2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 3 Travel journal Section Ⅳ Grammar学案 新人教版必修1

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2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 3 Travel journal Section Ⅳ Grammar学案 新人教版必修1_第3页
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Section Grammar现在进行时表将来1(教材P18)Now she is planning(plan) our schedule for the trip.2(教材P18)I kept asking her, “When are we leaving(leave) and when are we coming(come) back?”3I hear all the hotels are very crowded. Where are you staying (stay) in Shanghai?4You are wanted on the phone, Ann!OK,I am coming(come)5When are you going(go) off to Guangzhou?Next Friday morning.现在进行时表将来1用于位移动词现在进行时表示将来主要用于按计划或安排将要发生的动作或事情,多用于表示位置转移的动词(短语),如arrive, come, get (to), leave, return, start, travel, take off, fly, see off, set off等。I am seeing him off this afternoon.今天下午我去给他送行。Were leaving for Shanghai this afternoon.今天下午我们将动身去上海。 The plane is arriving in 10 minutes. 飞机将在10分钟内到达。【即时演练1】补全句子她今晚将动身去新加坡。She is leaving for Singapore tonight.你什么时候动身去度假?When are you setting off for your holiday?他乘坐的飞机将于9:20起飞,所以他必须在8:30之前到机场。His plane is taking off at 9:20, so he must be at the airport by 8:30.2用于非位移动词现在进行时表示将来除使用位移动词外,也可使用某些非位移动词,如do, buy, meet, have, play, finish, stay, publish等,此时句中一般要有表示将来的时间状语。The young man is meeting his girlfriend this afternoon.这个年轻人今天下午要去接他的女朋友。I am publishing a book this year.我打算今年出一本书。【即时演练2】补全句子下星期天你打算干什么?What are you doing next Sunday?我妈妈不久将给我买辆自行车。My mother is buying me a bike soon.我下课后见你。I am meeting you after class.其他表将来的表达方式1will/shall do表将来will/shall do表示单纯的将来,是对未来事情发生的“预见性”。will用于各种人称,而shall一般用于第一人称。She will come back next week.她将于下周回来。I will go there by myself.我将自己去那里。表示事先未经过考虑的打算、计划,是在说话时才想到或决定的事,即临时起意,这时通常用will。Where is the telephone book?电话号码簿在哪里?Ill go and get it for you.我去给你拿。【即时演练3】用所给词的适当形式填空Do you think Mom and Dad will be(be) late?No, Swiss Air is usually on time.Mr.Wang is ill in hospital.Oh, I will go(go) to see him.2be going to do表将来be going to do表示打算、计划、安排或已经决定要做某事;还可表示根据某种迹象表明将要发生的事。Are you going to watch the football game this afternoon?你打算今天下午看足球赛吗?Look at the dark clouds! Its going to rain.看这些乌云!天要下雨了。【即时演练4】补全句子放学后我打算去打篮球。真的?我要和你一起去。I am going to play basketball after school.Really? I will go with you.3be to do表将来be to do表示按计划中约定的或按职责、义务、要求必须去做的事或即将发生的动作。You are to be back by 9 oclock.你必须(应该)9点以前回来。【即时演练5】补全句子告诉她不要回来晚了。Tell her that she is not to be back late.婚礼定于下周日举行。The wedding is to take place next Sunday.4be about to do表将来(1)be about to do意为“刚要;正要”,表示即将发生的动作,不与具体时间连用。Youd better fasten your seat belt. The plane is about to take off.你最好系好安全带,飞机马上要起飞了。(2)be about to do.when.是固定句式,意为“正要做,这时”。She was about to leave when some guests came.她正要离开,这时来了一些客人。【即时演练6】补全句子我正要进来,这时他突然闯出来。I was about to come in when he rushed out.我正要锁门,这时电话响了。I was about to lock the door when the telephone rang.5一般现在时表将来一般现在时表示将来,表示按照日程表或时刻表的安排要发生的事,如火车(汽车)出发、船只离岸、飞机起飞等,或用于时间和条件状语从句中。The bus leaves at 9:00 pm. 汽车将于晚上9点离开。【即时演练7】用所给词的适当形式填空New term begins(begin) on September 1st.Ill write to you as soon as I get(get) there. 单句语法填空1(2017全国卷)When summer comes(come), they will invite their students to pick the fresh vegetables!2Because the shop is closing(close) down, everything is sold at half price.3His plane takes(take) off at 8:00 tomorrow. Would you like to see him off?4He is leaving(leave) tomorrow to play his first match.5Sandy will have to get up very early tomorrow morning, because he is taking/will take(take) the 6:00 am train to Chicago.6Spring is coming/will come(come), and the weather is getting warmer and warmer.7Dont worry about me. I am staying/will stay(stay) in Egypt for only two weeks.8Sophia is going/will go(go) to the airport because she has to pick up her grandma tonight.9Ladies and gentlemen, please turn off your cellphones or laptops. The plane is taking(take) off.10If you come(come) to my hometown next month, Ill treat you to a big dinner. 语法与写作1这对夫妻暑假期间将把孩子送去夏令营。The couple are sending their kid to a summer camp during the summer holiday.2他两小时后将赴伦敦和经理会面。He is leaving for London in two hours to meet with his manager.(leave)3下周五我们将乘飞机去上海出席一个重要的会议。We are flying to Shanghai next Friday to attend an important meeting.(fly)4下课后我们打算在操场踢足球。After class,we are going to play football on the playground.(play)5期中考试就要到了,每一个人都在努力复习功课。The midterm exam is coming, and everyone is trying hard to revise lessons.6如果明天天气好,我们就去爬山。If it is fine tomorrow, we will go climbing 单句语法填空1We are flying(fly) to Shanghai tomorrow so wed better get our package packed now.2I have my own plan. I am going to do(do) my housework this afternoon.3Please call the station to make sure when the earliest train leaves(leave)4Ladies and gentlemen, pay attention and look out. Our plane is landing(land)5The train was about to leave(leave) and I was not even on the platform.6My friend, Tom, is going(go) to Qingdao for the summer holiday next week.7Do you know when Mr. Brown is coming(come) back?8Will you kindly obey the instructions I am about to give(give)?9Mary is leaving(leave) for Shenyang by plane at 3:00 this afternoon.10When our guest arrives(arrive), I will pick him up at the airport. 阅读理解A(2019北京高一检测)Now many young people are traveling around the world on their own, not because they have no one to travel with, but because they prefer to go alone.Kristina Wegscheider from California first traveled alone when she was at college and believes that it is something everyone should do at least once in their life.“It opens up your mind to new things and pushes you out of your comfort zone.”Wegscheider has visited 46 countries covering all seven continents.In foreign countries, with no one to help you read a map, look after you if you get ill, or lend you money if your wallet is stolen, it is challenging. This is what drives young people to travel alone. It is seen as character building and a chance to prove that they can make it on their own.Chris Richardson decided to leave his sales job in Australia to go traveling last year. He set up a website, The Aussie Nomad, to document his adventures. He said he wished he had traveled alone earlier. “The people you meet, the places you visit, or the things you do, everything is up to you and it forces you to grow as a person,” said the 30yearold.Richardson describes traveling alone like “a shot in the arm”, which “makes you a more confident person that is ready to deal with anything”. He said, “The feeling of having conquered something on my own is a major part of what drives me each day when Im dealing with a difficult task. I walk around with my head up because I know deep down inside that nothing is impossible if you try.”The great 19th century explorer John Muir once said,“Only by going alone in silence can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness.”【解题导语】本文提到现在年轻人流行的旅行方式,独自一人去,不是因为没有人做伴而是想独自一个人去面对旅行中遇到的种种问题,挑战自我,让自己变得更自信。1Why is it challenging to travel alone?AIt will finally build your character.BYou have to make things on your own.CIt is hard for you to prove yourself to others.DYou depend on yourself whatever happens.D解析:推理判断题。由第三段第一句话In foreign countries, with no one to help you read a map, look after you if you get ill, or lend you money if your wallet is stolen, it is challenging.可知,独自旅行是很有挑战性的,因为独自旅行时,一切都要靠自己。2Which of the following will Kristina Wegscheider agree with?ATraveling abroad helps people to find new things.BIt is more meaningful to travel in foreign countries.CIt is comfortable to travel around without a friend.DTraveling alone is a necessary experience for everyone.D解析:细节理解题。由第二段第一句话.believes that it is something everyone should do at least once in their life.可知,Wegscheider认为每个人都应该至少独自旅行一次,所以D项正确。3What can we infer about Chris Richardson?AHe started traveling at an early age.BHe was once shot in the arm.CHe used to work as a salesman.DHis website inspires others a lot.C解析:推理判断题。由第四段第一句话Chris Richardson decided to leave his sales job in Australia to go traveling last year.可知,Chris Richardson过去的职业是销售员。由第四段第三句话He said he wished he had traveled alone earlier.可知,A项错误;由第五段第一句话可知,B项错误;D项无交代,所以不选。4What is the best title for the passage?ATravel Wide and FarBTravel UnaccompaniedCTravel LightDTravel AbroadB解析:标题归纳题。根据文章第一段Now many young people are traveling around the world on their own, not because they have no one to travel with, but because they prefer to go alone.可知,本文讲的是无陪伴的旅游。B项作为题目最合适。BCoffee is an important part of Italian culture and since arriving here over six months ago, I have drunk a lot of it!Of course, coffee is also very popular in the UK but coffee culture in Italy is a completely different story. In Italy, when you order a coffee in a caf or bar(酒吧), you are served with a tiny, bitter espresso. This is “normal(正常的) coffee” for Italians and they are not so interested in the huge coffees that we drink in the UK. If you want more than one sip(小口) of coffee in Italy, lungo is a good choice. It is espresso with a little more water added, but still served in a small cup. In addition, while takeaway coffee is quite popular among Brits, it is not very common at all in Italy, especially in nontouristy areas. Generally, Italians prefer to drink their tiny coffees while standing at the bar and, for many, this short break is an important part of their day.Usually, breakfast in a bar in Italy includes a coffee and a pastry(酥皮糕点). I have been spoiled for choice with lovely cafs in the Italian town Im living in. These cafs sell different kinds of mouthwatering pastrieseither plain(无馅料的) or filled with cream, chocolate, etc.as well as delicious coffee. Cappuccinos are very popular at breakfast time and, for me, a creamy cappuccino and a pastry with chocolate is the perfect way to start the day.Finally, I have found that coffee in Italy is so much cheaper than coffee in the UK. Normally, an espresso or a macchiato (an espresso with a drop of milk) costs around a euro and a cappuccino about 1.50!They are small, of course, but this means that in Italy it is possible to go out for coffee every day without breaking the bank.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了意大利的咖啡文化。5How is Paragraph 2 mainly developed?ABy time. BBy space.CBy example. DBy comparison.D解析:推理判断题。第二段通过与英国的咖啡文化对比,介绍了意大利的咖啡文化。6Which coffee will you get in Italy if you order one without special instructions?AEspresso. BLungo.CCappuccino. DMacchiato.A解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的In Italy, when you order a coffee.“normal(正常的) coffee” for Italians可知,在意大利咖啡馆或酒吧点一杯咖啡时,服务员上的是espresso, 这种咖啡对意大利人来说是正常咖啡。7What can we learn about the coffee culture in Italy?ATakeaway coffee is very popular among Italians.BItalians are very often seen drinking huge coffees.CItalians like to take short breaks from work for coffee.DCoffees are often served along with pastries during breakfasts.D解析:细节理解题。由第三段中的Usually, breakfast in a bar in Italy includes a coffee and a pastry(酥皮糕点)可知,在意大利,人们的早餐通常包含一杯咖啡和一份酥皮糕点。8What does the author think of Italian coffee?AShe loves its bitter taste.BIt is too expensive for her.CIt is a good choice for breakfast.DThe cup it is served in is too small.C解析:细节理解题。由第三段中的for me, a creamy cappuccino.perfect way to start the day可知,作者认为咖啡是早餐的上好选择。 语法填空Hiking tours are a kind of adventure(冒险) tourism. Generally speaking, these vacations focus almost entirely 1._ hiking from one place to another. Hiking tours can be done as a group activity or alone.There are many different ways of organizing hiking tours. Some people like to go out into the areas where there are very few people and travel over long 2._(distant) from one place to another. They usually stay in hotels overnight before 3._(travel) to the next place on the following day.Guides can make hiking trips safer and more focused. Some hikers prefer to take hiking tours without guides because of costs or because they want to challenge 4._(they). However, employing a 5._(rely) guide during a hiking tour 6._(consider) as a better choice for less experienced hikers.The activity can be very tiring, and those 7._ are new to hiking may worry that they arent 8._(physical) able to finish the tours. Sometimes it can be helpful for people 9._(go) to the doctor and make sure it is safe for them to choose 10._ difficult hike. Sometimes, a challenging hike can be deadly for someone having heart disease.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要向我们介绍了徒步旅行这种旅行方式,并给出了一些建议。1on解析:考查介词。focus.on. 是固定搭配,意为:集中于2distances解析:考查名词。根据前面的形容词long可知,此处应填distant的名词形式,又因为distance当“距离”讲时是可数名词,所以填distances。3traveling解析:考查非谓语动词。因为前面是介词before,故此处需用动名词形式。4themselves解析:考查反身代词。根据语境可知,此处意为:一些徒步者选择不跟向导,一方面是节省花费,另一方面是想挑战他们自己。所以此处填反身代词形式。5reliable解析:考查形容词。此处形容词修饰名词guide。reliable表示“可靠的,可信赖的”。6is considered解析:考查动词的时态和语态。因为全文用的是一般现在时且主语是employing a.guide,故谓语动词用单数形式,又因主语与consider构成动宾关系,故用被动语态。7who解析:考查关系代词。此处是一个定语从句,引导词指人,先行词those在从句中作主语,故填who。8physically解析:考查副词。此处用来修饰形容词able,故用副词形式。9to go解析:考查非谓语动词。Itbeadj.for sb. to do sth.意为“做某事对某人”。10a解析:考查冠词。此处修饰可数名词hike,表泛指,所以用不定冠词a。 短文改错It was hot, July day when my family arrived at North Carolinas coast to a holiday. Upon arrival, my father became aware that he had lost my favorite sunglasses. After that, my dad remained quite annoying because he would be unable to read all day just due to the lose of his sunglasses. He had been developed the habit of reading for years. Dad became so disappointed that he looked at the sky but said,“God, if you are kind enough, please helping me find my sunglasses!”A moment late, something shiny appeared and we ran towards the sea. To our surprise, a pair of sunglasses was lied there.答案:It was hot, July day when my family arrived at North Carolinas coast a holiday. Upon arrival, my father became aware that he had lost favorite sunglasses. After that, my dad remained quite because he would be unable to read all day just due to the of his sunglasses. He had developed the habit of reading for years. Dad became so disappointed that he looked at the sky said,“God, if you are kind enough, please me find my sunglasses!”A moment , something shiny appeared and we ran towards the sea. To our surprise, a pair of sunglasses was there.- 10 -


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