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曲阜师大附中2015级必修2 Unit 4 词汇认知学案一、词汇认知:快速读读记记3至4遍词汇表单词和短语。二、词汇扩展:根据提示写出所给单词的另一形式。1. protect vt. 保护 _ (n. 保护) 2. decrease vt. & vi. 减少 _ (反义词:vt. & vi.增加) 3. respond vi. 回答;响应 _ (n. 反应;回答) 4. distant adj. 远的,远处的 _(n. 距离)5. relief n. 减轻;缓解 _ (vt. 解除;缓解)6. mercy n. 仁慈 _ (adj. 仁慈的) 7. certain adj. 确定的 _ (adj. 不确定的)8. appreciate v. 鉴赏,感激 _(n.欣赏,感激)9. succeed vi. 成功 _ (n. 成功) _ (adj. 成功的)10. employ vt. 雇佣 _ (n. 雇主) _ (n. 雇员)11. harm n. & vt. 伤害 _ (adj. 有害的) _ (adj. 无害的)12. inspect vt. 检查;视察_ (n. 检查) _ (n. 视察者)三、词汇用法 1. protection n. 保护protect vt. 保护;防御 protect against/from保护使不受He wears sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight. 他戴着太阳镜以遮挡强烈的太阳光线。2. decrease vt. &vi. 减少;减小 The club members decreased to two hundred. 该俱乐部会员减至200人。The traffic accidents in the city decreased by 30% last year. 该城市去年交通事故减少了百分之三十。【归纳】decreased to decreased by 3. die out 灭绝;灭种That custom died out years ago. 那种风俗许多年前就消失了。4. loss n. 损失;丧失 lose v. 丢失;错过 lost adj. 迷路的;丢失的 The company suffered a heavy loss as a result of that mistake. 因为那次错误,公司损失惨重。5. in danger of 在危险中;垂危 反义词组:out of danger 脱离危险Many of the wildlife animals are in danger of dying out. 许多野生动物有灭绝的危险。The operation was a success and she is now out of danger. 手术成功了,她现在已脱离危险。【拓展】danger n. 危险 dangerous adj. 危险的 endanger vt. 危险;使遭到危险 6. relief n. (焦虑、痛苦)减轻;缓解 I was in relief when the exam was over. 考试结束后我松了口气。 To my great relief, the difficulties were all overcome. 使我大为欣慰的是,困难全都克服了。 【归纳】如释重负 让某人感到欣慰的是 【对比】believe (v. 相信;信任) belief (n. 相信;信仰) relieve (v. 减轻;解除) relief (n. 减轻;缓解)7. burst into + n. 突然进入(某种状态);闯入 burst into tears=burst out crying 突然哭了起来 burst into laugher=burst out laughing 突然大笑起来 On hearing the bad news, the little girl burst into tears/burst out crying. 一听到这个噩耗,小女孩就大哭了起来。8. certain adj. 某种;一定的;确信的;有把握的 for a certain reason 为了某种理由 He is certain to come. = It is certain that he will come. 他肯定会来。9. contain vt. 包含; 容纳 The book contains all the information you need. 这本书包含你所需要的一切信息。I could hardly contain my curiosity. 我简直无法克制我的好奇心。注意:contain 和include 的不同用法include 一般指包括整体中的某一部分,常用其现在分词形式表示解释性说明,此时也可以借助于过去分词:At least twenty people were killed in the explosion, including two children.=At least twenty people were killed in the explosion, two children included.至少有20个人在爆炸中丧生,其中包括两名儿童。contain 通常指包括全部,还可指含有某种成分。The Chinese diet contains a lot of fruit and vegetables.中国饮食含有大量的水果蔬菜。This book contains 5 units, including one about wildlife.这本书有5个单元,包括一个关于野生动植物保护单元。10. affect vt. 影响;感动;侵袭 We were deeply affected by her words. 我们深深地为她的话所感动。The Ebola virus affects many people in Africa. 埃博拉病毒使很多非洲人民受到了感染。effect n. 影响,What he said has an effect on me.常用搭配 have an effect on11. pay attention to 注意;留心 We should pay more attention to our mental health. 我们应该更注重心理健康。 He pays much attention to improving his writing skills. attract/draw/catch ones attention have sbs attention 12. appreciate vt. 鉴赏,欣赏;感谢 appreciate + n. /doing感激某事/做某事 I appreciate your kindness. 谢谢你的好意。 I appreciate being invited to the party. 我很感激能被邀请参加聚会。 I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice. 如果你能给我一些建议,我将十分感激。13. succeed vi. 成功 vt. 接替,继任 At last they succeed in finishing the task. 最后他们成功地完成了任务。 She will succeed her father as the manager of the company. 她将接替她的父亲成为公司经理。 【拓展】succeed in (doing) sth. 在成功;be successful in 在成功;a great success 巨大的成功者;非常成功的事14. employ vt. 雇佣;利用 She employs a cook. 她雇了一名厨师。She is employed in preparing for the meeting.【拓展】employee n. employer n. employment n. 15. harm n. & vt. 伤害 harmful adj. 有害的 harmless adj. 无害的 As is known to all, smoking does harm to health. 众所周知,吸烟有害健康。 do harm to sb/sth=do sb/sth harm16. come into being 形成;产生 When did the club come into being? 俱乐部是什么时候成立的? A new rule will come into being soon. 一条新规则很快就要出台。【拓展】come into use 开始使用 come into effect 开始生效17. inspect vt. 检查;视察 inspection n. 视察;检阅 inspector n. 视察者 The Minister of Education inspected our school last week. 教育部长上周视察了我们学校。18. according to 根据;按照 According to experts opinion, they gave up the experiment immediately.根据专家们的意见,他们马上放弃了这项实验。19. so that 以致于;结果 We did well in the exam so that we were praised by the head teacher. 我们考试考得不错,结果受到了班主任的表扬。【对比】so that还可以引导目的状语从句,多译为“为的是,为了,以便”,从句中多使用can/could,maymight,will/would等情态动词。 I sat in the front so that I could see the actors more clearly. 为了更清楚地看见演员,我坐在了前面。四. Knowledge learningI.短语翻译(从课文中找出下列短语,并背诵) (1) 灭绝 _ (2) 保护不受危害_ (3) 和平地 _ (4) 注意 _ (5) 在危险中_ (6)形成,产生 _ (7) 如释重负,松了口气 _ (8) 根据,按照_ (9) 突然笑起来_ (10) 以致,结果 _ (11)建立,创立_ (12) 转身,好转_ (13) 渴望做某事 _ (14) 过去通常做_ (15)被用来做 _ (16)依靠,指望,取决于 _ II.句子翻译(从课文中找出下列句子,并背诵)1.请带我到遥远的地方,在那里我可以找到为制作这件毛衣而提供毛绒的那种动物。(P26)_2. 黛西如释重负,突然笑起来。(P26) _3. 农民们残忍地捕杀我们。(P26)_4. 如果游客付给农民钱的话,他们允许游客猎取一定数量的动物。(P26) _5这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性,不过,我还是想按照世界野生生物基金会(WWF)的建议来帮助你们。(P26)_ 6. 它含有一种强效的药物可以驱蚊。(P26)_7. 你们应该多加关注我们热带雨林,并且懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生活的。(P26)_8. 要想成功保护动植物必须要做些什么事?(P27)_9. 能够雇他们在公园中工作并且不伤害动物吗?(P27)_10应该如何惩罚伤害动物的人?(P27) _11. 千百万年前,恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多,当时他们的前景好像也很安全。(P30)_12. 科学家们观察他们的骨骼时,惊奇地发现他们不仅跟其他恐龙一样可以跑,而且还可以爬树。(P30)_13. 根据联合国的一份报告,在过去的500年里,大约有844种动物已经消失。(P30)_五、巩固运用I. 单句改错1. According by his survey, this kind of animals died out a century ago. 2. It was great relief to find that my parents were safe. 3. We should try to protect our environment to being polluted. 4. It is said that his sister succeeded getting the job. 5. About a hundred companies are come into being every year in this city. II. 语法填空1. He raised his arm to protect his face _ the blow. 2. His father is one of the most (succeed) businessmen in the city. 3. I will appreciate _(receive) your reply soon. 4. As we know, eating junk food is _(harm) to our health. 5. Hearing the joke, all the students burst out _(laugh). III. 句子翻译:把下列句子译成英语。1. 二十年前,熊猫曾经处于灭绝的危险之中。 (in danger of; die out)_2. 他们与邻居和睦相处。(in peace)_3. 你如果能借给我一些钱,我会非常感激。(appreciate)_4. 她成功地买到了火车票。(succeed in)_5. 我们出发得早,结果赶上了第一班公交车。(so that)_I. (1)die out (2)protect from (3)in peace (4)pay attention to (5)in danger (6) come into being (7) in relief (8)according to (9)burst into laughter (10) so that (11)set up (12)turn around (13)long to do . (14)used to do (15)be used to do (16)depend on 7


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