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2022年考博英语-清华大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题One of the main reasons is that the universitys( )attracts students and faculty staff all over the world.问题1选项A.fraudB.respondentC.misconductD.prestige【答案】D【解析】名词辨析。Fraud 欺诈; respondent (尤指离婚案的)被告;misconduct 不当行为; prestige 声望 。句意: 其中一个主要原因是大学的 吸引了全世界的学生和教职员工。故D项符合句意。2. 单选题Bad traveling conditions had seriously ( ) their progress to their destination in thatregion.问题1选项A.tuggedB.demolishedC.hamperedD.destroyed【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析。句意: 恶劣的旅行条件严重 ( ) 了他们到达该地区目的地的进程。tug 用力拖,拖拉;demolish 毁坏,破坏;hamper 妨碍,牵制;destroy 毁灭,消灭。C符合句意。3. 单选题These natural resources will be( )sooner or later if the present rate of exploitation continues.问题1选项A.depletedB.deployedC.inclinedD.mingled【答案】A【解析】动词辨析。句意:如果按目前的开采速度继续下去,这些自然资源迟早会被 的。因此A项depleted(耗尽)正确。4. 单选题The difference between avian flu and human flu that should be commanding our rapt attention today is that avian influenza, specifically the H5N1 strain known as bird flu, threatens to become the young peoples plague. And it is a growing contender to cause a devastating worldwide pandemic in the next few years.We are too used to thinking of flu as an annual annoyance that kills only the frail and elderly. But that just isnt the case for H5N1. With a mortality rate of over 50 percent, this bird flu has killed over 110 people, striking the young and able-bodied the hardest. Its victims cluster predominantly among 5- to-30-year-old, a pattern that has held up in the 34 known to have died from bird flu so far this year.This vulnerability may stem from the robust and fast-responding immune systems of the young. The victims overreact to the alien virus, triggering a massive immune response called a cytokine storm, turning healthy lungs into a sodden mass of dying tissues congested with blood, toxic fluid, and rampaging inflammatory cells. As air spaces choke off, the body loses oxygen and other organs fail.Scientists have recently shown that H5N1 has ominous parallels with the devastating 1918 flu pandemic, which also jumped directly to humans from birds and disproportionately attacked the young and the strong. With a pattern highly suggestive of a cytokine storm, death sometimes came within just hours, turning many World War I troop ships into death ships.Now imagine hundreds of thousands of young people laboring on respirators, or lying alone in corridors and makeshift hospital rooms, too sick to be helped when the supply of beds, equipment, and trained staff run out. Seem like hype? Not to the medical experts who discussed these scenarios during last weeks t/. 5*. News Health Summit on emergency preparedness.This picture puts a face on the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, projections that, ifH5N1 mutates into a readily human-transmissible from 209, 000 to 1.9 million Americans could die. Part of our readiness thinking should be to heed the blunt words of HHS Secretary Michael Leavitt at the summit: Any family or community that fails to prepare for the worst, with the expectation that the federal or state government will come to the rescue, will be “tragically wrong.” In a pandemic, the governments medical resources will be stretched thin, and it wont be able to guarantee first-line help to any hometown, local hospital, or college campus. Even the national stockpile of Tamiflu, the antiviral that is the best we have to prevent or lessen the impact of the illness, has its limits. If a college student is hospitalized with a possible H5N1 infection, the feds will provide drugs. But they will not make it available to fend off the virus in the many others who may have come in close contact with the infected student. In the existing federal guidance on H5N1, the young and healthy fall into the lowest-priority group for antiviral drugs and vaccines. Student health centers or other providers had better scrounge up their own stockpiles. Containing possible outbreaks on college campuses may be all but impossible. Social distancing avoiding close contact with other people with air kisses instead of smooches, or even by donning masks and gloves will be tough to enforce.The threat poses a uniquely difficult challenge. In the best of all scenarios, the virus will lose its fury and leave in its wake a new culture of individual and community preparedness. But we need to get ready now, and not for the best scenario but for the worst.1.The difference between avian flu and human flu is that( ) .2.The reason that bird flu strikes the young and able-bodied the hardest may be( ) .3.According to the author, which is the best source that college students can rely upon if there are outbreaks of bird flu on college campuses?4.We can learn from the passage that( ) .问题1选项A.the avian flu should be commanding our rapt attentionB.the avian flu mainly threatens the young peopleC.the avian flu is to cause a devastating worldwide pandemic in the next few yearsD.the avian flu is an annual annoyance that kills only the frail and elderly问题2选项A.the body loses oxygen and other organs failB.a sodden mass of dying tissuesC.the enthusiastic immune systems of the youngD.the overreaction of blood, toxic fluid, and rampaging inflammatory cells问题3选项A.The national stockpile of Tamiflu.B.The governments medical resources.C.Drugs provided by the feds.D.The stockpile of the students health centers.问题4选项A.it is impossible that bird flu outbreaks on college campusesB.the reason that bird flu may impossibly outbreak on college campuses is that social distancing will be tough to enforce thereC.both individuals and communities should be prepared for the threatD.we need to get ready now for the worst scenario prepared for the fury of bird flu【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:C第4题:D【解析】1.细节题。根据题干关键词difference between avian flu and human flu 定位至第一段: difference between .threatens to become the young peoples plague. 故B项正确。2.细节题。根据题干关键词strikes the young定位至第三段: This vulnerability may stem from the robust and fast-responding immune systems of the young, 即原因是免疫系统太好了,过度防御造成的。3.细节题。根据题干关键词outbreaks of bird flu on college定位至第六段第五句, C项是the feds will provide drugs的复现。4.推断题。文章最后一段最后一句与选项D重现。5. 单选题Some African Americans have had a profound impact on American society, changing many peoples views on race, history and politics. The following is a sampling of African Americans who have shaped society and the world with their spirit and their ideals.Muhammad Ali Cassius Marcellus Clay grew up a devout Baptist in Louisville, Kentucky, learning to fight at age 12 after a police officer suggested he learn to defend himself. Six years later, he was an Olympic boxing champion, going on to win three world heavyweight titles. He became known as much for his swagger (趾高气扬)outside the ring as his movement in it, converting to Islam in 1965, changing his name to Muhammad Ali and refusing to join the U. S. Army on religious grounds. Ali remained popular after his athletic career ended and he developed Parkinsons disease, even lighting the Olympic torch at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and conveying the peaceful virtues of Islam followingthe September 11 terrorist attacks.W. E. B. Du Bois Bom William Edward Burghardt Du Bois in 1868, this Massachusetts native was one of the most prominent, prolific intellectuals of his time. An academic, activist and historian, Du Bois co-founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), edited “The Crisis” magazine and wrote 17 books, four journals and many other scholarly articles. In perhaps his most famous work, “The Souls of Black Folk,” published in 1903, he predicted “the problem of 20th century would be the problem of the color-line. Martin Luther King Jr. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is considered one of the most powerful and popular leaders of the American civil rights movement. He spearheaded (带头,做先锋)a massive, nonviolent initiative of marches, sit-ins, boycotts and demonstrations that profoundly affected Americans attitudes toward race relations. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.Malcolm X Black leader Malcolm X spoke out about the concepts of race pride and black nationalism in the early 1960s. He denounced the exploitation of black people by whites and developed a large and dedicated following, which continued even after his death in 1965. Interest in the leadersurged again after Spike Lees 1992 movie “Malcolm X” was released.Jackie Robinson In 1947, Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier by joining the Brooklyn Dodgers, becoming the first black baseball player in the U. S. major leagues. After retirement from baseball in 1957, he remained active in civil rights and youth activities. In 1962, he became the first African-American to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.1.Which of the following is NOT true about Muhammad Ali?2.The italicized word “prolific” (Line 2, Para. 3) is synonymous to( ).3.According to the passage, which of the following statement is NOT true?4.What is common among the celebrities mentioned in the passage?5.Which of the following can be a title of the passage?问题1选项A.He never served in the army.B.He learned to fight at an early age.C.His popularity decreased after his retirement from boxing.D.He loves peace.问题2选项A.smartB.skilledC.productiveD.pioneering问题3选项A.W . E . B . Du Bois was engaged in the cause of promoting the status of colored people.B.Jackie Robinson was denied by U. S. major baseball leagues throughout his life.C.Martin Luther King Jr. was highly awarded for his contributions to the civil rights movements.D.Malcolm X directly or indirectly inspired interest in leadership even after his death.问题4选项A.Each achieved enormous success in his / her field and was highly recognized.B.Each was devoted to his / her cause but didnt win recognition until death.C.All were active and famous in several fields in their lifetime.D.All loved peace and remained active in civil rights activities.问题5选项A.Life of Famous African AmericansB.Influence of Famous African AmericansC.Political Pioneers: Icons and IntellectualsD.Cultural Pioneers: Icons and Intellectuals【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.细节判断题。原文第二段尾句指出Ali remained popular after his athletic career ended( Ali 在运动生涯结束后仍然很受欢迎)。C选项说从拳击退役后,他的声望下降了,与原文不符。2.语义题。Prolific形容intellectuals, 原文第三段第二句wrote 17 books, four journals and many other scholarlyarticles可知,这里要表达的是 “丰富的才能,足智多谋”,productive最相符。3.细节判断题。根据题干定位到Jackie段落,Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier .first black baseball player(Jackie Robinson打破了肤色障碍, 成为第一个黑人棒球运动员)。B选项与此不符。4.细节归纳题。文中提到的每个名人在其领域都取得了巨大的成就并且被高度认可。5.主旨大意题。本文只介绍了一些非裔美国人在政治和文化方面的生平事迹,但是并没有着重于他们带来的影响。6. 单选题Her talk at the seminar clearly( )from the topic the supervisor expected in the field ofsociology.问题1选项A.alternatedB.amplifiedC.designatedD.diverged【答案】D【解析】固定搭配。句意:她的发言明显与领导期望的在社会学领域的主题( ) 。Diverged from为固定搭配,意为“背道而驰;背离”。7. 单选题An archaeologist has to pay much attention to( )details of an unearthed object.问题1选项A.miserableB.minusC.minuteD.moist【答案】C【解析】形容词辨析。C项minute (极小的,微小的)与句中details(细节)搭配合理。8. 单选题The local residents were unhappy about the curfew in this region and decided to( )it.问题1选项A.disgraceB.disguiseC.defyD.distress【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析。disgrace 玷污;disguise 假装,伪装;defy 不服从,公然反抗;distress 使悲痛,使穷困;句意:当地居民对该地区的宵禁不满意,决定( ) 。选项C符合句意。9. 单选题The collapse of the Earths magnetic field which guards the planet and guides many of its creatures appears to have started seriously about 150 years ago, the New York Times reported last week.The fields strength has decreased by 10 or 15 percent so far and this has increased the debate over whether it signals a reversal of the planets lines of magnetic force.During a reversal, the main field weakens, almost vanishes, and reappears with opposite polarity (极).The transition would take thousands of years. Once completed, compass needles that had pointed north would point south. A reversal could cause problems for both man and animals. Astronauts and satellites would have difficulties. Birds, fish and animals that rely on the magnetic field for navigation would find migration confusing. But experts said the effects would not be a big disaster, despite claims of doom and vague evidence of links between past field reversals and species extinctions.Although a total transition may be hundreds or thousands of years away, the rapid decline in magnetic strength is already affecting satellites. Last month, the European Space Agency approved the worlds largest effort at tracking the fields shifts. A group of new satellites, called Swarm, is to monitor the collapsing field with far greater precision. “ We want to get some idea of how this would evolve in the near future, just like people trying to predict the weather,” said Gauthier Hulot, a French geophysicist working on the satellite plan. “Im personally quite convinced we should be able to work out the first predictions by the end of the mission. No matter what the new findings, the public has no reason to panic. Even if a transition is coming on its way, it might take 2, 000 years to mature. The last one took place 780,000 years ago, when early humans were learning how to make stone tools. Deep inside the Earth flow hot currents of melted iron. This mechanical energy creates electromagnetism. This process is known as the geophysical generator. In a cars generator, the same principle turns mechanical energy into electricity.No one knows precisely why the field periodically reverses. But scientists say the responsibility probably lies with changes in the disorderly flows of melted iron, which they see as similar to the gases that make up the clouds of Jupiter.1.According to the passage, the Earths magnetic field has( ) .2.During the transition of the Earths magnetic field ( ).3.The author says the public has no reason to panic” because( ) .4.The cause of the transition of the Earths magnetic field comes from( ) .问题1选项A.misguided many a man and animalB.begun to change in the opposite directionC.caused the changes on the polaritiesD.been weakening in strength for a long time问题2选项A.the compass will become uselessB.man and animals will be confused in directionsC.the magnetic strength of the Earth will disappearD.the magnetic strength of the Earth will be stronger问题3选项A.the transition is still thousands of years from nowB.the transition can be precisely predicted by scientistsC.the process of the transition will take a very long time to finishD.the new transition will come 780, 000 years from now问题4选项A.the movement deep inside the EarthB.the periodical reverses of the EarthC.the force coining from outer spaceD.the mechanical movement of the Earth【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:C第4题:D【解析】1.细节题。文章前两段指出地球磁场开始发生变化,后来指出正在向相反的方向发生变化。故选B。2.细节题。根据题干关键词transition 定位至第三段。由此推测B项 “人和动物在方向上会混淆”正确。3.细节题。根据题干关键词public has no reason to panic定位至第五段。由此推测B项 “人和动物在方向上会混淆”正确。关键词public has no reason to panic后面就讲了原因: it might take 2, 000 years to mature(可能要2000年才能成熟)。 故选C。4.细节题。根据题干关键词cause of the transition of the Earths magnetic field 定位至最后一段:changes in the disorderly flows of melted iron, 即原因是地球内部深处流动着液体铁,这种机械能会产生电磁。10. 单选题After 1989, the external ( ) vanished, but the danger to American civilization remained.问题1选项A.disruptionB.menaceC.liabilityD.emergence【答案】B【解析】名词辨析。disruption 中断,分裂;menace 威胁,胁迫; liability 责任,义务;emergence 出现,出来,暴露。句意: 1989年之后,外部 消失了,但对美国文明的危险依然存在。 因此B项符合句意和逻辑。11. 写作题You are asked to write in no less than 200 words about the title of Harmful Plagiarism in Academic Field in China. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.Remember to write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.目前在学术界出现了剽窃和抄袭等不良现象。作为一名未来的博士研究生,你如何看待这些现象,你认为应该如何制止,以及你应该如何从自身做起。【答案】Harmful Plagiarism in Academic Field in China12. 单选题A( )plan needs to be considered and accepted so as to lower the prices in these cities.问题1选项A.deliberateB.disincentiveC.functionalD.fantastic【答案】A【解析】形容词词义辨析。deliberate 深思熟虑的,预有准备的;disincentive 妨碍活动的;functional 功能的;fantastic 幻想的,奇异的。空格部分应与considered and accepted逻辑上对应。deliberate符合句意和逻辑。13. 单选题Some people seem to( )on the pressure of working under a deadline.问题1选项A.renderB.evolveC.prevailD.thrive【答案】D【解析】动词辨析。render 报答;归还;给予;evolve 演变,进化;prevail 盛行,流行;thrive 兴旺,繁荣,茁壮成长。句意: 有些人似乎在最后期限工作的压力下 。故D项符合句意。14. 单选题The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have ( )supplies of petroleum.问题1选项A.sufficientB.efficientC.potentialD.proficient【答案】A【解析】形容词辨析。sufficient足够的,充足的;efficient有效率,有能力的;potential潜在的,可能的;proficient熟练的,精通的。空格处应该为一个形容词修饰supplies of petroleum(石油供应),根据前面部分“The European Union countries were once worried(欧盟国家曾一度担心)”可知,此处应表示“充足的石油供应”,因此A项符合句意。句意:欧盟国家曾一度担心他们没有充足的石油供应。15. 单选题In a year marked by uncertainty and upheaval, officials at New Orleans universities that draw applicants nationwide are not following the usual rules of thumb when it comes to college admissions. The only sure bet, they say, is that this falls entering classes the first since Katrina 一 will be smaller than usual.In typical years, most college admissions officials can predict fairly accurately by this point in the admissions cycle how many high school seniors will commit to enrolling in their institutions. Many of the most selective schools require studentswho increasingly are applying to multiple institutions to make their choices by May 1. Loyola University, whose trustees will vote May 19 on whether to drop several degree programs and eliminate 17 faculty positions, received fewer applications about 2, 900 to date, compared with 3, 500 in recent years. The school hopes to enroll 700 freshmen, down from 850 in the past few years. Historically black Dillard University, which is operating out of a hotel and was forced to cancel its annual March open house, also saw drops, as did Xavier University, a historically black Catholic institution that fell behind its recruitment schedule. Dillard wont release numbers, but spokeswoman Maureen Larkins says applications were down and enrollments are expected to be lower than in the past. Xavier admissions dean Winston Brown says its applicant pool fell by about half of last years record 1, 014; he hopes to enroll 500 freshmen.In contrast, Tulane University, which is the most selective of the four and developed an aggressive recruitment schedule after the hurricane, enjoyed an 11% increase in applications this year, to a record 20, 715. Even so, officials predict that fewer admitted students will enroll and are projecting a smaller-than-usual freshman class 1, 400, compared with a more typical 1, 600. Tulane officials announced in December that they would eliminate some departments and faculty positions.Like Tulane, other schools are taking extra steps this year to woo admitted students, often by enlisting help from alumni around the country and reaching out to students with more e-mails, phone calls or Web-based interactions such as blogs. In addition, Loyola is relaxing deadlines, sweetening the pot with larger scholarships and freezing tuition at last years level. Dillard, too, is freezing tuition. Its also hosting town meetings in target cities and regions nat


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