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省凌海市七年级英语下册Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from单元综合测试题二 人教新目标版Name: No.: I. 听句子,从A、B、C、D中找出你所听到的单词。5分 1. A. your B. its C. his D. her 2. A. Jenny B. Jim C. James D. John 3. A. 537-2918 B. 537-2612 C. 357-2618 D. 357-2612 4. A. first B. last C. family D. friend 5. A. Nancy B. Wendy C. Polly D. Mary II. 听对话,答复以下问题。5分 1. Whats the girls name? _ 2. Whats Jennys last name? _ 3. Is the girls name Sally? _ 4. Whats Mrs Whites first name? _ 5. Does Helen know his name? _ III. 听对话,将这些孩子与其 号码配对。5分 IV. 听句子,根据你所听到的内容,把下面表格填完整。5分 序号 FIRST NAME LAST NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER 1 Mark Smith 2 Tony 352-7818 3 Linda Green 4 Mary 598-3199 5 Bush 431-6985笔试局部共80分 I. 语音。5分 找出以下每组词中划线局部发音与众不同的选项。 ( )1. A. name B. bag C. dad D. at ( )2. A. six B. five C. listen D. in ( )3. A. hello B. letter C. seven D. pen ( )4. A. phone B. zero C. go D. clock ( )5. A. his B. case C. this D. sorry II. 词汇。(15分) A) 重新排列字母,组成正确单词,并写出汉语意思。(5分) 1. EORZ _ _ 2. ONEHP _ _ 3. OELHL _ _ 4. ENEVS _ _ 5. EAMN _ _ B) 按要求写出以下词的相应形式。(5分) 1. hello(近义词)_ 2. first(反义词)_ 3. boy(对应词)_ 4. two(同音词)_ 5. ask(反义词)_ C) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成以下单词拼写。(5分) 1. Six and three is n_ . 2. Can I ask you a q_ ? 3. L_ ! Thats an English book. 4. This is a boy. H_ name is Bruce. 5. My name is Fan Chuanyin. Fan is my f_ name. III. 选择填空。10分 ( )1. -Hello, Jim! -_ A. Hello, Gina! B. Whats your name? C. Thank you. D. Im Bob. ( )2. -_ -His name is Mike. A. How are you? B. Whats his name? C. How old is he? D. Where is he? ( )3. His name is Alan Robert Smith. His family name is_ . A. Alan B. Robert C. Alan Robert D. Smith ( )4. Thats a girl. Her name is_ A. Wang Xiaohong B. Wang Xiao Hong C. Wang xiaohong D. Wang xiao hong( )5. -_ your phone number? -Its 6678954. A. Wheres B. Whats C. Hows D. What ( )6. -Excuse me, are you Tina? -_A. No, I am. B. Im not. C. Yes, I am. D. Yes, Im not. ( )7. This is a boy. _ name is Jack. A. His B. He C. She D. Her ( )8. Are you a middle school student now? A. No, Im. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am. D. No, I dont.( )9. _ name is Tony. _ am twelve. A. I; My B. I; I C. My; I D. My; My ( )10. -Whats her_ name? -Its Kate. A. one B. two C. three D. first IV. 按要求改写以下各句, 每空一词。20分 1. His name is Tom. 对划线局部提问 _ _his name? 2. Im Jenny. (改为同义句) _ _ is Jenny. 3. James is fine. 对划线局部提问 _ _ James? 4. Her phone number is 929-31. 对划线局部提问 _ _ her phone number? 5. Thats a phone. 对划线局部提问 _ _ that? V. 给以下句子正确排序,组成一段对话。10分 ( ) -Im Amy. ( ) -Whats your last name? ( ) -Whats your name? ( ) -Hello! Im Mary. ( ) -My last name is Smith. VI 阅读短文,然后根据短文内容答复以下问题。(20分) Look at the girl, she is eleven. Her name is Wang Fang. I am eleven, too. My name is Kate.Wang Fang and I are good friends. She is in Class One, Grade One. She is Number 8 in Row 5. I am in Class One, Grade One, I am Number 9 in Row 6. We are at school today. 1. How old is Wang Fang? A. She is eleven. B. She is twelve. C. She is ten. 2. Wang Fang and I are_ . A. girls B. boys C. teachers 3. What grade are Wang Fang and I in? A. Grade One. B. Grade Two. C. Grade Three. 4. Wang Fang is my_ . A. good teacher B. good friend C. brother 5. Where are Wang Fang and I today? A. At school. B. At home. C. Here. 英文中人名的表达1请看以下的人名并进行答复Jim Green Yao Ming两人的姓分别是: 和 两人的名分别是: 和 对两人的正式称呼分别是:Mr 和 Mr 2请答复以下问题在英语中,名称为 name或 name在英语中,姓称为 name或 name英语国家的人一般还有一个中间名,中间名在英语中被称为 name3请写出以下中文名字在英语中的正确写法王伟 宋祖英 1) 给出以下句子的对应答复。(1) A: Good morning.B: (2) A: Good afternoon.B: (3) A: Good evening.B: (4) A: How are you?B: (5) A: Nice to meet you. B: 2) 根据以下答语写出对应的问句。(1) A: B: Its a map.(2) A: B: Its red.(3) A: B: My name is Li Ming.4A: B: My telephone number is 84657894 用方框中单词的适当形式填空。am you his your her isTom: Whats name?Mary: My name Mary.Tom: I Tom.Mary: Nice to meet , Tom.Tom: Nice to meet you, too.Mary: Oh, whats name?Tom: His name is Tonny. Mary: And whats her name?Tom: name is Tina.5 形容词性物主代词1 按要求写出以下单词 我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他们的 参考答案: I. 1. Whats his name? 2. My name is Jim. 3. Peters telephone number is 537-2612. 4. Whats your first name? 5. Whats your last name, Mary? (1-5 C B B A D) II. 1. M: Hello, Im Jim. W: Hi, Jim. Im Mary. 2. M: Whats your last name, Jenny? W: My last name is Green. 3. M: Nice to meet you, Sally. W: Oh, sorry. My name is Amy. 4. M: Whats your first name, Mrs White? W: My first name is Alice. 5. M: Do you know what his name is, Helen? W: Sorry. I dont know. (1. Her name is Mary. 2. Her last name is Green. 3. No, it isnt. Her name is Amy. 4. Her first name is Alice. 5. No, she doesnt.) III.1. W: Whats your telephone number, Mike? M: My telephone number is 632-2851. 2. W: My name is Wei Hua. My telephone number is 437-8013. Whats your name? M: My name is Li Lei. My telephone number is 235-5490. 3. W: Hi, Bob. Im Rose. My telephone number is 928-3172. And you? M: My telephone number is 529-7286. (1-5 D B E A C) IV. 1. M: My name is Mark Smith, my telephone number is 278-6193. 2. His name is Tony Brown. His telephone number is 352-7818. 3. Her name is Linda Green and her telephone number is 929-8056. 4. M: What is your telephone number, Mary White? W: My telephone number is 598-3199. 5. W: Whats your last name, Peter? M: My last name is Bush. My telephone number is 431-6985. (1. 278-6193 2. Brown 3. 929-8056 4. White 5. Peter) 笔试局部 I. 1-5 ABCDA B) 1. hi 2. last 3. girl 4. too / to 5. answer C)1. nine 2. question 3. Look 4. His 5. family III. 1. A 2. B 根据答案,应选用询问IV. 1. What is 2. My name 3. How is 4. What is 5. What is V. 3-4-2-1-5 VI. 1-5 AAABA


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