2019高考英语专题探究 第三部分 突破五大题 第Ⅰ题 情景交际(含解析)

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2019高考英语专题探究 第三部分 突破五大题 第Ⅰ题 情景交际(含解析)_第1页
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2019高考英语专题探究 第三部分 突破五大题 第Ⅰ题 情景交际(含解析)_第2页
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2019高考英语专题探究 第三部分 突破五大题 第Ⅰ题 情景交际(含解析)_第3页
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第题情景交际李仕才一、基础训练A组1I can drive you home._,but are you sure its not too much trouble?AThat would be greatBDont botherCIm afraid not DTake care解析:句意:我可以开车送你回家。那太好了,但会不会太麻烦您了?B项“别麻烦了!”用于委婉拒绝别人。C项“恐怕不行!”不合题意。D项“小心!”选A项,表示非常认同对方的提议。所以答案为A。答案:A2Hello Jenny,can I see Ms. Lewis?_. Ill tell her youre here.AWith pleasure BNever mindCYoure welcome DJust a minute解析:句意:你好,Jenny,我可以见下Lewis女士吗?请稍等,我去告诉她您在这里。With pleasure.“乐意效劳”;Never mind.“别担心”;Youre welcome.“不用谢”。Just a minute“请稍等”。答案:D3Sorry,Liz. I think I was a bit rude to you._,but dont do that again!AGo ahead BForget itCIt depends DWith pleasure解析:句意为:不好意思,丽丝,我想我对你还是有点粗鲁。没关系,但是以后不要再那样了。go ahead“尽管去做,进行,发生,走在前面”;forget it“没关系”;it depends“那得看情况”;with pleasure“乐意效劳”。根据句意应该选B。答案:B4Jack,you seem excited._? I won the first prize in the English speech contest.AGuess what BSo whatCPardon me DWho cares解析:句意为:杰克,你看起来很激动。猜猜怎样?我在英语演讲比赛中得了一等奖。guess what“你猜发生了什么”;so what“又怎么样呢”;pardon me“对不起”;who cares“管它呢,有谁在乎呢”。根据句意应选A。答案:A5Could I use this dictionary?_Its a spare one.AGood idea BJust go aheadCYoure welcome DYoud better not解析:句意:我能用这本字典吗?用吧,这是多余的一本。根据Its a spare one.可知后者同意前者使用这本字典。good idea“好主意”,一般用来回答别人的建议;just go ahead“用吧”,用来表示同意,符合语境;youre welcome“不用谢”;youd better not“最好不要”,表示不同意。答案:B6Why not stay here a little longer?_. but I really have to go.ANever mindBId love toCPleased to meet youDI cant find any reason解析:句意:为什么不在这儿再多待些时间呢?我很乐意,但是我真的必须得走了。never mind“没关系,别介意”;Id love to“我很乐意”;pleased to meet you“见到你很高兴”;I cant find any reason“我找不出任何理由”。根据句意,应该选B。答案:B7 Jack, Id like to have your opinions about my written report. _ . But I have one suggestion.AThats a good ideaBYou are modestCIt looks fine to meDYou should check it first解析:句意:杰克,我想听听你对我的书面报告的看法。看上去还不错。但是我有一点建议。thats a good idea“那是个好主意”;you are too modest“你太谦虚了”;it looks fine to me“对我来说看上去还不错”;you should check it first“你首先应该核实一下”。根据句意的连贯判断选C。答案:C8How about dinner tonight? Its on me._AYou are welcome BOh, Id like toCWell, Im afraid so DThats all right解析:句意:今天一起吃个晚饭吧,我请客。_。从对话的连贯看,本空应该是对前面问题的回答,A项意为“不用谢”;B项意为“哦,好的”;C项意为“哦,恐怕是这样的”;D项意为“没关系”。根据语境选B表示同意对方的提议。答案:B9I cant remember those grammar rules!_. Practice more.AYoure not alone BIts hard to sayCIm afraid not DIts up to you解析:句意:我不能记住那些语法规则!_多练习。Youre not alone. “不止你自己”;Its hard to say.“很难说”;Im afraid not.“恐怕不行”;Its up to you.“由你决定”。根据答语中的关键词Practice more (多练习)可知空格处是安慰对方“不止你这样”,所以选择A。答案:A10Is Anne coming tomorrow? _If she were to come, she would have called me. AGo ahead BCertainlyCThats right DI dont think so解析:句意:安明天会来吗?_如果她真要来的话,早就给我打电话了。go ahead“行;做吧;用吧”;certainly“当然”;thats right“对;是的”;I dont think so“我不这样认为”答语中的虚拟语气强调与事实相反,可知答语者认为安明天是不会来的,所以选D。答案:D11Daddy,do you like it if I buy a wallet for my moms birthday?_ADont bother BThat all dependsCIt couldnt be betterDIts a good deal解析:句意为:爸爸,如果我买一个钱包作为妈妈的生日礼物,你觉得怎么样?再好不过了。Dont bother.“别麻烦了”;That all depends.“看情况吧”;It couldnt be better.“再好不过了”;Its a good deal.“就这么办吧”。根据语境选C项。答案:C12Lets go shopping after school._Call for me at any time.AHold on,please. BWhat for?CSounds good. DThat depends.解析:句意为:放学后我们去购物吧。听起来不错。你可以随时给我打电话。Hold on,please.“请别挂断”;What for?“为什么”;Sounds good.“听起来不错”,对别人提出的想法表示赞同;That depends.“看情况”。故选C项。答案:C13Hello,Sally.Hows everything going?_AThe same to youBI cant agree moreCThats rightDSurviving解析:句意为:你好,萨莉。一切还好吗?凑合过吧。The same to you.“你也一样。”;I cant agree more.“我非常同意。”;Thats right.“对啊。”;Surviving.“凑合过。”,省略现象,完整句子为“I am surviving.”表示情况不乐观。答案:D14Would you please buy me a bright paper package when you go shopping?_AId rather you wouldnt.BIts OK with me.CWhat for?DBy all means.解析:句意为:你购物时能帮我买一个亮色纸包装袋吗?当然可以。Id rather you wouldnt.“我宁愿你不那样做”;Its OK with me.“我还好”;What for?“为什么?”;By all means.“当然可以”。根据语境应选D项。答案:D15Is it my age that the boss minds?_He will consider it necessary to have an energetic and experienced assistant.AOf course not BEven soCIm afraid so DI hope not解析:句意为:老板介意的是我的年龄吗?恐怕是这样的。他认为拥有一个精力旺盛和经验丰富的助手是必要的。Of course not.“当然不是”和I hope not.“我希望不是”与后面句子意义矛盾;Even so.“虽然如此”,与语境不合。故选C项。答案:CB组1Do you like jazz?_I prefer classical music.AOf course I do BIts hard to sayCIts not my cup of teaDDont mention it解析:句意为:你喜欢爵士乐吗?我不感兴趣,我更喜欢古典音乐。C项意为“我不感兴趣;我不喜欢”,符合语境。A项意为“我当然喜欢”;B项意为“很难说”;D项意为“不用谢”。答案:C2Sally, do you mind if I take off my jacket?Of course not._AIt doesnt matterBMake yourself at homeCEnjoy yourselfDForget it解析:句意为:萨莉,你介意我脱下夹克吗?当然不,别拘束。B项意为“别拘束;别客气”,符合语境。A项意为“没关系”;C项意为“祝你玩得高兴”;D项意为“忘了吧”。答案:B3Michael quarreled with his neighbor last night._?As far as I know, they get on well with each other.AHow come BSo whatCWhy not DWhat for解析:句意为:迈克尔昨晚和邻居吵架了。怎么回事?据我所知,他们相处得挺好啊。A项意为“怎么回事?”,符合语境。B项意为“那又怎么样?”;C项意为“为什么不?”;D项意为“为了什么?”答案:A4A second, please.I have another call coming through._Im not in a hurry.AEnjoy yourself BLeave me aloneCDo as you like DTake your time解析:句意为:稍等一会儿,我有另一个电话打进来。别急,我不着急。D项意为“不着急”,符合语境。A项意为“祝你玩得高兴”;B项意为“让我单独待会”;C项意为“做你想做的”。答案:D5Chris,how about going to a seafood restaurant?_!I told you I dont like the smell of fish.AWhatever BNot againCYou bet DNo wonder解析:句意为:克里斯,去一家海鲜饭店吃饭怎么样?不要再去了!我告诉过你我不喜欢鱼味。根据设空处后的句子可知B项正确。A项意为“无论什么”;C项意为“你说对了;的确”;D项意为“不足为奇”。答案:B6We really enjoyed ourselves at the party.Thanks again.Mr.and Mrs.White._Just drop in whenever you feel like it.AWith pleasure BOur great honorCNice having you here DNice you are here解析:句意为:聚会上我们真的玩得很开心。再次感谢,怀特先生,怀特太太。很高兴你们能来这里。有空要常来。“Nice having you here.”与“Nice having met you.”是分别时的常用语;“With pleasure.”意为“当然了,很愿意”,表示客气地接受或同意;“Our great honor.”意为“深感荣幸”,是客人的礼貌用语。答案:C7Jenny, I think Ill just have some coffee for a change._The coffee I bought yesterday is in the cupboard.AChange it,please BNever mindCWith pleasure DHelp yourself解析:句意为:珍妮,我想喝杯咖啡换换口味。请自便。昨天我买的咖啡在橱柜里。“Help yourself.”意为“请随便用”,符合语境。答案:D8About income, I think most people deserve more than what they get._AYou have a point BIt serves you rightCNot likely DDont mention it解析:句意为:关于收入,我认为大多数人应得到的比他们所得的要多些。你说的有道理。“It serves you right.”意为“你活该”;“Not likely.”意为“不可能”;“Dont mention it.”意为“不客气”;“You have a point.”意为“说得对”,符合语境。答案:A9The frequent terrible coal mine accidents killed more than 1,000 people in China last year._AThats the case BQuite OKCCertainly DI agree解析:句意为:去年在中国,频繁可怕的矿难导致一千多人死亡。情况正是如此。“Thats the case.”意为“事情就是如此”,表示对别人说的话的赞同,符合语境。答案:A10Albert, I have a favor to ask you._AIts a pleasure BGo aheadCHelp yourself DIt doesnt matter解析:句意为:艾尔伯特,我想让你帮个忙。说吧。“Its a pleasure.”意为“不客气”,对感谢的回答;“Go ahead.”意为“用吧,拿吧,说吧”,对别人提出的请求表示同意;“Help yourself.”意为“自便”;“It doesnt matter.”意为“没关系”,对道歉的回答。根据语境选B项。答案:B11What should I wear for the party, darling?_Were already late!ACome on! BCheer up!CIts a long story. DDont mention it.解析:句意为:亲爱的,聚会我应该穿什么?快点。我们已经迟到了。“Cheer up!”意为“加油,振作起来”,对别人的鼓励;“Its a long story.”意为“说来话长”;“Dont mention it.”意为“不客气”;“Come on!”意为“赶快”,用于催促对方,符合语境。答案:A12Good evening.Bell Tower Hotel.Good evening._?AWhat would you like,pleaseBDo you still have a room for tonightCIs there anything I can do for youDWho is that speaking,please解析:句意为:晚上好。这是钟楼酒店。晚上好。今晚还有房间吗?根据语境,顾客在询问酒店是否有空余房间,故选B项。答案:B13Please sit down and have a break.You have been working on this machine nonstop for two hours.No,thanks._AIm not in the least tiredBIm too tired to moveCIm not a little tiredDIm a bit tired解析:句意为:请坐下休息一下吧。你已经在这台机器上连续地忙了两小时了。不,谢谢。我一点儿也不累。“Im too tired to move.”意为“我累得不能动了”;“Im not a little tired.”意为“我非常累了”;“Im a bit tired.”意为“我有点儿累了”,三个选项均与下文矛盾,故选A项(我一点儿也不累)。答案:A14You havent lost the concert ticket,have you?_I know it is not easy to get another one at the moment,but nowhere can I find it.ANo,I havent BI dont hope soCYes,Im afraid so DI hope not解析:句意为:你没把音乐会门票丢了,是吧?我希望不会。我知道此时此刻再找一张票不容易,但是我到处都找不到。根据下文,D项符合题意。答案:D15Excuse me,is the shop open around the clock?_Only from 8:00 am.to 4:00 pm.AIm not sure BWell,it dependsCThats right DIm afraid not解析:句意为:对不起,打扰一下,这家店是24小时营业吗?恐怕不是。营业时间只是从早上8点到下午4点。A项意为“我不知道”;B项意为“视情况而定”;C项意为“这是对的”,均不符合语境,故选D项。答案:D二、高分突破1I got that job I wanted at the public library._!Thats good news.AGo ahead BCheersCCongratulations DCome on解析:句意为:我得到了那份我想要的在公共图书馆的工作。祝贺你!这是个好消息。“Go ahead!”意为“行;做吧;用吧”;“Cheers!”意为“振作起来,加油”;“Congratulations!”意为“祝贺你”;“Come on!”意为“拜托;加油;得了吧”。故选C项。答案:C2How long have you been learning English?About four months._!Your English is so good.AYou cant be serious BYou got itCI couldnt agree moreDIm stuck解析:句意为:你学英语多长时间了?大约四个月。不是开玩笑吧!你的英语那么好。“You cant be serious.”意为“不要开玩笑”;“You got it.”意为“你做到了”;“I couldnt agree more.”意为“我非常同意”;“Im stuck.”意为“我被难住了”。根据句意可知选A项。答案:A3This is a really lively party.Theres a great atmosphere,isnt there?_The hosts know how to host a party.ADont worry BYes,indeedCNo,there isnt DIt all depends解析:句意为:这真是一场热闹的聚会。现场气氛非常好,不是吗?是的,的确不错。主人懂得如何举办聚会。根据语境可知回答应为肯定,故选B项(是的,确实)。答案:B4Im tired.Im taking next week off._,honey.You do need a break.ANot so sure BForget itCGreat idea DNo way解析:句意为:我累了。我下周请假。想法不错,亲爱的。你确实需要休息。根据句意可知此处回答应表示赞成,故选C项(好主意)。答案:C5I feel so nervous about the National English Speech Competition tomorrow._AI really envy you BGlad to hear thatCSounds great DTake it easy解析:第一句句意为:明天我要参加全国英语演讲比赛,我很紧张。根据题干中的nervous可知,答语应是“不要紧张”,表示安慰。故选D项。A项意为“我真羡慕你”;B项意为“听到那个我很高兴”;C项意为“听起来太棒了”;D项意为“不要紧张,放松”。答案:D6Im going to Venice next week._Carnival will be held then.Have fun!AYoure crazy BYoure luckyCYoud better not DYou never know解析:句意为:下周我打算去威尼斯。你真是太幸运了。狂欢节将在那时举行。祝你玩得愉快!根据后面句意可知是认为他很幸运,所以B项符合语境。答案:B7Marys been offered a job in a university,but she doesnt want to take it._?Its a very good chance.AGuess what BSo whatCWho cares DBut why解析:句意为:玛丽得到了大学里的一份工作,但是她不想接受。但是为什么?这是一个非常好的机会。A项意为“你猜怎么着?”;B项意为“那又如何?”;C项意为“谁在乎呢?”;D项意为“但是为什么?”。根据句意选D项。答案:D8How did your interview with the manager go?_He seemed interested in my experience, but he didnt ask for references.APerfect! BIm not sure.CThats right. DCouldnt be better.解析:句意为:经理对你的面试如何?我不确定。他对我的经历似乎感兴趣,但他没有要推荐信。根据后句可知我对此次面试的结果不是很确定。故选B项。答案:B9What shall we do tonight then?_whatever you want.AHelp yourself BIts a dealCNo problem DIts up to you解析:句意为:今天晚上我们做什么?你定吧你想做什么都行。由后一句可知D项“由你决定”符合语境。答案:D10Im terribly sorry to interrupt, but may I use your phone? Its rather urgent.Yes,_Awith pleasure Bno hurryCit doesnt matter Dof course解析:句意为:很抱歉打断你了,我可以用一下你的电话吗?我有急事。好的,当然可以。对方的请求是“我可以?”,由Yes可以看出是同意借给对方电话,相当于说“是的,你当然可以”,D项符合语境。A项用于表达同意对方的请求。如果对方说“你可以?”时,则A项也正确,相当于答语是“我很乐意”;B项表示安慰;C项用于回答对方的道歉。答案:D11OK,Ill fix your computer right now.Oh, take your time._AI cant stand itBIm in no hurryCThats a great ideaDIts not my cup of tea解析:句意为:好吧,我马上就修你的电脑。哦,别急,我不着急。“I cant stand it.”意为“我不能忍受”;“Im in no hurry.”意为“我不着急”;“Thats a great idea.”意为“好主意”;“Its not my cup of tea.”意为“非我所爱”。根据句意可知选B项。答案:B12You know,I met my girlfriends parents for the first time only yesterday._?I thought youd met them before.ASo what BPardonCReally DWhat for解析:句意为:你知道吗?我直到昨天才第一次去拜见我女朋友的父母。真的吗?我还以为你之前就见过他们呢。“So what?”意为“那又怎样?”;“Pardon?”意为“对不起,能再说一遍吗?”;“Really?”意为“真的吗?”;“What for?”意为“干什么用的?”。故选C项。答案:C13Reading is the best way to pass time on the train._I never go traveling without a book.AYou are joking BThats trueCI dont think so DIt sounds like fun解析:句意为:阅读是火车上消磨时间的最好方式。千真万确,我旅行时都要带本书。“You are joking.”意为“你在开玩笑”;“Thats true.”意为“千真万确”;“I dont think so.”意为“我不这样认为”;“It sounds like fun.”意为“听起来很有趣”。根据后句“I never go traveling without a book.”可知选B项。答案:B14Shall we go for a drink at one oclock this afternoon?_Will two oclock be OK?ASure,its up to youBSure,no problemCSorry,I cant make itDSorry,Im not available today解析:句意为:今天下午一点我们去喝点东西吧?抱歉,一点不行。两点钟可以吗?第二个人问:两点可以吗?意思是他一点时没空。故选C项。A项意为“当然可以,听你的”;B项意为“当然可以,没问题”;D项意为“抱歉,我今天没空”。答案:C15Excuse me,but could I trouble you for some change?_Will pennies do?AI know BNever mindCI am sure DLet me see解析:句意为:打扰一下,麻烦你换些零钱好吗?让我看看,便士行吗?根据语境可知答案为D项。答案:D16Forgotten something?I can keep an eye on your kids if you want to go and get it._Thank you all the same.AIts very kind of you.BOh,how careless of me!CI might as well go and get it.DWell, I can do without it.解析:句意为:忘了什么东西了吗?如果你想去取的话,我可以帮你照看一下孩子。哦,我没那个东西也行,不过还是谢谢你。A项意为“你真是太好了”;B项意为“哦,我太粗心了!”;C项意为“我还是自己去取好了”;D项意为“我没那个东西也行”。根据后句“不管怎样还是感谢你”可知他不需要帮忙,故选D项。答案:D17This is your order,a hamburger and an apple pie._?Ill have it here.AAnything else BIs that OKCFor here or to go DSomething to drink解析:句意为:这是您点的餐,一个汉堡和一个苹果派。在这儿吃还是带走?我就在这儿吃。根据答句“我就在这儿吃”可知答案选C项。答案:C


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