(通用版)2020版高考英语三轮复习 题型突破练 语法填空 短文改错限时组合练1

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(通用版)2020版高考英语三轮复习 题型突破练 语法填空 短文改错限时组合练1_第1页
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(通用版)2020版高考英语三轮复习 题型突破练 语法填空 短文改错限时组合练1_第2页
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(通用版)2020版高考英语三轮复习 题型突破练 语法填空 短文改错限时组合练1_第3页
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语法填空+短文改错限时组合练1(限时30分钟)Unit1.语法填空Every Wednesday at 7 pm,a group of running enthusiasts from different countries gather at a bar in Shanghai before setting 1 on their 5-kilometer run.But this is no ordinary run.These people 2 (arm) with trash bags.The members of this group dont simply run for the sake of good health.They do it for the sake of the Earth 3 well.Called “plogging”,this new fitness activity originated in Sweden in 2016 and was introduced to Shanghai in 2018.The term is a combination of the words “jogging” and “plocka upp”,4 means “pick up”.By the summer of 2018,just a few months after Trash Running China was founded,5 (it) WeChat group had grown to introduce more than 400 runners.To make the activity more fun for both 6 (newcomer) and regular ploggers,Trash Running China also 7 (frequent) organizes longer weekend runs in the suburban areas.“We want more people to hold small plogging groups and have a 8 (responsible) to organize trash running activities in their own neighborhoods”,says Eisenring,who founded Trash Running China.“Plogging is a way 9 (know) the people and the city a bit more,” says Robbin Trebbe,one of the 10 (late) runners to join the group.短文改错Skipping rope is a sport suitable for people of all age.People skip rope for fun and exercise.Every student are able to learn to skip.You can skip alone or with your classmates.If you skip alone,you will need short rope about double the length of your high.You should turn the rope slow so that you can skip safely.It might help with if you can sing a rhyme while skip.When you skip,your heart beats fast than usual and your body is stressed.Therefore,stop for a rest after you injure yourself.So,pick up a rope,finding a silly rhyme and start skipping.Unit2.语法填空There are many reasons 1 college and university students often fail 2 (get) full nights of sleep.Many American students are away from their parents for the first time when they attend college.They might not be used to having total 3 (free) in how they plan their days and nights.Parties,late night study meetings,or just time spent relaxing with friendsthese are all things that cut into college students sleep habits.A few years ago,Michael Scullin began teaching 4 science of sleep to psychology students at Baylor University in Waco,Texas.Scullin is an assistant professor at Baylor and the director of its Sleep Neuroscience and Cognition Laboratory.He says his students seemed to enjoy the class and were interested in the material he was teaching.The class 5(center) round why the body needs to sleep and the physical and mental health problems 6 (cause) by a lack of sleep.This includes difficulty focusing on studies or 7 (control) ones attentions,and increased risk of many diseases.The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that adults need at least seven hours of sleep a night to stay 8 (health).Scullin found students who slept more performed 9 (well) in two different classes,10 he published his findings in two academic publications last November.短文改错On December 30,after two weeks training,we finally began our work for volunteer guides in a museum.During the first two weeks,I learnt a lot about the story behind the artworks.In order to do good in the work,my teammates and I made fully preparations.We first worked out a careful plan.Then we practiced use proper body language to explain the artworks better.The month-long volunteer work has now come to end,from what I understand that it isnt easy to be a good guide.Besides,I also realize that how important teamwork is.I believed that I will get lifelong benefits from the short and meaningful experience.答案与解析语法填空+短文改错限时组合练1Unit1.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。短文介绍了边跑边捡垃圾这种新式健康活动的相关内容。1.off/out考查副词。此处setoff/out表示“出发”之意。2.arearmed考查被动语态和主谓一致。句子主谓语之间是被动关系,由上下文可知使用一般现在时,而句子主语是复数形式,故填arearmed。3.as考查固定搭配。此处句意为“他们还为了地球而跑”,使用的是固定搭配aswell“也,还”。4.which考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空格后是非限制性定语从句,因而填关系代词which指代先行词plockaupp。5.its考查代词。此处指“TrashRunningChina”这一组织的微信群,因而填its。6.newcomers考查名词复数。由句中“both”和“regularploggers”可知应填名词复数形式。7.frequently考查副词。由句子结构可知应使用副词frequently(频繁地)修饰动词organizes。8.responsibility考查词形转换。空格前a暗示其后应填名词单数形式,此处表示“一种责任”。9.toknow考查不定式。由句意“边跑边捡垃圾是了解人和城市多一点的一种方式”,而waytodo(做某事的方式)是一种固定用法。10.latest考查形容词。空格处表示“最新加入这一群体的跑步者之一”,故填latest(最新的)。.Skipping rope is a sport suitable for people of all ageages.People skip rope for fun and exercise.Every student areis able to learn to skip.You can skip alone or with your classmates.If you skip alone,you will need a short rope about double the length of your highheight.You should turn the rope slowslowly so that you can skip safely.It might help if you can sing a rhyme while skipskipping.When you skip,your heart beats fastfaster than usual and your body is stressed.Therefore,stop for a rest afterbefore you injure yourself.So,pick up a rope,findingfind a silly rhyme and start skipping.1.ageages考查名词复数。由前面的“peopleofall”可知,此处应使用age的复数形式ages。2.areis考查主谓一致和时态。主语everystudent为第三人称单数,且句子为一般性描述,故把are改为is。3.short之前加a考查冠词。由句意可知,此处rope表示单数泛指意义,且short以辅音音素开头,故应使用不定冠词。4.highheight考查词性转换。由句意可知,此处指“你的身高”,故应使用名词height。5.slowslowly考查副词。此处修饰动词turn应使用副词slowly。6.删除help之后的with考查介词。由句意可知,此处表示“会有所帮助”,动词help后并无宾语,因而with多余。7.skipskipping考查动词-ing形式。由句子结构可知,此处while从句中省略了主语you和谓语动词are,故应使用动词-ing形式skipping。8.fastfaster考查形容词比较级。空格后的than这一信息暗示了答案,应使用比较级形式faster。9.afterbefore考查连词。由句意可知,此处表示“在伤害到你自己之前”,应把after改为before。10.findingfind考查祈使句。由句中“pickuparope,.andstartskipping”这一信息可知,句子含有三个并列的祈使句,故把finding改为动词原形find。Unit2.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。短文介绍了美国教师的研究发现:睡眠多的学生课堂表现更好。1.why考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空格后是定语从句,先行词是reasons,故填关系副词why。2.toget考查不定式。由句意可知,此处表示“不能睡好觉”,使用的是failtodo(未能做)这一用法。3.freedom考查词形转换。由空格前“havingtotal”可知空格处应填名词freedom。4.the考查冠词。由句意可知,空格处特指“睡眠科学”,故填定冠词the。5.centered考查时态。由前一句时态可知,此处应使用一般过去时,介绍做过的实验所关注的内容。6.caused考查过去分词。由句意和句子结构可知,空格后应填过去分词做后置定语,修饰前面的名词problems。7.controlling考查动词-ing形式。分析句子结构可知,空格处应填controlling,与空格前focusingonstudies保持一致。另外,空格前连词or也是解题信息。8.healthy考查词形转换。由句意可知,空格处表示“保持健康”,故填形容词healthy。9.better考查副词比较级。由句意可知,本句暗含比较意义,即睡眠多的学生表现更好,故填better。10.and考查并列连词。由句意可知“Scullin发现睡眠多的学生表现更好”和“他在两份学术刊物上发表了自己的发现”是并列关系,故填连词and。.On December 30,after two weeks training,we finally began our work foras volunteer guides in a museum.During the first two weeks,I learnt a lot about the storystories behind the artworks.In order to do goodwell in the work,my teammates and I made fullyfull preparations.We first worked out a careful plan.Then we practiced useusing proper body language to explain the artworks better.The month-long volunteer work has now come to an end,from whatwhich I understand that it isnt easy to be a good guide.Besides,I also realize how important teamwork is.I believedbelieve that I will get lifelong benefits from the short andbut meaningful experience.1.foras考查介词。此处表示“当志愿者向导”,而workas是固定搭配,意为“担任,充当”。2.storystories考查名词复数。由后面“behindtheartworks”这一信息可知,此处名词story应为复数意义,故改为stories。3.goodwell考查副词。由句意可知此处表示“为了做好工作”,dowellin是固定短语,意为“在做得好”。4.fullyfull考查形容词。由句意和句子结构可知,应使用形容词full作定语,修饰后面的名词preparations。5.useusing考查动词-ing形式。此处表示“练习做某事”,而practice习惯上接动词-ing形式作宾语,故应把use改为using。6.在end之前加an考查冠词。cometoanend是固定短语,意为“结束”。7.whatwhich考查定语从句。由句意和句子结构可知,此处表示“我从为期三个月的志愿者工作中了解到”,是非限制性定语从句,先行词是volunteerwork,因而应改为关系代词which。8.删除how之前的that考查连词。分析句子成分并结合句意“合作是多么重要”可知,realize后面应接how引导的宾语从句,因而连词that多余。9.believedbelieve考查时态。由前一句可知,本句也是在客观地谈自己做志愿者工作的感受,因而应使用一般现在时。10.andbut由句意可知,此处short和meaningful这两个词义之间是转折关系,故应使用连词but。8


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