin ?2、Who is the first empress in chinese history?第2页/共24页1、History Adjacented to Hebei, Henan, Inner Mongolia and Shanxi.Located on the west side of Taihang Mountains.第3页/共24页1、HistoryJin & San Jin(晋、三晋)Jin : In the Spring and Autumn Period, the Jin kingdom was lacoted here San Jin:In the Warring States Period ,Jin Kingdom were divided up by three kingdom( Han、Zhao and Wei). 第4页/共24页1、HistoryWu Zetian (624705)The first empress in Chinese history.Empress 女皇帝第5页/共24页2、 Folk CultureShanxi is known as the Chinese ancient cultural museum the cradle of Chinese civilization”.第6页/共24页2、Folk Culture(1)Papercuts 剪纸 Chinese zodiac 十二生肖第7页/共24页2、 Folk Culture(1)Papercuts 剪纸第8页/共24页2、 Folk Culture(2)Dough modelling 面塑第9页/共24页2、 Folk Culture(3)Wanghuo 旺火means “ 红红火火 ” and “旺气通天”第10页/共24页2、 Folk Culture(4)Hanshi Festival 寒食节 Every family no fire, this day eating cold food only.第11页/共24页2、Products平遥推光漆器五台山“台砚”millet第12页/共24页4、Tourism(1) 佛家胜地 五台山 Wutai Mountain (2) “神佛洞天”云岗石窟 Yungang Caves (3)”建筑宝库”平遥古城 Pingyao Ancient City (4) 北岳恒山 悬空寺 Hanging Temple (5) “天柱地轴”应县木塔 Yingxian Wooden Tower(6)”民俗精华”乔家大院 Qiao Family Courtyard (7) “龙兴之地”晋祠 Jin Ci Temple (8) “民族之魂”黄河壶口 Hukou waterfalls of the Yellow River 第13页/共24页4、Tourism(1)佛家胜地五台山 Wutai MountainThe top of the four famous Buddhism Mountains in China 第14页/共24页4、Tourism(2) “神佛洞天”云岗石窟 Yungang Caves One of Chinese four most famous Buddhist Caves Art Treasure Houses 第15页/共24页4、Tourism(3)”建筑宝库”平遥古城 Pingyao Ancient City 日升昌票号第16页/共24页4、Tourism(4) 北岳恒山 悬空寺 Hanging Temple The temple is the only existing temple which integrate Buddhist(佛教), Taoist(道教) and Confucian(儒教) cultures 第17页/共24页4、Tourism(5) “天柱地轴”应县木塔 Yingxian Wooden TowerYing Xian Wooden Tower ,Eiffel Tower, Leaning Tower of Pisa are titled as the three most wonderful Tower in the world by United Nations 第18页/共24页4、Tourism(6)”民俗精华”乔家大院 Qiao Family Couryard Shanxi was famous for 晋商和山西票号 for 500 years.山西票号 are considered the rural grandfather of modern banking by western economist.ancient architecture museum of china 第19页/共24页3、Tourism(7) “龙兴之地”晋祠 Jin Ci Temple 难老泉周柏侍女像第20页/共24页4、Tourism(8) “民族之魂”黄河壶口 Hukou Waterfalls of the Yellow River The Hukou Waterfalls of the Yellow River is the only Yellow Waterfall on earth.第21页/共24页Welcome to ShanxiThanks第22页/共24页My Questions1、Why Shanxi Province is abbreviated as Jin ?2、Who is the first empress in chinese history?第23页/共24页感谢您的观看!第24页/共24页


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