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省沭阳县银河八年级英语上册Unit 1 Friends综合测试 牛津版第I卷 (共65分) 一、听力(计20分)省略 二、单项选择(计10分,每题1分) ( )21. I have a friend named Nancy. She is _ honest girl. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )22. - Is May cheerful now? - Yes. Her father agreed _ her _ going hiking. A. to; with B. with; toC. on; withD. with; on ( )23. - Simon always tells us some jokes. - Oh, how _ he is! A. polite B. friendly C. funny D. handsome ( )24. - _ does the man look like? - I didnt see him clearly because it was too dark then. A. WhenB. Why C. How D. What ( )25. I think Mary is as _ as I am. A. happyB. happierC. happiest D. the happiest ( )26. Jims mother made him _ his own clothes last Sunday. A. to wash B. wash C. washing D. washes ( )27. Bill cant help us this afternoon. He has _. A. something important to doB. important something to do C. some things importantD. important some things ( )28. When I am away from my hometown, I always _ my parents. A. fitB. voteC. missD. write ( )29. Lucys cake is _ of all. A. bigB. biggerC. biggestD. the biggest ( )30. - Lucy, I plan to travel to Australia. - _. A. No problem B. Good luck C. Just a minute D. Well done 三、完形填空(计15分,每题1分) A A: What your new English teacher like, Amy? B: My English teacher is a handsome man. He is very kind _31_ us. A: Is he very tall? B: Yes, he _32_ almost 1.80 metres tall. A: Do you think he is _33_? B: Yes. He thinks of us as his friends. A: Do you often _34_ your joy with him? B: Sure. Well, I also go to him _35_ something worries me. A: Do you want to be a teacher like him when you grow up? B: Yes, I do. ( )31. A. for B. at C. toD. of ( )32. A. can B. will C. is D. does ( )33. A. smart B. friendly C. cool D. polite ( )34. A. tell B. talk C. decide D. share ( )35. A. when B. and C. so D. butB My first penfriend was my cousin. I met _36_ when my family visited her family in Japan. I was 9 or 10 at the time. We became friends, exchanged _37_ and wrote to each other for a long time. Later my family _38_ to New York in 1961. I knew a girl in high school at that time. She became my next _39_. In the mid 1960s, I began to _40_ the Womens Circle. One day, she asked me where she could buy a cookbook on Hungarian cuisine (匈牙利美食菜谱). I know _41_ we can find one! I told her. I _42_ a letter to Womens Circle, and asked about the cookbook. I received over 200 _43_ and got the book. After that, I had many penfriends. One of the first letters was from a woman named Betsy. She lived in Michigan. Betsy and I were both _44_ mothers at the time, but now we are both grandmothers. We meet only once a year, but we _45_ each other very well. We hope we are always good friends. ( )36. A. her B. you C. himD. me ( )37. A. numbers B. addresses C. rooms D. names ( )38. A. listened B. planned C. wanted D. moved ( )39. A. student B. teacher C. penfriend D. classmate ( )40. A. change B. read C. dreamed D. forgot ( )41. A. what B. when C. why D. how ( )42. A. kept B. wrote C. got D. heard ( )43. A. presents B. signs C. letters D. news ( )44. A. young B. lazy C. boring D. strange ( )45. A. call B. visit C. frighten D. understand 四、阅读理解(计20分,每题2分) A 难度: Welcome to friendnet620 . You can get a friend here. The following four people all want to find a friend. Name: Nadia Longden E-mail: sweetcheeks1771yahoo.co.ukIm from Manchester in England and Im 17.I can speak English, Spanish (西班牙语) and French.Hobbies: sport, reading and shopping Name: Joceline E-mail: jocelineperrineyahoo.co.ukIm from Stafford in the UK and Im 15.I can speak English and French.Hobbies: swimming, reading and musicName: Tony ClarkE-mail: tonyclarkabaol Im from London and Im 13.I can speak English and Chinese.Hobbies: reading, travelling, diving and playing the guitarHi, Im looking for a Chinese friend to help me with my Chinese.Name: Holly E-mail: sk8rholyahoo Im from Liverpool in England and Im 14.I can speak English and Russian. Hobbies: music, films, football and magazinesIm looking for boys or girls from any country. 根据材料,选择最正确答案。 ( )46. Which activity doesnt Nadia like? A. Playing basketball.B. Reading. C. Listening to music.D. Shopping. ( )47. Where is Joceline from? A. Manchester.B. London. C. Stafford. D. Liverpool. ( )48. Who is the most likely to be Tony Clarks friend? A. Tom from Tokyo. B. Mary from Paris. C. Wilson from Bangkok. D. Nancy from Beijing. ( )49. How can you contact (联系) these four people? A. By e-mail. B. By telephone. C. By letter. D. By radio. ( )50. friendnet620 is for people to _. A. introduce themselves B. make friends C. know more about other countries D. learn other languages (语言) B 难度: Mary Jo Ray turned 113 in May, . She was the twelfth oldest person in the world. Ray was one of the few people who lived up to more than 110 years. We often call them centenarians. She often drinks milk. She is seldom unhappy with others and is always cheerful. So she is in good health and seldom gets ill. I think her reason for long life is drinking milk every day and trying to be happy, said her granddaughter, Katherine. Her doctor, Dr. Perls, said another reason for Rays long life is her genes (基因). She got them from her parents. He said, These genes can keep you in good health and let you live longer. People can usually live up to about 80 years old. Those with the right genes can live more than 100 years. They also pass those genes to their children. So if a persons parents live longer, he or she will perhaps live longer, too. Dr. Perls also said, You may not have those genes. However, if you dont smoke, dont drink too much, do exercise and also do things to relax, you still can live longer. 根据材料,选择最正确答案。 ( )51. There were _ oldest people before Mary Jo Ray in the world. A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13 ( )52. The underlined word centenarians means _ in Chinese. A. 奇怪的人 B. 聪明的人 C. 杰出的人 D. 百岁的人 ( )53. From the passage, we can know that Ray_. A. seldom drinks milk B. dislikes doing exercise C. has the genes for long life D. is often sad about something ( )54. Mary Jo Rays parents might live _ than most people. A. longer B. harder C. shorter D. later ( )55. The passage is mainly about _. A. the lifestyle of Mary Jo Ray B. how people can stay healthy C. why Mary Jo Ray lived longer D. Mary Jo Rays doctor第II卷 (共35分) 五、词汇(计10分,每题1分) 请根据句意或括号中的中文提示、英文释义,写出句中所缺单词使句子通顺。 56. This newspaper is full of _ (广告) for mobile phones and I really cant tell which is the best. 57. His joke during the talk made us not feel _ (无聊的) any more. 58. If you are not sure to give the answers _ (正确地), you have to think it over carefully first. 59. He felt _ (紧张不安的) and uncomfortable so his face suddenly turned red. 60. I am happy to tell you about my _ (将来的) plans. 61. I _ (nearly, not quite) fell into the river yesterday. 62. Could you help me _ (find the answer to something) the problem? 63. Are you _ (ready and happy to do something) to help us? 64. - What is the _ of the model? - It is 3 metres tall. 65. - Do you _ what he said? - No. He often lies to others. 六、完成句子(计10分,每题2分) 按所给的汉语,用英语完成以下句子。 66. 你现在想吃点什么东西吗? Would you like _ now? 67. 这部电影使我们很悲伤。 The film _. Our English teacher always _. 69. 我希望你能给我一些建议。 I hope you can _. 70. 我认为潜水是所有运动中最危险的。 I think diving is _. 七、书面表达(计15分) 假设你(Linda)想在某个英文杂志上刊登一那么交友广告,请根据下面的要点提示,发挥适当的想象,写一篇70词左右的英语短文介绍一下你自己。 要点提示: 1. 个子不高,圆脸,小鼻子,短发,笑咪咪的眼睛让人觉得很亲切; 2. 聪明勤奋,最擅长英语、语文,但是最不擅长数学; 3. 长大后想当一名医生,帮助人们保持身体健康。 _ _ _ _ 参考答案 二、21-25 BDCDA 26-30 BACDB 三、31-35 CCBDA 36-40 ABDCB 41-45 DBCAD 四、46-50 CCDAB 51-55 BDCAC 五、56. advertisements 57. bored 58. correctly 59. nervous 60. future 61. almost 62. solve 63. willing 64. height 65. believe 六、66. something to eat 67. makes us very sad 68. wears a smile on her / his face 69. give me some advice 70. the most dangerous of all the activities 七、One possible version: Hello, my name is Linda. I am not tall. I have a round face and a small nose. My hair is short and my smiling eyes make me look kind. I am clever and hard-working. I do best in English and Chinese but do worst in Maths. I think health is the most important in life so I would like to be a doctor when I grow up. I hope to help people keep fit. If you want to be my friend, please write to me.


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