unit1 表格教案

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6B Unit 1 第一课时一 教学内容:B.Look, read and learn. C.Work in pairs.二 教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词tall, Young, old, heavy, short, strong, than和asas.2.能听、说、读懂本单元中所学的形容词及比较级。3.能听、说、读句型Whos taller than?is taller than三 教学重点:1.掌握本部分所学的形容词及其比较级,并能运用于情景中。2.掌握句型Whos than? Whoseis?四 教学难点:了解并掌握形容词比较级在语音与字形上的变化。五 教具准备:录音机、磁带、相关实物、图片等六 教学过程:Step 1 Warming up.1.Listen to a song: I wish I was taller2.Greetings.3.Free talk.可围绕以下句型与不同学生展开,提前渗透比较级:Hello.Good morning! Nice to see you at new term. How old are you now? Oh. Youre younger than me. Look, he is tall. Whos taller than him? Look at my scarf. Its long. The scarf is longer than this ruler(随着手拿一尺子)Step 2 Presentation1.Learn old-older, young-younger师生交谈引出生词:old-older, young-younger. T:Im 30 years old. FuBo is 12 years old. Im older than FuBo.FuBo is younger then me.操练句型: Whosthan?师随意问两个同学的年龄后,指着两个学生问其他学生:Whos older/younger than?并引导生回答。2.出示单词: tall-taller, short-shorter, small-smaller复 备 栏补充:形容词比较级的构成:1、单音节词末尾加er,2、单音节词如词尾以e结尾,直接加r,3、闭音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须双写这个字母,再加er,4、少数以y结尾的词,如果y前是辅音字母,则变y为I,再加er.在学完比较级之后,我会补充一个练习:Long_Tall_Big_Heavy_Short_Small_在第一个环节listen to the song:I wish I was taller我打算把它放在后面的环节中处理,这样在学生感到一些疲惫后,课适当调节学生的注意力。引导学生根据发现的规律进行练读。引导学生自己发现并总结比较级一般情况下的发音与书写规律。3.拼读old, young, tall, heavy。4.出示big, fat, thin, heavy鼓励生写出比较级,并适当出示正确单词。强调特殊情况下比较级单词的变化规律。Heavy-heavier, big-bigger.指导朗读。fatter与heavier发音多模仿录音。5.Learn long, longer由Free talk引出long, longer。出示单词指导生朗读,并比较两词区别。其间教师不断地出示实物,例如:头发、铅笔、小尺等,边比较边发音long-longer。Practice in pairs指导生利用现有实物练说long-longer6.Learn Whoseis, yours or mine?教师将围巾与学生围巾放在一起问:Whose scarf is longer,yours or mine?并指导生回答,并替换练习。Practice in pairs生利用现有实物进行问答练习Ss act.Step 3 Consolidation1.Listen to the tape and read after the tape.2.Look and read.出示图片进行比较,指导生认读。3.Work in pairs.Picture 1-2,出示挂图,师示范并随机板书句子。Groups work.出示相关图片,引导学生进行替换练习。4.学生看图笔头完成句子,选择其中的任意一幅写下来,并让学生写在黑板上,集体校对。Step 4 SummaryStep 5 Homework1.Listen to the tape and repeat.(B部分)2.Write the words of part B two times or make word cards.3.Make dialogues use the words.后记:本课学完形容词性比较级之后,听似简单,但是运用起来学生依然感觉很困难。我详细地介绍了形容词性比较级造句的模式,并举例说明。如:I am taller than him.强调这句话中的be动词以及than的重要作用。在学完比较级之后,我会补充一个练习:Long_Tall_Big_Heavy_Short_Smal_Heavy-heavierBig-biggerFat-fatterThin-thinner引导学生们来记口诀:形容词比较级如果以y结尾,变y为I,加er,heavy-heavier别忘记,big,bigger很特殊,双写辅音慢慢来领悟;还有两个更特殊,good变better,bad 变worse;两物相比要加than,小朋友们记牢固。6B Unit 1 第二课时一 教学内容:A Listen, read and say.二 教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读单词词组:minute, twin, child、also, chat, met, one day, only so, goalkeeper, centimetre。2.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Im as tall as you. Su Yangs(twenty minutes)younger than Su Hai.3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David.三 教学重点:1.能正确、规范地朗读课文,理解课文内容。2.掌握句型Whosthan?四 教学难点:1.流利、规范地朗读课文。2.灵活运用句型:than与asas的交际使用。五 教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1.Listen to a song: I wish I was taller2.Greetings.3.Free talk.利用室内现有物品围绕上节课所学句型师生交谈,接着放手让学生与学生交流,如:Hello!Is this your ruler? Wheres her/his ruler? Whose ruler is longer, yours or hers/his? How old are you? Whos younger/older than you?Do you know? Whos fat/thin?Whos taller/shorter than? Look, is as tall as(此句重在引导生理解asas句式为本课学习新型做铺垫)Step 2 Presentation1.学习引言部分出示Jack人物画,向学生介绍:This is Jack. Hes Bens cousin. Hes only five years old. Youre older than him. And youre taller than him. Wheres he?出示课文情境图。Listen to the tape and answer the questions.(先用小黑板或投影片呈现问题,之后听录音回答)复 备 栏课前强调作业中的错误:A be 形容性比较级 than BI am shorter than her,(宾格)I am taller than him,(宾格)The policeman is fatter than my father.我也会试着直接出示本课对话图片或多媒体课件,作如下介绍:This was the last day of the vocation.Suhai wanted to have a walk.Look,she met Ben .Whos the boy?Oh,hes Bens counsin,Jack.Hes younger than Ben and hes shorter.Suhai was glad to see them.What did they talk aboout?Lets listen.a.Who went for a walk in the park On Sunday morning?b.Who did she meet?c.What did she do?根据回答随机出示并学习词组go for a walk, have a chat, meet-metListen to the tape and imitate.四人小组分组自己读,互相提出问题。2.学习twin, look the same, twenty minutes, one day.出示Su Hai和Su Yang的图片谈话形式引出twin, look the same, twenty minutes如:T: Look at the picture. Who are they?S: Theyre Su Hai and Su Yang.T: Yes. Theyre twins.(出示单词)They look the same.(出示词组)Do you know who younger?Su Yang is twenty minutes younger than Su Hai.(出示词组twenty minutes)Do you want to meet them one day?(出示one day)指导朗读出示的词组。3.Listen to the tape and answer questions.Do Su Hai and Su Yang look the same?Is Su Hai as tall as Su Yang?Whos younger, Su Hai or Su Yang?Does Jack have any brothers or sisters?Whos Jimmy?How old is Jimmy?Whos younger, Jimmy or Jack?(注意不同层次学生练习反馈情况)Step 3 Consolidation1.Listen to the tape and repeat.(出示本部分挂图,生边听边观察图)2.Read after the tape.3.完成课后填空题。生自由填空Check and read.Step 4 SummaryStep 5 Homework1.Listen and recite the text.2.根据家庭照片模仿课文内容,自编对话。3.预习。后记:本课主要学习形容词性原级A be as 形容词原级 as B和形容词比较级A be 形容词比较级than B这两种句式,很多学生在形容词比较级加er,这种特征弄丢掉,句子中的谓语动词be常常漏掉这是我们检查学生作业时的重点,也是指导学生学习时的重难点。复 备 栏通过听录音回答问题,可以对课文内容有更详实的了解同时也可以训练学生的口语,正确回答一般疑问句句式,真是一举三得。在课的结尾,与学生分享名句:Seeing is believing.眼见为实Art is long,life is short.人生短暂,学艺无穷。Live and learn.活到老,学到老。Easier said than done.说起来容易学起来难All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。6B Unit 1 第三课时一 教学内容:C.Work in pairs. D. Listen and write.二 教学目标:1.能熟练掌握句型“Whos taller than David?Whose schoolbag is heavier, yours or mine?”并能灵活进行替换练习。2.能听懂所听内容,提取有用信息,并用完成填空的方式重构信息。3.在激发学生兴趣的基础上提高学生的听力。三 教学重点:1.根据提供的单词灵活替换句型。2.根据所听内容完成信息重构。四 教学难点:全体学生熟练运用形容词比较级。五 教具准备:录音机、磁带、图片等。六 教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings2.Sing a song: I wish I was taller.3.Daily report.4.Free talk.围绕本单元的B部分单词及句型Whosthan?Whosethan?asas等句型结合学生实际与生进行闲谈。Step 2 Revision1.学生分角色模仿录音朗读对话(A部分内容)2.小组竞赛巩固词汇,师出示玩具及实物,一名学生快速说出形容词,如fat,同桌则说出其比较级,以此来复习形容词及比较级。3.Look and write.根据出示的单词,让学生写出它们的比较级。如:old-older复 备 栏本部分重点操练句型whos taller than David?Ghaoshan is.Whose swchool bag is heavier ,yours or mine?此部分的学习应与词汇教学相联系。通过歌曲激发学生的兴趣,课堂气氛好,师生关系和谐。建议教师结合生活实际设计一些日常生活的问题,对所学内容做适当扩展对话,引导学生在真实的情境中运用语言。如用Whos taller,your father or your mother?Which is lobnger,Changjiang or the Yellow River?4.Look and say出示图片,引导生用Whosthan? Whoseis进行对话。如:Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is. Whose schoolbag is heavier, yours or mine? Yours is ,I think.出示单词,引导生替换。old, young, long, tall, short, fat用Whosthan? Whoseis?就班级同学及物品进行对话操练。Step 3 Presentation1.Look and say出示图片,指导讨论图片内容。如:How many people are there in the photo? Who are they? Whos older, the man in black or in blue? Whos younger, the woman in green or in purple?2.Listen to the tape.指导生边听边记录关键词3.Listen and complete4.Listen and repeat5.Listen and check6.Read the sentences.Step 4 SummaryStep 5 Homework1.根据D部分图片,用Whosthan Whoseis?写对话。2.选择完成C部分的替换练习,并与同位操练对话。3.预习。后记:本课的作业中要求学生写话,这一点对于写作不太自信的学生来说,教师可在学生写之前,适当地讲解句子的构成,帮助部分学生先练熟句子,带着学生先练写,熟练之后在放手。复 备 栏利用学生自带的实物如:书、尺子、橡皮等学生随身带的东西。用适当的形容词来操练:Whose ruler is longer,yours or mine?Yours is,I think.这样,学生很乐意开口说英语。6B Unit 1 第四课时一 教学内容:E. Look, read and judge与补充练习A部分。二 教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、认读单词centimeters。2.通过观察、朗读、训练学生阅读理解语篇的能力,并能针对问题做出正确判断。3.通过听力练习,提高学生观察思维及听的能力。三 教学重点:能正确流利朗读阅读材料,并理解内容。四 教学难点:1.流利、规范朗读语言材料。2.强调asas用法。五 教具准备:录音机、磁带、图片、词卡等。六 教学过程Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Sing a song: I wish I was taller!3.Daily report.4.Free talk.利用室内现有物品及学生实际情况,创设真实的语言情境,围绕B.C部分的词句及asas句型与学生间灵活展开对话,以此检查学生对知识掌握情况:Step2 Revision1.分角色朗读A对话内容。2.根据对话回答问题(多关注学困生)On Sunday morning. where did Su Hai go for a walk?Who did she meet?What did they do under a big tree?Do Su Yang and Su Hai look the same?Is Su Hai as tall as Su Yang?Whos younger, Su Hai or Su Yang?Does Jack have any brothers or sisters?How old is Jack?复 备 栏补充练习:在星期天早晨聊天去散步看起来一样与.一样高_一个双胞胎姐妹_一个双胞胎姐或妹_唯一的孩子_坐下按要求改写句子:SU HAI has a twin sister.(改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)_设计一系列的问题,可以锻炼学生的口语,也可以对课文做一个回顾。3.小组竞赛复习词汇。甲组学生出示物品或图片,乙组学生快速说出形容词及其比较级,两组交换进行。4.教师写出形容词原级,生写出比较级。Step3 Presentation1.导读E部分引言部分,学习goal keeper。2.生自由朗读。3.学习165 centimeters。出示指导朗读,并适当拓展。让学生学会用英语表达自己的身高。4.指导生完成下面的判断。5.Read and check.Step4 Do exercise(练习册A部分)1.Look at the pictures and talk about them.(可让生同位间进行)2.Listen to the tape.(指导生记录关键词语)3.Listen and repeat.4.Listen and judge.5.Listen and check.Step 5 SummaryStep 6 Homework1.Read the text and try to recite.2.Read and write the words in part B three times or make word cards.后记:本课时主要复习所学的单词,创设了一些游戏,如分小组竞赛说单词,学的积极性非常高,比较容易记住这些单词。我还安排了一个游戏,我写形容词原级,学生写形容词比较级,这样不但顾及到学生的口语训练,还锻炼了学生写的能力。复 备 栏按要求写单词:Big (比较级)_ Heavy (比较级)_Fat(比较级)_Thin (比较级)_Smaller(比较级)_You (名词性物主代词)I (名词性物主代词))_通过游戏营造一种激烈的氛围,教学效果可想而知。6B Unit 1 第五课时一 教学内容:F.Play a game G. Listen and repeat.二 教学目标:1.通过游戏,复习巩固本单元所学的知识。2.帮助学生了解字母组合or在单词中的发音规律。3.通过观察、听录音,复习检查对知识掌握情况,并进一步提高听力水平。三 教学重点:能熟练掌握本单元所学的词、句,并能灵活运用形容词的比较级。四 教学难点:根据所听内容,做出正确判断。五 教具准备:录音机、磁带、词卡等。六 教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.e.g. What day is it today? What date is it today?2.Listen to a song: I wish I was taller!3.Free talk.(围绕本单元内容进行交谈)Step2 Revision1.Read the text in groups.(分组分角色朗读A部分对话)2.Listen to the tape, then perform the dialogue in Part A.3.Look and read.教师读单词,只展示口型,不出声,生猜单词。出示词卡(形容词原形)生抢答说出其比较级。出示图片背面,生猜单词。4.Look and write出示图片,生写出相应单词。出示形容词原形,生写出其比较级。5.Look and say复 备 栏补充练习:1.A goats neck is as _(long)as a giraffes neck.2.Jimmys one year (young)han Jack.3.I want _(meet)her one day4.Whose school bag is _(heavier),yours or mine?5.Ill _ (be)the goalkeeper.Free talk 内容仅仅围绕本单元重点知识展开:1、 Whos taller,you or I2、 Whose school bag is heavier ,yours or mine,3、 David is stronger than出示C部分图,根据提示,生与生之间进行对话。Step 3 Play a game1.讲解游戏规则,引入竞争机制。2.指导生读懂游戏内容。3.示范游戏规则。4.Groups work.Step 4 Listen and repeat1.Listen to the tape.2.指导看图,谈论图意,从而引出单词:bird, girl, skirt, T-shirt引导学生规纳发音是否相同。3.Read after the tape.4.体会并总结发音特点,鼓励生归纳。5.Read the sentences.Step 5 Do exercises(B部分)1.Look at the pictures and talk about them.引导学生讨论四幅图中人物的特征,告诉学生抓住人物的主要特征听录音,并进行判断,如:P1:The girl is fat. P2:The girl is short. P3:The girl is tall. The girls eyes are big.2.Listen to the tape.指导生记录关键词语3.Listen and repeat.4.Listen and check.5.Group work.Step 6 SummaryStep 7 Homework1.课后自由组合,表演对话内容。2.写出B部分四幅图中的人物特征。3.预习。后记:本课时是听力练习,在做听力练习之前教师给与学生一些指导,让学生明白一些做题的技巧,尽管这样,听力仍然是学生较为困难的一项,教师要多想点子。复 备 栏师讲解过C部分图之后,让学生之间相互交流,这样才能达到人人都操练,从而人人都参与的效果。6B Unit 1 第六课时一 教学内容:H. Sing a song 练习册C、D、E、F部分。二 教学目标:1.全面复习巩固本单元所学的单词、词组、句型。2.理解歌曲内容,能准确唱出歌曲I wish I was taller。3.通过练习,检查学生对所学知识的掌握情况,并以此提高学生的语言实际运用能力。三 教学重点:熟练掌握并运用所学的单词、词组、句型。四 教学难点:培养学生阅读理解及书写的综合能力。五 教具准备:录音机、磁带、图片、词卡等。六 教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.Listen to the tape.简单介绍歌词大意。Sing after the tape.(2遍)自编歌词,巩固重点句型。3.Free talk.结合学生的实际情况及室内现有物品,围绕本单元词句与学生展开闲谈。Step2 Revision1.分角色朗读A部分。2.Listen and answer.(D部分)Whos younger, Su Hais aunt or Su Hais mother?Is the man in black Su Hais uncle?Is Su Hais father stronger than Su Hais uncle?Whos older, Su Hais father or Su Hais uncle?3.Listen and write.(B部分形容词及其比较级)4.Look and write.出示C部分图片,指导生写出对话。5.play a game.描述班级同学特征猜出是谁。T: He is 12 years old. Hes taller than.Hes fatter than.His eyes are.6.听写本单元四会单词、词组、句型。复 备 栏补充练习:Why _you look_?Im not doing _in PE.David _ _than me.But I _you _-very _Thats _.Dont _.Do more _.Youll do better in PE.Yes ,Dad.先展示问题,学生带着问题有目的地去听,这样才能更好地处理这些,解决这些问题。补充与talk 有关的语言:Money talks.金钱万能。Big talk 大话,牛皮。Now you are talking.你这样说才合我意。Step3 Do exercise(练习册)1.Look, read and write(C部分)指导看懂题意。指导读懂表格内容及句子内容。可采用问答形式帮助学生理解。如:T: Who is taller than Jack? Who is younger than Jack? Who is heavier than Tom?生自由练习。Read and check.2.Look and write.(D部分)指导生看图,谈论图意。如:P1:Whos taller, the boy or the girl?P2:Whos stronger, the policeman or the doctor?P3:Who are heavier, the oranges or the pears?P4:Whose hair is longer?生自由阅读并补充句子。Read and check.3.Look, read and write.(E部分)Talk about the pictures.T:What are they? Whos heavier? Whose ears are longer? Whose nose is shorter? Whos stronger?Read the passage in pairs.Complete the sentences.Read and cheek.4.Read, write and answer.(F部分)Read the dialogues in pairs.指生对话指导理解对话内容Answer the questions.a:Who is taller than John? b:Is Mary stronger than John?c:What is John good at? d:Where are they going?生自由阅读并完成练习Check it.Step4 SummaryStep5 Homework1.Read the text two times(A部分)2.Write the words two times(B部分)3.Make dialogues use the sentences of part C.4.预习Unit 2,听录音找生词,查词汇表。后记:本课时是复习的一课,在复习过程中,我注重用实物进行比较,利用同班同学的统计资料来运用形容词比较级。进一步巩固形容词比较级的用法。复 备 栏你没资格讲You cant talk.Alk show.三句不离本行。根据表格所提供的信息,学生获取了一些信息。学生之间围绕这个话题展开对话,很有兴趣!6B Unit 2 第一课时一 教学内容: BLook,read and learn CWork in pairs,Pictrue 1二 教学目标: 1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写slowlow,late及be good at及Do the boys jump higher than the girls?2能听得懂、会说和会读单词far, well。3了解比较级的用法,并能运用,并以well done来评价学生,并渗透do well in, jog。三 教学重点:能当堂掌握四会单词slow, low, late, high, fast, early及三会单词far, well。四 教学难点:1.了解、掌握副词比较级读法、用法及写法。2.heavier的发音。五 教具准备:表格(一份学生体育成绩,一份人物信息表)、小黑板、图字卡、录音机。六 教学过程:Step 1 Prepare for the class.1.Sing a song“I wish I was taller”.2.Look, read and write.出示表格,根据表格中提供的信息完成填空。(还可以把表格中的人物换成学生的真实姓名,以此调动学习积极性。)NancyDavidHelenAge121313Height(cm)148151150Weight(kg)495049Nancy is _ than David David is _ than Helen Helen is _ than Nancy 、 _is as_as_. 3Check the answers 4Free talk T:Hello,Are you tall? Sl:Yes,I amIm tallT:Yes,you are tallYoure taller thanbut youre shorter than meWhob taller than?S2:is示范过后,接着出示图字卡,指名让学生以图字卡上提供的复 备 栏我会按常规将词汇教学与句型教学结合起来。为 了使学生的学习与他们的生活实际与成绩联系起来,教师在引导学生在学习本部分单词时,安排学生事先进行调查,将本班学生的体育成绩以小组为单位绘制成表格,以便于用于课堂的语言训练。Birthday生日Happy birthday to you.祝你生日快乐!What day对星期提问What date对日期提问教师也可以引导学生将一组的男女生的情况分别绘制成两张图。信息进行会话。Step 2 Presentation1Learning be good at,fast, slow及其比较级faster,slower。揭示课题继续Free talkT:Are you strong?Are you stronger than?Do you do exercise after school?(板书课题Unit2 More exercise)Do more exerciseYoul1 get stronger(齐拼读strong)学习be good ataAsking:Are you good at PE?(板书be good at善于)bReading:be good at(明确be动词三种形式:is,amare)。CSaying:Please say a sentence according tobe good atModel:I am good at EnglishHe is good at MathsYou are good at PE学习fastslow及其比较级。aTalking:Can you run?Can you run fast?bRunning race:Who runs faster?找两生上台跑步比赛,其余生喊:fast,fastCSaying:S1 runs fastS2 runs fasterSo we can say S2 runs faster than S1并板书句型。提醒学生注意主语第三人称单数run一词后加S。dReading the sentence看图,根据图片内容说出:Sl runs slower than S2并利用识图卡,让学生用fast(faster),slow(slower)说话。2Learning:low,high,far出示带有学生体育成绩的表格(可用本班学生姓名)。Name50米跑(秒)跳远(米)跳高(米)143.001.00132.901.00153.051.10142.921.05Saying:根据50米跑一栏信息,用fast或slow说话。Model:S2:I run faster than S1S1:I run as fast as s4Asking:Do they run slower than S2? DO you jump higher than S2? Do you jump as far as?S4?由问题引入far,low,high及其比较级farther,lower,higher。Read after the teacher:far(farther)low(lower),high(higher)借助图字卡,明确单词含义。 复 备 栏在学习本单元词汇时,先要对要学习的内容经行分析:哪些词是学生已经掌握的?哪些词的意义比较抽象,需要教师做比较形象化的引导?等等。补充:Five-fifthEight-eighthTwelve-twelfthNine-ninethTen-tenth在分组时我会以810人为以单位,这样绘制出来的表格所表达的信息比较丰富。Writing:Choose one word and make a sentencethen write it down并指名三位学生上台板书句型,分别用farlow,high各写一句话。(注意纠正主语是第三人称单数时,动词加S或es。)Reading读句子。3Learning:well(better),early(earlier),late(1ater)Talking:Im good at PEI do well in Ping-Pang(渗透do well in,并板书)。I played Ping-Pang with my friends yesterday1 was tiredSo this morning I got up very late. I got up at 7:30. What about you? What time did you get up this morning?从而引出early, late及其比较级。Reading:late,later,early,earlier注意early比较级变Y为i,再加er。 Learning:well(better)让学生在语境中理解词意。a回到板书:be good atdo well inT:Im good at PEI do well in PEWhat does the wordwellmean?bT:Can you play Ping-Pang well? Can you skate well?Can you dance well?CSs:YesI play Ping-Pang wellIwellT:But I play better than youIbetter than youdRead after the teacher:well,betterStep 3 Read and learn1Listen to the tape2Pair work看板书的单词同桌互相听读。3Group workCan you write the words?(四人小组内听写,相互交流拼写单词的技巧)。4听字母拼单词快速抢答。egf-a-s-t fastStep 4 Play a game游戏:听听、做做教师描述,学生认真听所描述的动作及状态做出相应动作egT:You swim(Ss游泳)You swim slow(游慢)You swim slower(更慢)You swim fast(变快)You swim faster(更快)在此过程中,渗透jog一词并与单词run比较。利用动作比较教学,加深印象。Step 5 SummaryStep 6布置作业 听写B部分单词(四人小组内完成)。2完成补充习题第5页Read,match and write3预习C部分work in pairs图2。后记:本课教学中,重点教的单词是December,September,OctoberNovember这几个词,总结December都以“ber”结尾,可以省时,省力。根据音标记忆单词,也许提供这样一些技巧,记忆会变得更简单一些。复 备 栏注:因为下一部分会重点操练本单元的句型,因此,建议教师在词汇学习中适当减低对学生句型表达的要求,只要基本会说会答,甚至能听懂即可,而将重点放在词汇的读音及理解上。补充:Whens your birthday?Whens your fathers birthday?Whens your mothers birthday?6B Unit 2 第二课时一 教学内容:CWork in pairs二 教学目标:1能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Do the boys jump higher than the girls?Does Jim swim slower than David?及其答语。2能正确看懂图意,并能灵活运用。三 教学重点:能当堂掌握四会句型Do the boys jump higher than the girls?Does Jim swim slower than David?四 教学难点:区别do以及does的不同用法,明确助动词后面动词用原形。五 教具准备:幻灯片、图字卡、计时器(以便游戏时计时)、小星星(上面写着Well done以激励学生)。 六 教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1Sing a song2Greeting3Free talk(教师引导后,立刻转为生与生自由会话) Step 2 Review 1把单词补充完整,并说说单词的中文意思。(幻灯片出示)。1_w( ) _ _ rly( ) w _ l _ ( )l_ t _ ( ) str _ n _ ( ) f _ _t( )你知道这些单词的比较级怎么写吗?2游戏碰地雷。游戏规则:读小黑板上的单词在其中一词下面埋一颗地雷,读到该词时不能读出声否则将被地雷炸掉。游戏目的:巩固新单词的读音。3合作游戏(句子接龙)游戏规则:每组抽一张图字卡、第一个学生说出一个词第二个学生补充。比如Sl:fast S2:run fast S3:Ben runs fast S4:Ben runs fast than Jim。游戏目的:巩固副词比较级的用法增强语言学习趣味性。Step 3 Presentation1Read,match and write Questions:(幻灯片出示)复 备 栏本部分着重训练本单元的重点句型Do the boys iump higher than the girls?Does Jim swim slower than David?在词汇教学中,学生已经初步掌握了句型的运用。此时,建议教师对学生的表达提出较高的要求,并结合生活实际经行句型的运用。月份接龙游戏中,有几个词学生易错: December,October,November等候。 Present=gift礼物重点解释:would like 想要=what would you like?你想要什么?a.Do the dogs swim slower than the ducks? b.Does the bee fly higher than the bird?c.Do the tigers run slower than the pandas?d.Does the rabbit jump farther than the cat?Find the difference.找不同仔细读幻灯片中的句子,体会四个句子间的相同点与不同点。Use the dialogues above as molels, then make a sentence.引导学生分别以do, does开头问两句话,让学生在具体的句子中体会do, does的不同用法。注意:助动词后动词用原形。2.Check the answers.上节课作业“补充习题第5页练习”3.Read the sentences.4.Look, complete and answer._the boys jump higher than the girls?_Jim swim slowe


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