六年级上册英语素材-Unit2 what a day 单元知识点梳理 译林版

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六年级上册英语素材-Unit2 what a day 单元知识点梳理 译林版_第1页
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六年级上册英语素材-Unit2 what a day 单元知识点梳理 译林版_第3页
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6A Unit2单元知识点梳理一、词汇解析1、rainy 下雨的(形容词 ) snowy 下雪的(形容词)rain(1) 名词:雨(不可数): a lot of rain snow(1)名词:雪(不可数): a lot of snow(2) 动词:下雨 (2)动词:下雪例句:a) It rained yesterday. 昨天下雨了。b) Look! It is raining now! 看!现在正在下雨。c) It often rains here. 这儿经常下雨。d) Its often rainy.经常下雨了。2. 在九月20号 on 20th, Septemberon the 20th of SeptemberonSeptember20th 3. ride a bike / by bike区别go to the park by bike 骑车去公园ride a bike to the park骑车去公园回忆交通工具用法:4. 一场有趣的鹦鹉表演an interesting parrot show一场精彩的动物表演a wonderful animal show5. bring ,take的区别bring一般有“把 带过来,拿过来”的意思, bring的用法:bring sth. to sb./ bring sb. sth.如bringyourcoathere把它带过来这里,拿过来这里而take是“把。带走,带离这里”的意思takeawayyourcoat把你的大衣带走,带离开这里_(take, bring) the apples there and _(take, bring) some pears here please课文原文:We brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks. 我们拿出一些饺子,面包,蜂蜜和饮料。brought是bring的过去式,注意与bought (buy的过去式)的拼写区别。dumpling 表示饺子,汤团,粽子等意思。这个词可以表示中间包馅的软绵绵的像团子的东西。boiled dumpling 水饺 fried dumpling 锅贴sweet dumpling 汤团rice dumpling 粽子honey 蜂蜜 bee 蜜蜂hard drink 烈酒 soft drink 软饮料6. see的用法see sb doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事see sb. do sth. 看到某人做某事类似的词还有watch , hear, notice, look at我每天看见你做作业。 我昨天看见你正在做作业。 2. It was sunny in the morning. 在早晨天气是晴朗的.这是用来描写天气的过去时的句型,表示天气的形容词一般由其相对应的名词或动词变化而来。如:sun - sunny cloud - cloudy wind - windy rain - rainy3. The weather became windy and cloudy. 天气变得既有风又多云了。这里became是become的过去式,译为“变得”,是系动词,用于修饰形容词,即系动词+ 形容词,另外我们学过的系动词还有be、get、look如:It was rainy yesterday. 昨天是个下雨天。 You look sad. 你看起来伤心。 In autumn, the days get shorter. 秋天,白天时间变得短了。4. It was time for lunch. 该吃午饭的时候了。 这是Its time for 句型的过去时表达,另外表示“该的时候了”还可以用its time to.Its time for 后面跟名词或动名词, Its time to后面跟动词原形,两者可以互换,如上述句子可以转化为It was time to have lunch. 再如:Its time for school. 相当于 Its time to go to school.Its time for class. 相当于 Its time to have a class.5. There was a parrot show in the park. 在公园有一个鹦鹉表演。 在这个句子中,show是名词,意为“展示,演出”。之前,我们学过show是动词,意为“出示”。如:Liu Tao showed his pictures to his friends. 刘涛把他的画给他的朋友们看。我们学过类似的单词还有:watch(n. 手表, v. 观看), play(n. 戏剧, v. 玩,玩耍),rain(n. 雨, v. 下雨), park(n.公园, v. 停车), fly(n. 苍蝇, v. 飞), 如:There is a lot of rain in our city. 我们城市雨水很多。It is raining now. 现在在下雨。Can I park my car in the park? 我能把车停在公园里吗?Grammar: 一般过去时:写出下列动词的过去式 isam_ fly_ plant_ drink_ pass_play_ go_ make _ does_ dance_ worry_ eat_ put _ meet_ kick_ 用动词的适当形式填空。1. It _ (be) the 2nd of November yesterday. Mr White _ (go) to his office by car. 2. Gao Shan _ (put) the book on his head a moment ago. 3. Dont _ the house. Mum _ it yesterday. (clean) 4. What _ you _ just now? I _ some housework. (do) 5. They _ (make) a kite a week ago. 6. I want to _ apples. But my dad _ all of them last month. (pick) 7. _ he _ the flowers this morning? Yes, he _. (water) 8. She _ (be) a pretty girl. Look, she _ (do) Chinese dances. 9. The students often _ (draw) some pictures in the art room.


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