2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 5 Into the wild Period 4 课时作业(五) 外研版必修第一册

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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 5 Into the wild Period 4 课时作业(五) 外研版必修第一册_第1页
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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 5 Into the wild Period 4 课时作业(五) 外研版必修第一册_第2页
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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 Unit 5 Into the wild Period 4 课时作业(五) 外研版必修第一册_第3页
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课时作业(五)基础训练单词拼写1A stack of _ (档案) awaited me on the desk.答案:files2Some scientists observe wildlife in the _ (自然的) environment.答案:natural3I forced my fingers to _ (按,压) the button and took a photo of the wonderful scene.答案:press4After all, we are also members of the world, so we should show _ (尊敬) for all animals.答案:respect5I enjoy working with animals and learn about the _ (性格,个性) of a few around us.答案:character6The p_ led up a steep hill.答案:path7The news of my promotion came as a s_.答案:shock8He stared at his own i_ reflected in the water.答案:image9The animals are c_ in nets and sold to local zoos.答案:captured10He did the work under the e_ eye of his coach.答案:eagle单句语法填空1Its _ (frighten) to think it could happen again.答案:frightening此处it作形式主语,所填词作表语,frightening “令人惊恐的”,符合句意。2The girls come from a variety _ different backgrounds.答案:ofa variety of “各种各样的”。3The state makes out a ban that such animals mustnt _ (keep) by individuals.答案:be kept本句中animals和keep之间存在被动关系,故用被动语态。4The red crowned cranes feed mainly _ insects, and plant fruits etc.答案:onfeed on为固定短语,意为“以为食”。5(2016天津高考)You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel _ the coach picks up tourists.答案:that本句为强调句,被强调部分为地点状语,故填that。单句写作1西伯利亚虎是世界上最大的猫科动物,雄虎可长到3.3米长。_答案:The Siberian tiger is the largest cat in the world, and the male tiger can grow to 3.3 meters long.2西伯利亚虎号称“森林之王”,主要以麋鹿和野猪为食。_答案:They are mainly known as “the king of forests” in the forest and feed mainly on milu deer and wild boar.3西伯利亚虎会游泳,但不会捕鱼,也不会爬树。_答案:Siberian tigers can swim, but they cant catch fish or climb trees.4西伯利亚虎没有固定巢穴,大多在各自的领地中(territory)游荡捕食。_答案:Siberian tigers do not have fixed dens, mostly wandering around their own territories.5西伯利亚虎主要生活在俄罗斯西伯利亚地区、朝鲜和中国东北地区。_答案:Siberian tigers live mainly in the Russian Siberia region, North Korea and Northeast China.连句成篇(微写作,用上面单句连接而成) 答案:The Siberian tiger is the largest cat in the world, and the male tiger can grow to 3.3 meters long. They are mainly known as “the king of forests” in the forest and feed mainly on milu deer and wild boar. Siberian tigers can swim, but they cant catch fish or climb trees. Besides, they do not have fixed dens, mostly wandering around their own territories. They live mainly in the Russian Siberian region, North Korea and Northeast China.思维训练完形填空We find different kinds of animals in the world. Some animals,such as tigers and lions live in big forest and they are called _1_ animals. Some others like sheep and dogs are _2_ by men and they are called domestic (驯养) animals. These animals are very different from one another,but we can _3_ them into big groups:those that eat other animals and those that eat grass and leaves. Animals like the _4_ belong to the first group.Animals are _5_ great use to human beings. Men _6_ wild animals for their fur and meat. Domestic animals are _7_ more important to men. Without them, life will be _8_. People make use of animals in many _9_.Cows and pigs are useful to mens _10_. They give 80% of the _11_ men eat every year. Skin of some animals can be _12_ into expensive overcoats and shoes,which are warm and comfortable and _13_ a long time. They are very welcome in _14_ countries. Wool, which is now one of the most important material for textile (纺织) _15_, comes from a special kind of _16_. From cows, we get milk. And we shouldnt _17_ that some domestic animals are kept for transport. Many people _18_ ride horses. Arabs ride on camels which travel in deserts for days without _19_. In some places animals are still used to plough (耕) field. _20_ is clear that men just cant live without these animals.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。自然界里有各种各样的动物,这些动物大致可分为两类:野生动物和家养动物;家养动物又可以分为食肉动物和食草动物。动物对我们人类有很大的帮助,人类不能离开动物生活。1A.terribleBseriousCwildDfighting答案:C根据上文“live in big forest”住在大森林里,并与下文“domestic (驯养) animals”家养动物呼应,可知此处描述的为野生动物,所以C选项是正确的。2A.trappedBkeptCsoldDtreated 答案:Bkeep意为“饲养”。根据“they are called domestic (驯养) animals”可知,他们是被人类圈养的,所以B选项是正确的。3A.separateBkeepCsellDdivide 答案:D根据上下文可知,此处指将这些动物分类,divide . into意为“将分类”。所以D选项是正确的。4A.chickenBgoatCfishDtiger 答案:D根据上文“those that eat other animals and those that eat grass and leaves”可知,此处应填食肉动物,所以D选项是正确的。5A.withBtoCfromDof 答案:Dbe of great use意为“有很大用处”,所以D选项是正确的。6A.raise BdiscoverChuntDcare for 答案:C关键词是设空后的“wild animals”,故此处表述人类捕猎野生动物是为了它们的皮毛和肉,所以C选项是正确的。7A.evenBeveryCquiteDsome 答案:A由设空后的“more important to men”可知此处修饰比较级,只能用even,所以A选项是正确的。8A.smoothBperfectCeasyDdifficult 答案:D家养动物对人类更加重要,没有它们,生活会变得困难,所以D选项是正确的。9A.placesBgroupsCwaysDkinds 答案:C人们在很多方面都利用了动物,in many ways意为“在很多方面”,所以C选项是正确的。10A.studyBfoodCfamilyDwork 答案:B根据下文“men eat”可知,牛和猪用于人类食用,所以B选项是正确的。11A.mealBanimalsCdinnerDmeat 答案:D牛和猪提供了人类所食肉的百分之八十,所以D选项是正确的。12A.madeBturnedCputDchanged 答案:A一些动物的皮毛可以制作成昂贵的外套和鞋子,be made into意为“被制成”。所以A选项是正确的。13A.takeBcostClastDdress 答案:C“last时间段”表示“维持”,此处指动物的皮制成的衣服和鞋很耐穿,所以C选项是正确的。14A.coolBforeignCwarmDcold 答案:D由常识可知,动物的皮毛可以帮人们维持温暖,所以在寒冷地区更受欢迎,故D选项是正确的。15A.industryBworkersCbusinessDfactory答案:A毛织品,是现在纺织工业(industry)最重要的材料之一,所以A选项是正确的。16A.cowsBdogsCsheepDpigs 答案:Cwool “羊毛”,是出自绵羊的(sheep),所以C选项是正确的。17A.realizeBrememberCforgetDnotice 答案:C我们不应该忘记一些驯养的动物被养来作交通工具,所以C选项是正确的。18A.stillBhardlyCalwaysDjust 答案:A由上文的“用作交通工具”可知,很多人依然在骑马可知,此处应填still,所以A选项是正确的。19A.restingBstoppingCsleepingDdrinking答案:D阿拉伯人利用骆驼在沙漠中行走,因为它们可以一连几天不喝水(drinking),所以D选项是正确的。20A.ItBThisCThatDSo答案:A“it be形容词that . ”在此句型中,it为形式主语,放在句首,真正的主语是that引导的从句,所以A选项是正确的。阅读理解Tips for Visiting Paris in SpringtimeWith flowering gardens and treelined streets, spring is the perfect time of year to visit Paris.Get the perfect viewBuilt as the entrance to the 1889 Worlds Fair, the Eiffel Tower quickly became so popular that it was never taken down. The view of the city from the top has no match. The most amazing thing about the tower is the line to buy ticketsthe Eiffel Tower attracts more than 7 million visitors each year! So buy tickets online or visit later in the evening to avoid the line. Elevator (电梯): 15; stairs: 5.The tower is open until 11 pm through midJune, then to midnight in summer. Take the No. 6 Metrolineto the BirHakeim stationyoull get an unforgettable view of the tower as your aboveground train approaches the station.Looking for a lesscrowded view? The top of Notre Dame Cathedral is a good choice.See the gardensMuseums like the Louvre and DOrsay insist on keeping worldfamous paintings like the Mona Lisa indoors. But if you visit Paris in springtime, dont just stay inside. The Louvres collection includes not only paintings, drawings, and sculptures, but also gardens, which offer explosions of spring color, fragrant (芳香的) paths, and inviting landscaping. And to enjoy spring flowers, dont miss the Luxembourg Gardens and a day trip to Versailles!Do lunchThe sitdown restaurants in Paris will set you back hundreds of dollars at dinner time. Save them for a special occasion. Prices at some of the top joints (娱乐场所) can be 50 percent lower at lunch time. And you also cant go wrong picking up a place which Paris citizens are happy with. Dont forget that tips are always included in the bill, so dont pay an extra 20 percent.篇章导读:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了法国巴黎的几个旅游景点,以及景点的一些特点和特色。1What can we know about the Eiffel Tower?AIt was built to attract more visitors to Paris.BVisiting the tower at night can save time waiting in line.CVisitors can get a good view of the tower on the top of it.DYou can climb the tower for free if you dont use the elevator.答案:B细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句“So buy tickets online or visit later in the evening to avoid the line.”可知,在晚上参观可以避免排长队的烦恼,故答案选B。2What is the authors suggestion in the part of “See the gardens”? AGo to the Louvre to enjoy the Mona Lisa.BKeep the famous art works in the gardens.CEnjoy the beauty of Paris spring outdoors.DMake a day trip to Versailles to see sculptures.答案:C推理判断题。根据文章第五段第三句“The Louvres collection includes not only paintings, drawings, and sculptures, but also gardens, which offer explosions of spring color, fragrant (芳香的) paths, and inviting landscaping.”可知,卢浮宫的收藏不仅包括名画与雕刻,也包括花园,故作者也建议在参观卢浮宫的同时,不要忘记参观别具一格的花园,故答案选C。3When you have dinner in Paris, youd better _.Aavoid top jointsBgo to sitdown restaurantsCgive some tipsDchoose restaurants Paris people like答案:D推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“you also cant go wrong picking up a place which Paris citizens are happy with”可知,不要忘记去巴黎市民所喜欢的饭店去,故答案选D。概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Elephants Can TellIt is easy for us to tell our friends from our enemies. But can other animals do the same? Elephants can! They can use their sense of vision and smell to tell the difference between people who pose a threat and those who do not. In Kenya, researchers found that elephants react differently to clothing worn by men of the Maasai and Kamba ethnic groups. Young Maasai men spear animals and thus pose a threat to elephants; Kamba men are mainly farmers and are not a danger to elephants.In an experiment conducted by animal scientists, elephants were first presented with clean clothing or clothing that had been worn for five days by either a Maasai or a Kamba man. When the elephants detected the smell of clothing worn by a Maasai man, they moved away from the smell faster and took longer to relax than when they detected the smells of either clothing worn by a Kamba man or clothing that had not been worn at all.Garment color also plays a role, though in a different way. In the same study, when the elephants saw red clothing not worn before, they reacted angrily, as red is typically worn by Maasai men. Rather than running away as they did with the smell, the elephants acted aggressively toward the red clothing.The researchers believe that the elephants emotional reactions are due to their different interpretations of the smells and the sights. Smelling a potential danger means that a threat is nearby and the best thing to do is run away and hide. Seeing a potential threat without its smell means that risk is low. Therefore, instead of showing fear and running away, the elephants express their anger and become aggressive. 写前导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了不仅人可以分辨敌友,大象也可以。精彩范文In Kenya, animal scientists found elephants can tell enemies through smell and vision. (要点1) In an experiment, the elephants fled faster from the clothes with smells of hunters, Maasai men, and reacted violently to their usually worn color, red. (要点2) The difference of the elephants behavior results from their prediction of risks, where smells indicate higher risks while sights mean lower risks. (要点3)- 9 -


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