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2022年考博英语-浙江大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Before you can start a business, you will have to raise the necessary( ).问题1选项A.investmentB.savingsC.incomeD.capital【答案】D【解析】近义词辨析。investment投资;savings储蓄,存款;income收入;capital资本。句意:在你开始做生意之前,你必须筹集必要的资金。选项D符合句意。2. 单选题Certainly no one could have predicted that a tiny worm would make possible such far-reaching ( ) into the very nature of life.问题1选项A.understandingB.perceptionC.insightsD.inquiry【答案】C【解析】understanding理解;perception洞察力;insights深刻见解;inquiry探究,调查。句意:当然,没有人能预料到,一条微小的蠕虫能让我们对生命的本质有如此深远的了解。insight into为固定搭配。选项C正确。3. 单选题The party leader justified his subsequent re-election( )that he had brought political stability and economic development to his country.问题1选项A.in the wayB.by no meansC.on the groundsD.to the extent【答案】C【解析】in the way妨碍,挡道;by no means决不;on the grounds由于的原因,理由是;to the extent到的程度。句意:这位党的领导人为他后来的连任辩护,理由是他为他的国家带来了政治稳定和经济发展。选项C符合句意。4. 单选题A poor man has to( )many things which a rich man regards as almost necessaries in life.问题1选项A.go throughB.go withoutC.go overD.go about【答案】B【解析】动词词组辨析。go through通过,仔细检查;go without没有也行,常指被迫如此;go over复习;go about着手做。句意:穷人没有那些富人认为是生活中必不可少的东西也能活。选项B符合句意。5. 单选题You many have ever entered a bookstore just to take ( ) from a sudden shower, but you found time spent there was very enjoyable.问题1选项A.shieldB.shelterC.avoidanceD.protection【答案】B【解析】take shelter from为固定搭配,意为躲避。句意:许多人进入书店只是为了躲避骤雨,但你们会发现在那里度过的时光是非常愉快的。6. 单选题If the investment tax credit is ( ) as a part of tax reform plan, the capital-intensive businesses such as steel-makers and airliners will face a hard time.问题1选项A.repealedB.inferredC.inducedD.appealed【答案】A【解析】repealed废止,撤销;inferred推测;induced引诱,说服;appealed呼吁,求助。句意:如果投资抵税被取消来作为税收改革计划的一部分,钢铁制造商和航空公司等资本密集型企业将面临艰难时期。选项A符合句意。7. 翻译题现代城市对人类的悲剧性影响在于它扼杀了人类的美感。一个富足社会的物质利益使人们的注意力从城市和文化的底蕴转移到科技产品上:洗衣机、中央供暖、自动炊具、电视机、电脑和尺寸形状恰好的地毯。此时此刻,他们沉醉在民主、小康、有车开的幸福中,生活从来没有这么好。他们不愿意走路。统计表明:他们把从停车场到购物中心的距离设计得很短,由于没有足够的远离街道的停车设施,城市到处都是在马路随便停靠的汽车和停车计价表。拥挤成为影响环境的主要因素,从统计中看出:每个家庭拥有两辆车的状况会使事情更糟。同时,“地价”带来的不仅是伤害,还有侮辱。土地的价值缘于它的用途,它的收入来自它提供的服务。当它的用途被加强,它的收入和价值也就增加。“充分合理利用土地”成为城市发展主要经济标准。这种投机的方法和人口增长带来的压力导致了城市的“垂直”上升,人们也不得不适应这种拥挤来维持这些相对虚假的土地价值。荒谬的是试图消除拥挤的良方就是创造更多的拥挤。部分的分散,或者叫虚假的分散,在远离传统市镇中心的地方大片开发,只是把疾病转移到市镇的周边。如果没有和市镇交通系统重建相结合起来的话,就无法治愈。对于这一点,铺设复杂的十字路口的必要性强烈影响工程解决办法,反过来,又被夸张的地价挫败。【答案】The tragic influence of modern cities on human beings is that they kill the beauty of human beings. The material benefits of an affluent society divert attention from the city and its cultural heritage to technological products: washing machines, central heating, automatic cookers, televisions, computers and floor coverings of the right size and shape. At this moment, they are intoxicated in democracy, well-off, car happiness, life has never been so good.They are unwilling to walk. Statistics show that they have designed a short distance from the parking lot to the center of shopping. Since there are not enough parking facilities far away from the street, the city is full of cars and parking meters randomly parked on the street. Crowding has become a major factor in the environment, and by all accounts, having two cars per family makes things worse.At the same time, “land price” brings not only hurt, but also insult. Land is valued for its use, and its income comes from the services it provides. When its use is strengthened, its income and value increase. “Make full and reasonable use of land” became the main economic standard of urban development. This speculative approach and the pressures of population growth have led to a “vertical” rise in cities, and people have had to adapt to the crowding to maintain these relatively false land values. Paradoxically, the best way to try to eliminate congestion is to create more.Partial dispersions, or false dispersions, develop large tracts of land far from the traditional town center, merely moving disease to the periphery of the town. There is no cure if it is not combined with the reconstruction of the towns transport system. To this end, the necessity of laying complex intersections strongly influences engineering solutions, which in turn are frustrated by exaggerated land prices.8. 单选题The purpose of the official inquiry is to( )the true facts leading to the loss of the ship at sea.问题1选项A.come atB.come forC.come intoD.come over【答案】A【解析】动词词组辨析。come at达到,得到;come for向冲来;come into进入;come over过来。句意:官方调查的目的是查明导致船舶在海上失踪的真实情况。选项A符合句意。9. 单选题At all ages and at all stages of life, fear presents a problem to almost everyone. “We are largely the playthings of our fears,” wrote the British author Horace Walpole many years ago. “To one, fear of the dark; to another, of physical pain; to a third, of public ridicule; to a fourth, of poverty; to a fifth, of lonelinessfor all of us our particular creature waits in a hidden place.”Fear is often a useful emotion. When you become frightened, many physical changes occur within your body. Your heartbeat and responses quicken; your pupils expand to admit more light; large quantities of energy-producing adrenaline ( 肾上激素)are poured into your bloodstream. Confronted with a fire or accident, fear can fuel life-saving flight (逃离). Similarly, when a danger is psychological rather than physical, fear can force you to take self-protective measures. It is only when fear is disproportional to the danger at hand that it becomes a problem.Some people are simply more vulnerable to fear than others. A visit to the newborn nursery of any large hospital will demonstrate that, from the moment of their births, a few fortunate infants respond calmly to sudden fear-producing situations such as a loudly slammed door. Yet a neighbor in the next bed may cry out with profound fright. From birth, he or she is more prone to learn fearful responses because he or she has inherited a tendency to be more sensitive.Further, psychologists know that our early experiences and relationships strongly shape and determine our later fears. A young man named Bill, for example, grew up with a father who regarded each adversity as a temporary obstacle to be overcome with imagination and courage. Using his father as a model, Bill came to welcome adventure and to trust his own ability to solve problem.Phils dad, however, spent most of his time trying to protect himself and his family. Afraid to risk the insecurity of a job change, he remained unhappy in one position. He avoided long vacations because “the car might break down.” Growing up in such a home? Phil naturally learned to become fearful and tense.1.In the last sentence of Paragraph 1, our particular creature refers to( ).2.Fear can be a useful emotion to us because it can( ).3.Fear becomes a problem only when( ).4.Different responses of newborn infants to a loudly slammed door imply that( ).5.Psychologists have found that our later fears are determined largely by our( ).问题1选项A.fear of somethingB.a fierce beastC.physical painD.public ridicule问题2选项A.stimulate many physical changes within our bodyB.quicken our heartbeat and responsesC.pour large quantities of adrenaline into our bloodstreamD.help us respond quickly to danger and protect ourselves问题3选项A.the danger is thought greater than it really isB.the danger is more psychological than physicalC.one cannot stand the dangerD.one is not well prepared for it问题4选项A.some people are inherently more easily affected by dangerB.peoples response to stimuli is not an inherited featureC.some people seem to be very sensitive to noiseD.people sometimes seem to turn a deaf ear to noise问题5选项A.home educationB.school educationC.parents lifestyleD.early experiences【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.根据上文提到的,恐惧对每个人来说几乎都是一个问题,每个人害怕的事物不一样,所以这里提到的我们这些特殊的生物是指对某种事物感到害怕。选项A正确,选项B,C,D都是指某一类人害怕的东西,不能以偏概全,所以错误。2.根据第二段的内容可知,恐惧是一种有用的情感是因为它能帮助我们面对危险时快速做出反应并自我保护。选项D符合原文。其他选项都只涉及生理反应而忽略了心理反应,太片面。3.根据第二段的最后一句“It is only when fear is disproportional to the danger at hand that it becomes a problem.”只有当恐惧与眼前的危险不成比例时,它才会成为一个问题。也就是说,当危险被认为比实际上更大时,恐惧就会成为一个问题。选项A正确。4.根据第三段第一句“Some people are simply more vulnerable to fear than others. ”有些人只是比其他人更容易受到恐惧的影响。以及第三段的最后一句“From birth, he or she is more prone to learn fearful responses because he or she has inherited a tendency to be more sensitive.”从出生开始,他或她更容易学习恐惧的反应,因为他或她遗传了一种更敏感的倾向。选项A符合原文。5.根据第四段的第一句“psychologists know that our early experiences and relationships strongly shape and determine our later fears. ”可知选项D正确。10. 单选题She always handled the problems( )her own experience and principles.问题1选项A.in the light ofB.in the event ofC.in the face ofD.in the course of【答案】A【解析】介词词组辨析。in the light of 根据,按照;in the event of 如果发生;in the face of面临,面对;in the course of在过程中。句意:她总是根据自己的经验和原则来处理问题。选项A符合句意。11. 单选题There are a variety of ways to think about the self. Two of the most widely used terms are self-concept and self-esteem. Self-concept generally refers to the totality of a complex, organized, and dynamic system of learned beliefs, attitudes and opinions that people hold about themselves, while self-esteem generally refers to how we feel about or how we value ourselves. There is a great deal of research which shows that the self-concept is, perhaps, the basis for all motivated behavior. It is the self-concept that gives rise to possible selves, and it is possible selves that create the motivation for behavior. Self-concept is related to self-esteem in that people who have good self-esteem have a clear differentiated self-concept. When people know themselves, they can maximize outcomes because they know that what they can and cannot do. It would see, then, that one way to impact self-esteem is to obey the somewhat outworn cline of “Know theyself.”There are several different components of self-concept: physical, academic, social and transpersonal. The physical aspect of self-concept relates to that which is concrete: what we look like, our sex, height, weight, and what kind of clothes we wear. Our academic self-concept relates to how well we do in school or how well we learn. The social self-concept describes how we relate to other people and the transpersonal self-concept describes how we relate to other supernatural or unknown on an emotional or spiritual level.Though self-reflection, people often come to view themselves in a new, more powerful way, and it is through this new, more power way of viewing the self that people can develop possible selves. We develop and maintain our self-concept by taking action and then reflecting on what we have done and what others tell us about what we have done. We reflect in comparison to our expectations and the exceptions of others and to the characteristics and accomplishments of others. Self-concept, thus is not innate, but is developed by the individual through interaction with the environment and reflecting on that interaction. This dynamic aspect of self-concept is important because it indicates that it can be modified or changed.1.It can be inferred from the text that().2.The authors attitude towards the ideas of “know themselves” is().3.One can conclude from the text that by developing good self-esteem people can().4.Which of the following would be identified as transpersonal self- concept?5.The most appropriate title for the text would be().问题1选项A.the author believes most behavior is learned, not innateB.the author doesnt believe that ones self-concept can changeC.self-concept and self-esteem are often mistaken for each otherD.the author has doubts about the idea that self-concepts is the basis for behavior问题2选项A.criticalB.positiveC.neutralD.mixed问题3选项A.improve their interactions immenselyB.begin improving their behaviorC.begin to develop a clear self-conceptD.correct deficiencies in their character问题4选项A.Our concept of how interested and well we study supernatural topics.B.Our knowledge of our strange intuition about peoples feelings.C.Our understanding of how we relate to a god we believe in.D.Our understanding of our relationship with other people.问题5选项A.The Characteristics of Self- ConceptB.The Changeability of Self-ConceptC.Self-Concept and Self-EsteemD.New Research on Self-Concepts【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:C第4题:C第5题:A【解析】第1题:1.根据原文第一段中说到the self-concept is, perhaps, the basis for all motivated behavior.(自我概念也许是所有动机行为的基础),最后一段,作者再提到Self-concept, thus is not innate(因此,自我概念不是天生的),由此可知,大多数的行为都是习得的,并非与生俱来。因此A选项正确。2.根据最后一段的第一句“.it is through this new, more power way of viewing the self that people can develop possible selves.”可知,作者认为,只有了解了自己,人们才能发展出潜在的自我。所以作者对此的态度是正面的,积极的。选项B正确。3.根据第一段“Self-concept is related to self-esteem in that people who have good self-esteem have a clear differentiated self-concept.”可知,选项C正确。4.根据第二段的最后一句“the transpersonal self-concept describes how we relate to other supernatural or unknown on an emotional or spiritual level.”超个人自我概念描述了我们如何在情感或精神层面与其他超自然或未知的事物相处。选项C符合原文。5.根据原文可知,本文主要是讲自我概念的特征。选项A更符合要求。其他三个选项都只是文中的一部分。第2题:第3题:第4题:第5题:12. 单选题Classroom testing, if well done, most certainly ( ) a stimulus to study and real learning.问题1选项A.acts forB.acts onC.acts asD.acts to【答案】C【解析】动词词组辨析。acts for代理;acts on对起作用;按照行事;acts as作为,担当;acts to,无此搭配。根据句意:课堂测试如果做得好,肯定会刺激真正的学习。这里指classroom testing作为a stimulus的手段。所以选项C符合句意。13. 单选题The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her ( )attitude toward customers.问题1选项A.straightforwardB.partialC.favorableD.hostile【答案】D【解析】形容词词义辨析。straightforward坦率的,明确的;partial偏爱的;favorable喜爱的;hostile敌对的,不友善的。句意:因为女销售员对顾客的态度不友善,经理投去了责备的目光。选项D符合句意。14. 单选题A lot of people worked long hours because high unemployment meant that they could easily be ( ) .问题1选项A.distributedB.appointedC.transferredD.replaced【答案】D【解析】句意:许多人工作很长时间,因为高失业率意味着他们很容易被取代。distributed分散;appointed约定,指定;transferred转移;replaced取代,替代。选项D符合句意。15. 单选题Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will( )down the economy.问题1选项A.putB.settleC.dragD.knock【答案】C【解析】动词词组辨析。put down放下;settle down安居,安定下来;drag down向下拖,其比喻义为:使衰弱,拖垮;knock down击倒,拆卸。句意:没人知道金融体系的动荡会拖垮经济多长时间、有多严重。根据how long and how seriously可知,选项C更符合语境。16. 单选题Formulated in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine ( ) that the Americans were no longer open to European colonization.问题1选项A.entrustedB.assertedC.appreciatedD.reckoned【答案】B【解析】entrust委托;assert主张,声称;appreciate欣赏,感激,领会;reckon测算,估计,认为。句意:制定于1823年的门罗主义宣称美国人不再对欧洲殖民开放。选项B符合句意。17. 单选题There are not many teachers who are strong( ) of traditional methods in English teaching.问题1选项A.sponsorsB.contributorsC.advocatesD.performers【答案】C【解析】名词词义辨析。sponsor赞助商;contributor贡献者,参与者;advocate拥护者,提倡者;performer表演者,执行者。句意:坚决拥护传统的英语教学方法的老师并不是很多。选项C符合句意。18. 单选题A friendship may be( ), casual, situational or deep and lasting.问题1选项A.identicalB.superficialC.criticalD.original【答案】B【解析】形容词词义辨析。identical同一的,完全相同的;superficial表面的,肤浅的;critical批判的,爱挑剔的;original原始的,最初的。句意:友谊可以是 、随意的、情境性的,也可以是深刻而持久的。根据句意可知填空处的词应与deep 和 lasting 意义相反,且与 casual 和 situational 意义相似,选项B符合语境。19. 单选题Although most dreams apparently happen ( ) , dream activity may be provoked by external influences.问题1选项A.instantaneouslyB.simultaneouslyC.spontaneouslyD.unanimously【答案】C【解析】副词词义辨析。Instantaneously即刻,突如其来地;simultaneously 同时地;spontaneously自发地;unanimously全体一致地。句意:虽然大多数梦显然是自发的,但梦境可能是由外部影响引起的。选项C符合句意。20. 单选题The objective of this popular consultation is to determine( ), the final political status of the region, whether to remain of the country as a special district, or to part from it.问题1选项A.once upon a timeB.once and againC.all at onceD.once and for all【答案】D【解析】once upon a time从前;once and again一而再,再三;all at once突然;once and for all彻底的,最后一次。句意:这次群众协商的目的是一劳永逸地确定该区域的最终政治地位,是继续作为一个特别地区保留该国,还是脱离它。选项D符合句意。


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