外研选修六Module 3 Interpersonal Relationship — Friendship教案

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【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流外研选修六Module 3 Interpersonal Relationship Friendship教案.精品文档.Module 3 Interpersonal Relationship Friendship (The first period)Subject: Type of Lesson:Introduction and ReadingTime: Teacher:Class: Date:一、Teaching Content教学内容 Stage 1: Introduction (Vocabulary and speaking) Stage 2: Reading of Roys Story二、Teaching Objectives教学目标1. Knowledge Objectives知识目标a. To know well about some adjectives which are used to describe friends, such as encouraging, faithful, reliable, hard-working, forgiving, humorous, narrow-minded, impatient, gossipy, bad-tempered etc.b. To master some useful and practical phrases such as burst out laughing/ into laughter, think to, knock somebody over, lost interest in, go through, go bright red, turn round, raise money etc.c. To grasp a detailed idea of Roys Story.2. Competence Objectives能力目标a. To master some practical reading skills to crack detailed information cases and the main idea cases in Reading Comprehension section and develop the ability in scanning a passage for useful information.b. To cultivate the awareness of group work and promote the ability of cooperation and communication in a group.c. To further enhance their ability in task-based writing and encourage the students to be confident to “show off” their writing work.3. Emotion Objectives情感目标a. To learn what kinds of qualities a good friend should have and encourage the students to be such persons.b. To know what true friends and friendship are like, and ask the students to value their existing friends.c. To promote their willingness in learning English.三、Teaching Key Points and Difficult Points教学重难点1. Key Points 教学重点a. Read the passage and get the useful information for these two kinds of cases in reading comprehension: detailed information cases and main idea cases, especially the main idea (summary) of the whole passage. b. Task-based writing according to the passage.2. Difficult Points教学难点a. The summary of the whole passage.b. The task-based writing.四、Teaching Procedure教学过程Stage 1 Introduction Step 1. Read a passage about Friendship and answer questions. What qualities should a good friend have? How do you keep good relationship between you and your friends? Step 2. Finish Activity 1, 2 on page29 and check answers. Step 3. Daniel and Roy were good friends, but they are no longer close now. What happened to them? After reading Roys story, you will get the answer.Stage 2 Reading Step 1. Pre-reading Work in pairs. Read the beginning and end of the passage, what do you think the story is about? Step 2. While-reading. 1). Fast-reading Go through the passage and choose the correct answers on page31. 2). Detailed-reading Read the text carefully and answer the questions on page30. Fill in the necessary information in the chart according to the text. (导学P63) Step 3. Post-reading 1). Summary. Fill in the blanks using words youve learnt in the passage. (13期报纸B1版) 2). Discussion. Do you think it is good to cover your friends shortcomings? What kind of people should you make friends with? How can you help your friend if he or she makes a mistake?3). Check answers in Activity 3, 4 on page31. Step 4. Language Points.1. Useful expressionsget to know 逐渐了解 act/behave towards sb. 对待某人get sb. to do sth. (make sb. do sth.) 让做 line n. (一) 行 (文字、数字、符号);台词,诗行think to oneself 盘算,自思自忖 under a year ago 一年前knock over 打翻,撞倒/撞死/(开车)撞伤 lose interest in 对失去兴趣be close to 接近于,紧挨着,靠近,亲近 from time to time 时而,不时,有时候,偶尔go through 经受/历;仔细检查/搜查;通过;通读;查阅turn (a)round 转过身来 raise money 筹集钱 in here = here (n./adv.)It looks as if 看起来好像 at that moment 那时2. When he reached the final line, everyone burst into laughing.burst vi/vt burst, burst 使爆裂,胀裂;冲入,闯入,冲破,突然发作e.g. 1) As she braked, a type burst. 2) She burst the balloon.3) People burst from their houses. 4) She burst through the door. 她突然闯进门。5) burst with anger 勃然大怒burst out burst out laughing/ crying burst into burst into laughter/ tears burst with充满某种感情 I am bursting with joy. She burst with pride.be bursting to do 急于,渴望做某事 All the children were bursting to take part.burst n. 爆发,突发 a burst of speed / a burst of laughter There was a burst of automatic rifle fire.突然响起一阵自动步枪的射击声。 But just under a year ago, Roys father was knocked over by a car. 3. knock over 撞倒,击倒I got knocked over by a car when I was six.knock down A bus knocked him down. (车辆)撞倒 I knocked him down.击倒 Jane knocked down her friends suggestions. Jane驳倒了她朋友提出的建议。 Ill knock the wall down between the two rooms.(拆掉)knock off He said hed knock 50 pounds off the price. (卖方)降价 Youll have to knock sugar off the shopping list.(把划掉)The family had to move to a much smaller house in order to manage financially. 4. At the same time, small amounts of money started disappearing from students lockers. an amount of+ 不可数名词 (谓语动词用单数) A large amount of damage was done in a very short time.amounts of + 不可数名词 (谓语动词用复数) Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.比较:a quantity of +可数n复数(谓语动词用复数) + 不可数n(谓语动词用单数) A quantity of pigs are going to be butchered A large quantity of beer was sold.quantities of+可数/不可数(谓语动词用复数) Quantities of food (nuts) were on the table.5. become, get, go, grow, turn, change 表变化become,get,go,grow,turn它们虽然都表示“(从一种状态)变成另一种状态”,是系动词多后接形容词, change 可作名词也可作实意动词 后接宾语1).形容词在这类系动词后面作表语go和come相比,“go+形容词”多表示“(从好的状态)变成坏的状态”,e.g.(1)In hot weather,meat goes bad. 热天,肉会变坏。系动词go后面的表语为mad,crazy,blind,lame或表示颜色的形容词时,go前面的主语一般为人。e.g. (1) He went mad last year. 去年他疯了。(2)Hearing this,she went red. 听到这个,她脸红了。2).系动词grow后面可以接表示人或物的特征的静态形容词作表语,也可以接表示天气的形容词作表语。它侧重于“逐渐变成某种状态”。e.g. (1) The girl grew thinner and thinner. 这个女孩越来越瘦了。(2)Soon the sky grew dark. 天很快变黑了。3).系动词turn后面多接表示颜色的形容词作表语,也可以接表示天气的形容词作表语。意思上侧重于“变得与以前完全不同”。 e.g . The man turned blue with fear. 那个男人因害怕而脸发青。The weather suddenly turned much colder . 天气突然变得冷多了。4). “get+形容词”多用在口语中。get能替代become,但become较为正式。get与become前面的主语既可以是人也可以是物。e.g. He became/got angry with his son. 他生他儿子的气。His coat has become/got badly torn. 他的外套已经非常破了。get经常与形容词的比较级连用。e.g. The days are getting longer and longer after the winter solstice. 冬至过后,天变得越来越长。注意:系动词become一般不可用来表示“将来变得”的意思。5).系动词become,turn,get,go,后面能跟名词作表语,其他的“变成”类系动词后面不能跟名词作表语。e.g. His dream has become a reality. 他的梦想变成了现实。He has turned scientist. 他成了科学家。 Her cheeks went a very pretty pink. 她的脸颊变得绯红。注意:在turn后面作表语用的名词前通常不带冠词。6).系动词get,go,后面可接现在分词,但含义不是“成为”。e.g. They went in and got chatting together.(get意为“开始”)他们进去后开始聊天。We often go swimming.(go意为“去”) 我们常去游泳。7).系动词get后面接不定式,表示变化过程。Marys growing to be more and more like her mother. 玛丽越长越像她的母亲了。注意:这种结构不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。8). change的用法与注意a. 用作名词,表示“变化”、“改变”,多用作可数名词,有时也可用作不可数名词:自1978年以来这里发生了巨大的变化。正:Great changes have taken place here since 1978.正:Much change has taken place here since 1978.b. 表示在某一方面的变化或改变,通常用介词 in。如:There has been a change in the program. 节目已有变动。We hope there will be a change in the weather. 我们希望天气会变好。比较以下用介词 of 的情形:a change of meaning 词义的变化 a change of leadership 更换领导人a change of address 住址的变更c. 表示“零钱”、“找头”,是不可数名词。如:Dont forget your change. 不要忘记找给你的钱。 I have no (small) change about me. 我身边没带零钱。d. 用于 for a change, 意为“为了变化”。如:We usually go there by bus, but this time well go by bike for a change.e. 用作动词,比较以下句型:(1) changefor意为“用换来”。如:Im thinking of changing my car for a new one. 我正考虑换辆新车。(2) changeinto意为“把变成(换成)”。如:He changed his dollars into francs. 他把美元换成了法朗。We can change ice into water by heating it. 通过加热我们可以把冰变成水。注意以下受汉语思维影响所导致的错误:这部照相机不够好,我想换一部正:The camera isnt good enough; I want to change it (for another).误:The camera isnt good enough; I want to change another.f. 在下列表达中,change 后的名词用复数形式:change trains (hands) 转车(手) change seats places 换座位五、Teaching Reflection教学反思


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