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2022年考博英语-江苏大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The market had been priced at historic highs relative to benchmarks like corporate profits and individuals.问题1选项A.standardsB.touchstonesC.hallmarksD.norms【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. standards标准;水平 B. touchstones试金石;检验标准C. hallmarks特征;特点 D. norms行为标准【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】benchmark本意是“基准”,由relative to(相对于)可知,benchmark在这是指用已知的东西作标准,与其他事物进行比较,而touchstone也可指作为判断第二件事的测试或标准,含有比较的意味,故B项词义与之相近,故该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A项指公认的、尤指可被接受的社会各个方面一般的标准、水准、度量衡标准、衡量品质、才度、价值、道德、规则、原则等的标准;C项不符合划线单词词义;D项指在特定社会中被认为正常的行为方式或组织期望达到的官方标准或水平。【句意】相对于企业利润和个人等基准,股市的定价一直处于历史高位。2. 翻译题中国将深化改革,促进应用型科研机构转制为企业,鼓励技术型企业的发展。这是一项使科技与经济相结合的重要举措。科研机构转制为企业后,将建立现代企业制度,适应市场需要,从而充分发展其研究、开发和创新的优势。【答案】China will deepen its reform to promote the transformation of applied scientific research institution system into enterprises and encourage the development of technology-based enterprises. It is an important measure to integrate science and technology with economy. Once transformed into enterprises, scientific research institutions shall establish a modern enterprise system, and orient themselves to the needs of the market, giving full play to their strength in research, development and innovation.3. 不定项选择题Given the lack of between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that such students often have little good to say about their school experience. In one study of 400 adults who had achieved distinction in all areas of life, researchers found that three-fifths of these individuals either did badly in school or were unhappy in school. Few, MacArthur Prize fellows, winners of the MacArhur Award for creative accomplishment, had good things to say about their pre-collegiate schooling if they had not been placed in advanced programs. Anecdotal reports support this. Pablo Picasso, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Oliver Goldsmith, and William Butler Yeats all disliked school. So did Winston Churchill, who almost failed out of Harrow, an elite British school. About Oliver Goldsmith, one of his teachers remarked, “Never was so dull a boy.” Often these children realize that they know more than their teachers, and their teachers often feel that these children are arrogant, inattentive, or unmotivated.Some of these gifted people may have done poorly in school because their gifts were not scholastic. Maybe we can account for Picasso in this way. But most fared poorly in school not because they lacked ability but because they found school unchallenging and consequently lost interest. Yeats described the lack of fit between his mind and school: “Because 1 had found it difficult to attend to anything less interesting than my own thoughts, I was difficult to teach.” As noted earlier, gifted children of all kinds tend to be strong willed nonconformists. Nonconformity and stubbornness (and Yeatss level of arrogance and self-absorption) are likely to lead to conflicts with teachers.When highly gifted students in any domain talk about what was important to the development of their abilities, they are far more likely to mention their families than their schools or teachers. A writing prodigy studied by David Feldman and Lynn Goldsmith was taught far more about writing by his journalist father than his English teacher. High-IQ children, in Australia studied by Miraca Gross had much more positive feelings about their families than their schools. About half of the mathematicians studied by Benjamin Bloom had little good to say about school. They all did well in school and took honors classes when available, and some skipped grades.41. The main point the author is making about schools is that _.42. The author quotes the remarks of one of Oliver Goldsmiths teachers _.43. Pablo Picasso is listed among the many gifted children who _.44. Many gifted people attributed their success _.45. The root cause of many gifted students having bad memories of their school years is that _.问题1选项A.they should satisfy the needs of students from different family backgroundsB.they are often incapable of catering to the needs of talented studentsC.they should organize their classes according to the students abilityD.they should enroll as many gifted students as possible问题2选项A.to provide support for his argumentB.to illustrate the strong will of some gifted childrenC.to explain how dull students can also be successfulD.to show how poor Olivers performance was at school问题3选项A.paid no attention to their teachers in classB.contradicted their teachers much too oftenC.could not cope with their studies at school successfullyD.behaved arrogantly and stubbornly in the presence of their teachers问题4选项A.mainly to parental help and their education at homeB.both to school instruction and to their parents coachingC.more to their parents encouragement than to school trainingD.less to their systematic education than to their talent问题5选项A.their nonconformity brought them a lot of troubleB.they were seldom praised by their teachersC.school courses failed to inspire or motivate themD.teachers were usually far stricter than their parents【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.【选项释义】1. The main point the author is making about schools is that _. 1. 作者关于学校的主要观点是_。A. they should satisfy the needs of students from different family backgrounds A. 他们应该满足来自不同家庭背景的学生的需求B. they are often incapable of catering to the needs of talented students B. 他们往往不能满足有才能的学生的需要C. they should organize their classes according to the students ability C. 他们应该根据学生的能力组织班级D. they should enroll as many gifted students as possible D. 他们应该招收尽可能多的天才学生【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第二段第一句“有些有天赋的人可能在学校表现不佳,因为他们的天赋不是学术方面的”,和第三句“但大多数人在学校表现不佳,不是因为他们缺乏能力,而是因为他们发现学校没有挑战性,因此失去了兴趣”理解可知,有天赋的学生在学校表现不佳是因为学校不能满足他们的需求,故B项“他们往往不能满足有才能的学生的需要”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“他们应该满足来自不同家庭背景的学生的需求”,不是满足不同家庭背景,而是满足不同才能的学生的需求,该项属于曲解原文;C项“他们应该根据学生的能力组织班级”和D项“他们应该招收尽可能多的天才学生”文章没有体现,这两项属于无中生有。2.【选项释义】2. The author quotes the remarks of one of Oliver Goldsmiths teachers _. 2. 作者引用了奥利弗戈德史密斯的一位老师的评论_。A. to provide support for his argument A. 为他的论点提供支持B. to illustrate the strong will of some gifted children B. 为了说明一些天才儿童的坚强意志C. to explain how dull students can also be successful C. 解释为什么迟钝的学生也能成功D. to show how poor Olivers performance was at school D. 来表明奥利弗在学校的表现有多差【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】首先根据题干定位至第一段倒数第二句“关于奥利弗戈德史密斯,他的一位老师这样评价他:从来没有一个孩子像他这样迟钝”,作者引用奥利弗戈德史密斯的例子,在这里是为了说明天才学生对学校的评价都不好,接着最后一句指出“这些孩子经常意识到他们知道的比他们的老师多,而他们的老师经常觉得这些孩子傲慢、漫不经心或缺乏动力”更是证实了学校不能满足学生的需求,所以作者引用奥利弗的例子是为了支持他的论点,该题选择A项“为他的论点提供支持”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“为了说明一些天才儿童的坚强意志”不是引用奥利弗的例子的原因,该项属于出处错位;C项“解释为什么迟钝的学生也能成功”没有提到,该项属于无中生有;D项“来表明奥利弗在学校的表现有多差”并不是作者想要表达的动机,该项属于曲解原文。3.【选项释义】3. Pablo Picasso is listed among the many gifted children who _. 3. 巴勃罗毕加索被列为_的众多天才儿童之一。A. paid no attention to their teachers in class A. 上课时不注意听老师讲课B. contradicted their teachers much too often B. 太经常反驳他们的老师C. could not cope with their studies at school successfully C. 不能顺利完成学业D. behaved arrogantly and stubbornly in the presence of their teachers D. 在老师面前表现得傲慢而固执【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第二段前两句“有些有天赋的人可能在学校表现不佳,因为他们的天赋不是学术方面的。也许我们可以用这种方式来解释毕加索。”可知,毕加索也是在学校表现不佳的天才之一,也就是说学业成绩并不好,故C项“不能顺利完成学业”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“上课时不注意听老师讲课”只是学校表现不佳的一方面,该项属于以偏概全;B项“太经常反驳他们的老师”没有提到,该项属于无中生有;D项“在老师面前表现得傲慢而固执”,根据第一段最后一句“这些孩子经常意识到他们知道的比他们的老师多,而他们的老师经常觉得这些孩子傲慢、漫不经心或缺乏动力”可知,不是天才儿童在老师面前表现得傲慢而固执,而是他们的老师是这样认为这些天才的,该项属于曲解原文。4.【选项释义】4. Many gifted people attributed their success _. 4. 许多有天赋的人将他们的成功归功于_。A. mainly to parental help and their education at home A. 主要是家长的帮助和他们在家里的教育B. both to school instruction and to their parents coaching B. 学校和父母的指导C. more to their parents encouragement than to school training C. 更多的是父母的鼓励,而不是学校的培训D. less to their systematic education than to their talent D. 他们的天赋,而不是他们的系统教育【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据第三段第一句“当任何领域的高天赋学生谈到什么对他们能力的发展是重要的时,他们更有可能提到他们的家庭,而不是他们的学校或老师”可知,许多有天赋的人将他们的成功归功于家庭教育,A项“主要是家长的帮助和他们在家里的教育”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“学校和父母的指导”,有天赋的人并没有把他们的成功归功于学校,该项属于反向干扰;C项“更多的是父母的鼓励,而不是学校的培训”,父母的鼓励只是其中一小部分,该项概括不全面,属于以偏概全;D项“他们的天赋,而不是他们的系统教育”在原文没有依据,该项属于无中生有。5.【选项释义】5. The root cause of many gifted students having bad memories of their school years is that _. 5. 许多天才学生对学校有不好的记忆的根本原因是_。A. their nonconformity brought them a lot of trouble A. 他们的不服从给他们带来了许多麻烦B. they were seldom praised by their teachers B. 他们很少受到老师的表扬C. school courses failed to inspire or motivate them C. 学校的课程未能激发或激励他们D. teachers were usually far stricter than their parents D. 老师通常比他们的父母严格得多【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第二段第三句“但大多数人在学校表现不佳,不是因为他们缺乏能力,而是因为他们发现学校没有挑战性,因此失去了兴趣”可知,因为学校不能提供天才学生所需要的挑战性,所以他们失去兴趣从而在学校表现不好,这也给他们带来了不好的回忆,故推断其根本原因就是学校的课程没有办法激发他们的兴趣,该题选择C项“学校的课程未能激发或激励他们”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“他们的不服从给他们带来了许多麻烦”和D项“老师通常比他们的父母严格得多”没有提到,这两项属于无中生有;B项“他们很少受到老师的表扬”与他们在学校的表现有关,和题干无关,该项属于出处错位。4. 单选题He sees his students struggling because the language they thought they knew now appears to consist of a bewildering variety of idioms, cliches and accepted phrases with different meanings in different contexts.问题1选项A.thoughtlessB.ridiculousC.puzzlingD.undesirable【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. thoughtless粗心大意的;欠考虑的 B. ridiculous愚蠢的;荒谬的C. puzzling令人迷惑的 D. undesirable不受欢迎的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】bewilder作动词时,表示“使糊涂,使迷惑”,加上-ing则作形容词,表示“令人糊涂的,令人迷惑的”,C项词义与之相近,故该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A、B、D项不符合划线单词词义。【句意】他看到他的学生在努力学习,因为他们认为他们已经掌握的语言现在似乎包含了令人困惑的各种成语、陈词滥调和在不同语境中具有不同含义的公认短语。5. 单选题In business to-business markets, sales of some software products languish because not enough independent software vendors write applications.问题1选项A.advertiseB.lastC.declineD.dominate【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. advertise(为)做广告;登广告 B. last持续C. decline减少;下降 D. dominate支配;控制【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】根据关键信息because not enough independent software vendors write applications(由于没有足够多的独立软件供应商编写应用程序)可推知,sales of some software products languish指的是软件产品的销量下降,languish在句中表示“下降”,C项词义与之相近,故该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A、B、D项不符合划线单词词义。【句意】在企业对企业的市场中,由于没有足够多的独立软件供应商编写应用程序,一些软件产品的销售受到影响。6. 单选题The _ of materialism has dominated the thinking of young people and led them to pursue as much personal gains as possible.问题1选项A.lureB.temptC.seduceD.induce【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. lure吸引力;诱惑力n. B. tempt引诱;诱惑v.C. seduce诱奸v. D. induce劝说;诱使v.【考查点】名词和动词辨析。【解题思路】分析句子可知,The _ of materialism是句子的主语,主语应该为名词、代词或名词性短语,所以空格处要填入一个名词,故只有A项符合条件。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项都是动词,不符合句子语法结构。【句意】物质主义的诱惑主导了年轻人的思想,使他们尽可能地追求个人利益。7. 单选题The young woman was so beautiful that she _ every other woman at the ball.问题1选项A.belittledB.foiledC.offsetD.eclipsed【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. belittled贬低;小看 B. foiled挫败;阻止C. offset抵消;弥补 D. eclipsed使失色;黯然失色【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】根据sothat可知,此处是结果状语从句,根据前半句句意“那位年轻女子是如此漂亮”可推知,she _ every other woman是指“她令其他女子黯然失色”,故该题选择D项符合句意。【干扰项排除】A、B、C项都不符合句意。【句意】那位年轻女子太漂亮了,使舞会上的其他妇女黯然失色。8. 单选题At the wedding ceremony, the bridegroom and his bride exchanged rings as a_ of their love.问题1选项A.presentB.tokenC.markD.sign【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. present礼物;礼品 B. token象征;标志C. mark污点;污渍 D. sign迹象;征兆【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】根据the bridegroom and his bride exchanged rings(新郎和新娘交换了戒指)可推知,交换戒指是爱情的象征,故该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】在婚礼上,新郎和新娘交换了戒指作为他们爱情的象征。9. 不定项选择题Theyre still kids, and although theres a lot that the experts dont yet know about them, one thing they do agree on is that what kids use and expect from their world has changed rapidly. And its all because of technology.To the psychologists, sociologists, and generational and media experts who study them, their digital gear sets this new group apart, even from their tech-savvy (懂技术的) Millennial elders. They want to be constantly connected and available in a way even their older siblings dont quite get. These differences may appear slight, but they signal an all-encompassing sensibility that some say marks the dawning of a new generation.The contrast between Millennials and this younger group was so evident to psychologist Larry Rosen of California State University that he has declared the birth of a new generation in a new book, Rewired: Understanding the iGeneration and the Way They Learn, out next month. Rosen says the tech-dominated life experience of those born since the early 1990s is so different from the Millennials he wrote about in his 2007 book, Me, My Space and I: Parenting the Net Generation, that they warrant the distinction of a new generation, which he has dubbed the “iGeneration”.“The technology is the easiest way to see it, but its also a mind-set, and the mind-set goes with the little I, which Im talking to stand for individualized,” Rosen says. “Everything is defined and individualized to me. My music choices are defined to me. What I watch on TV any instant is defined to me. “He says the iGeneration includes todays teens and middle-schoolers, but its too soon to tell about elementary-school ages and younger.Rosen says the iGeneration believes anything is possible. “If they can think of it, somebody probably has or will invent it,” he says. “They expect innovation.”They have high expectations that whatever they want or can use “will be able to be tailored to their own needs and wishes and desires.”Rosen says portability is key. They are inseparable from their wireless devices, which allow them to text as well as talk, so they can be constantly connected-even in class, where cell phones are supposedly banned.Many researchers are trying to determine whether technology somehow causes the brains of young people to be wired differently. “They should be distracted and should perform more poorly than they do,” Rosen says. “But findings show teens survive distractions much better than we would predict by their age and their brain development.”Because these kids are more immersed and at younger ages, Rosen says, the educational system has to change significantly.“The growth curve on the use of technology with children is exponential, and we run the risk of being out of step with this generation as far as how they learn and how they think,” Rosen says.“We have to give them options because they want their world individualized.”1. Compared with their Millennial elders, the iGeneration kids _.2. Why did Larry Rosen name the new generation as iGeneration?3. Which of the following is true about the iGeneration according to Rosen?4. Rosens findings suggest that technology _.5. According to the passage, education has to _.问题1选项A.communicate with others by high-tech methods continuallyB.prefer to live a virtual life than a real oneC.are equipped with more modern digital techniquesD.know more on technology than their elders问题2选项A.Because this generation is featured by the use of personal high tech devices.B.Because this generation stresses on an individualized style of life.C.Because it is the author himself who has discovered the new generation.D.Because its a mind-set generation instead of an age -set one.问题3选项A.This generation is crazy about inventing and creating new things.B.Everything must be adapted to the peculiar need of the generation.C.This generation catches up with the development of technology.D.High-tech such as wireless devices goes with the generation.问题4选项A.has an obvious effect on the function of iGenerations brain developmentB.has greatly affected the iGenerations behaviors and academic performanceC.has no significantly negative effect on iGenerations mental and intellectual developmentD.has caused distraction problems on iGeneration which affect their daily performance问题5选项A.adapt its system to the need of the new generationB.use more technologies to cater for the iGenerationC.risk its system to certain extent for the iGenerationD.be conducted online for iGenerations individualized need【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.【选项释义】1. Compared with their Millennial elders, the iGeneration kids _. 1. 与他们千禧一代的长辈相比,自我的一代的孩子_。A. communicate with others by high-tech methods continually A. 用高科技手段与他人持续沟通B. prefer to live a virtual life than a real one B. 比起真实的生活,更喜欢虚拟的生活C. are equipped with more modern digital techniques C. 配备了更现代的数字技术D. know more on technology than their elders D. 比他们的长辈更懂科技【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第二段的内容“他们的数字设备使这个新群体与众不同,甚至与精通技术的千禧一代的长辈们也不一样。他们想要以一种连他们的哥哥姐姐都不太了解的方式与别人保持联系。这些差异可能看起来微不足道,但它们标志着一种无所不包的感性,有人说这标志着新一代的到来。”从中可知,新一代,即第三段所指的“自我的一代”,与他们的千禧年一代的哥哥姐姐们相比,更愿意使用数字设备持续不断地与他人保持联系,也希望随时能让别人找得到他们;由此可推断,他们愿意通过高科技手段与他人随时保持联系,该题选择A项“用高科技手段与他人持续沟通”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“比起真实的生活,更喜欢虚拟的生活”没有提到,该项属于无中生有;C项“配备了更现代的数字技术”中的more modern在文中没有提及,该项也属于无中生有;D项“比他们的长辈更懂技术”,原文提到tech-savvy Millennial elders(精通技术的千禧一代的长辈们)可知,千禧一代对技术也很精通,且原文并没有进行这方面的比较,该项属于曲解原文。2.【选项释义】2. Why did Larry Rosen name the new generation as iGeneration? 2. 为什么拉里罗森把新一代称为“自我的一代”?A. Because this generation is featured by the use of personal high tech devices. A. 因为这一代人的特点是使用个人高科技设备。B. Because this generation stresses on an individualized style of life. B. 因为这一代人强调个性化的生活方式。C. Because it is the author himself who has discovered the new generation. C. 因为是作者自己发现了新一代。D. Because its a mind-set generation instead of an age-set one. D. 因为这是心态定势的一代,而不是年龄定势的一代。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第四段前两句“罗森说:技术是最容易看到它的方式,但它也是一种心态,这种心态与小的我有关,我说的是个性化。”“对我来说,每件事都被定义和个性化。”,这里引述罗森介绍“自我的一代”的话,点明了这代人拥有的一种心态,这种心态随“小我”而变化,即“个性化”,这是“自我的一代”鲜明的特点,表现为每件事都为“我”而定制,或每件事都被赋予个性化特征;由此可见,这代人强调个性化的生活,因此该题选择B项“因为这一代人强调个性化的生活方式”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“因为这一代人的特点是使用个人高科技设备”中的personal high-tech devices(个人高科技设备)没有提到,该项属于无中生有;C项“因为是作者自己发现了新一代”,根据第二段第一句“对于研究他们的心理学家、社会学家、代际和媒体专家来说”可知,研究“自我的一代”的人不止罗森,还有很多其他的专家,该项属于曲解原文;D项“因为这是心态定势的一代,而不是年龄定势的一代”,根据第三段第一句“加州州立大学的心理学家拉里罗森认为,千禧一代和这一年轻群体(younger group)之间的对比是如此明显”可知,“自我的一代”不仅是个性化的一代,也是年轻群体,所以该项属于反向干扰。3.【选项释义】3. Which of the following is true about the iGeneration according to Rosen? 3. 关于罗森所说的自我的一代,下列哪项是正确的?A. This generation is crazy about inventing and creating new things. A. 这一代人热衷于发明和创造新事物。B. Everything must be adapted to the peculiar need of the generation. B. 一切都必须适应这一代的特殊需要。C. This generation catches up with the development of technology. C. 这一代人赶上了技术的发展。D. High-tech such as wireless devices goes with the generation. D. 无线设备等高科技产品是这一代人的产物。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据倒数第五段的内容“罗森说,便携式是关键。他们和他们的无线设备是分不开的,无线设备可以让他们发短信和聊天,所以他们可以一直保持联系,甚至在课堂上也是如此,而在课堂上手机应该是被禁止的。”可知,对这代人而言,他们离不开无线装备,那些东西可使他们发短信或聊天,可以时刻与他人保持联系,也就是说这一代人离不开无线高科技产品,D项“无线设备等高科技产品是这一代人的产物”符合原文,故该题选择D项符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“这一代人热衷于发明和创造新事物”,原文倒数第七段最后一句提到“他们希望创新(They expect innovation)”可知,这一代人愿意创新,但该项中的crazy表达过度,该项属于过度推理;B项“一切都必须适应这一代的特殊需要”没有提到,且该项表述很绝对,属于无中生有;C项“这一代人赶上了技术的发展”没有提到,该项也属于无中生有。4.【选项释义】4. Rosens findings suggest that technology _. 4. 罗森的研究结果表明,技术_。A. has an obvious effect on the function of iGenerations brain development A. 对下一代大脑发育的功能有明显影响B. has greatly affected the iGenerations behaviors and academic performance B. 极大地影响了一代的行为和学业表现C. has no significantly negative effect on iGenerations mental and intellectual development C. 对自我的一代的心理和智力发展没有显著的负面影响D. has caused distraction problems on iGeneration which affect their daily performance D. 会对自我的一代造成干扰问题,影响他们的日常表现【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至原文倒数第四段“许多研究人员正在试图确定科技是否以某种方式导致年轻人的大脑连接不同。罗森说:他们应该被分散注意力,而且应该表现得比实际情况更差。但研究结果表明,青少年能更好地抵御干扰,比我们根据他们的年龄和大脑发育情况预测的要好得多。”从中可知,自我的一代本来应该受到科技的干扰,但研究结果表明这些孩子比我们通过年龄和大脑发育而做出的预测要有更强的抗干扰能力,由此可推断,科技并没有对他们的心智发展产生明显的负面影响,因此C项“对自我的一代的心理和智力发展没有显著的负面影响”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“对下一代大脑发育的功能有明显影响”、B项“极大地影响了一代的行为和学业表现”和D项“会对自我的一代造成干扰问题,影响他们的日常表现”都与原文相反,这三项属于反向干扰。5.【选项释义】5. According to the pas


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