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2022年考博英语-扬州大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题The mayor called together all his staff members and announced that the freshly appointed director of general affairs was( ) his ex-wifes son.问题1选项A.nobody other thanB.nothing other thanC.none other thanD.not other than【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。none other than意为“不是别的而正是”。句意:市长召集了他所有的职员,宣布新任命的总干事不是别人,正是他前妻的儿子。选项C符合句意。2. 单选题Glass that has been tempered may be up to( ).问题1选项A.five times as hard as ordinary glassB.as hard as ordinary glass five timesC.hard as ordinary glass as five timesD.as five times hard ordinary glass【答案】A【解析】语法题。考查倍数表达:倍数+as+形容词或副词的原级+as+其它。句意:钢化玻璃的硬度可能是普通玻璃的五倍。因此A项正确。3. 单选题When you think of the tremendous technological progress we have made, its amazing how little we have developed in other respects. We may speak contemptuously of the poor old Romans because they relished the orgies of slaughter that went on in their arenas. We may despise them because they mistook these goings on for entertainment. We may forgive them condescendingly because they lived 2000 years ago and obviously knew no better. But are our feelings of superiority really justified? Are we any less blood-thirsty? Why do boxing matches, for instance, attract such universal interest? Dont the spectators who attend them hope they will see some violence? Human beings remains as bloodthirsty as ever they were. The only difference between ourselves and the Romans is that while they were honest enough to admit that they enjoyed watching hungry lions tearing people apart and eating them alive, we find all sorts of sophisticated arguments to defend sports which should have been banned long age; sports which are quite as barbarous as, say, public hangings or bearbaiting.It really is incredible that in this day and age we should still allow hunting or bull-fighting, that we should be prepared to sit back and watch two men batter each other to pulp in a boxing ring, that we should be relatively unmoved by the sight of one or a number of racing cars crashing and bursting into flames. Let us not deceive ourselves. Any talk of the sporting spirit is sheer hypocrisy. People take part in violent sports because of the high rewards they bring. Spectators are willing to pay vast sums of money to see violence. A world heavyweight championship match, for instance, is front page news. Millions of people are disappointed if a big fight is over in two rounds instead of fifteen. They feel disappointment because they have been deprived of the exquisite pleasure of witnessing prolonged torture and violence.Why should we ban violent spoils if people enjoy them so much? You may welt ask. The answer is simple: they arc uncivilized. For centuries man has been trying to improve himself spiritually and emotionally admittedly with little success. But at least we no longer tolerate the sight madmen cooped up in cages, or public floggings of any of the countless other barbaric practices which were common in the past. Prisons are no longer the grim forbidding places they used to be. Social welfare systems are in operation in many parts of the world. Big efforts are being made to distribute wealth fairly. These changes have come about not because human beings have suddenly and unaccountably improved, but because positive steps were taken to change the law. The taw is the biggest instrument of social change that we have and it may exert great civilizing influence. If we banned dangerous and violent sports, we would be moving one step further to improving mankind. We would recognize that violence is degrading and unworthy of human beings.1. It can be inferred from the passage that the authors opinion of nowadays human beings is( ).2.The main idea of this passage is( ).3.That the author mentions the old Romans is( ).4.How many dangerous sports does the author mention in this passage?5.The purpose of the author in writing this passage is( ).问题1选项A.not very highB.high.C.contemptuous.D.critical.问题2选项A.vicious and dangerous sports should be banned by law.B.people are willing to pay vast sums money to see violence.C.to compare two different attitudes towards dangerous sports.D.people are bloodthirsty in sports.问题3选项A.to compare the old Romans with todays people.B.to give an example.C.to show human beings in the past know nothing better.D.to indicate human beings are used to bloodthirsty.问题4选项A.Three.B.Five.C.Six.D.Seven.问题5选项A.that, by banning the violent sports, we human beings can improve our selves.B.that, by banning the dangerous sports, we can improve the law.C.that we must lake positive steps to improve social welfare system.D.to show law is the main instrument of social change.【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.判断推理题。结合全文内容可知,作者在第一段指出:现在的我们和罗马人的区别在于,罗马人诚实的承认他们暴力且嗜血,而我们则使用各种理由来掩盖自己和罗马人一样的本性。第二段作者以暴力的体育运动为例进行阐述,但在第三段指出,人们努力进行改善,比如社会福利和法律,尽管没有成功但有所改观。作者一直站在客观的角度阐述事实,并没有体现出轻蔑和批判的语气,并且对人们还抱有期望,所以作者只是对现在的人们评价不高,选项A更加恰当。2.判断推理题。根据上一题的分析可知,作者是不希望看到暴力危险的体育运动的,所以作者希望法律能够禁止暴力危险的体育运动,选项A符合原文。3.判断推理题。根据原文第一段中所提及的“Human beings remains as bloodthirsty as ever they were. 人类仍然和以前一样嗜血。”作者之所以提到罗马人,不仅仅是以此来举例或者是和现在的人进行比较,作者真正的目的在于强调现在的人们和以前的罗马人一样嗜血。所以选项D更恰当。4.细节事实题。原文提到的危险体育运动有:boxing(拳击); bearbaiting(逗熊游戏); hunting(打猎); bull-fighting(斗牛); cars crashing(赛车)。所以选项B正确。5.作者意图题。根据第三段的最后两句话“If we banned dangerous and violent sports, we would be moving one step further to improving mankind. We would recognize that violence is degrading and unworthy of human beings. 如果我们禁止危险和暴力的体育运动,我们就向改善人类又迈进了一步。我们将认识到暴力是人类的堕落和不值得。”由此可知,作者认为通过禁止暴力运动,人们能够改善自我。选项A符合原文。4. 单选题I would do anything for her except( )what she cooks.问题1选项A.to eatB.eatC.eatingD.eaten【答案】B【解析】考查动词的形式。句意:我可以为她做任何事,就是不要吃她做的饭。Except在这里表示并列关系,前面是would do,后面同样也是用动词原形,所以选项B正确。5. 单选题The report includes a tale of how an honorable man pursuing honorable goals was afflicted with( )and led his nation towards catastrophe.问题1选项A.prideB.humilityC.gratificationD.hubris【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项pride“自豪,傲慢”;B选项humility“谦逊”;C选项gratification“满意,喜悦”;D选项hubris“狂妄自大”。句意:这个报告包括了一个故事, 的是一个高贵的人是如何追求崇高的目标,却由于狂妄自大而受到折磨,从而使他的国家走向灾难。选项D符合语境。6. 单选题She contrived to get a glimpse of the light of truth here and there, and hoped that( )ray might suffice to guide her.问题1选项A.scantB.scarceC.meagerD.sparse【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项scant“不足的,缺乏的”,强调的是勉强足够的;B选项scarce“缺乏的,稀有的”,强调的是“稀缺、珍贵”;C选项meager“贫乏的”,多指收入微薄;D选项sparse“稀疏的,稀少的”,强调人烟稀少,资源匮乏。句意:她设法在各处瞥见一点真理的光芒,希望那微弱的光芒足以引导她。这里强调的是勉强足够的,所以选项A更符合语境。7. 单选题There( ) no further questions, the Chair will entertain a motion to approve the Presidents report.问题1选项A.had beenB.would beC.wasD.being【答案】D【解析】考查独立主格结构。句意:没有问题的话,主席要提议请大家核准董事会的报告。句子的前半部分在句中做状语成分,为独立主格机构,所以填空处应填入非谓语动词,只有选项D符合要求。8. 单选题Love is the most melodious of all harmonies and the sentiment of love is innate. Woman is a delightful instrument of pleasure, but it is necessary to know its trembling strings, to study the position of them, the timid keyboard, the fingering so changeful and( )which befits it.问题1选项A.viciousB.unrulyC.maliciousD.capricious【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项vicious“恶毒的”;B选项unruly“任性的”;C选项malicious“蓄意的”;D选项capricious“反复无常的”。句意:爱是所有和声中最悦耳的,爱的情感是与生俱来的。女人是令人愉悦的乐器,但你必须知道它颤动的琴弦,研究它们的位置,了解羞怯的键盘,以及适合它的喜怒无常的指法。填空处所填的词应该和changeful意思相近,所以选项D正确。9. 单选题Starting with the( )that there is life on the planet Mars, the Russian and American scientists went on to develop their arguments.问题1选项A.premiseB.pretextC.preconditionD.presentation【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项premise“前提,假定,假设”;B选项pretext“借口,托辞”;C选项precondition“前提,先决条件”;D选项presentation“展示,描述”。句意:从火星上有生命这一假设出发,俄罗斯和美国的科学家继续展开他们的争论。火星上有生命这只是一个假设,所以选项A正确。10. 单选题The international situation has been growing( )difficult for the last few years.问题1选项A.invariablyB.presumablyC.increasinglyD.dominantly【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项invariably“不变地”;B选项presumably“大概,推测起来”;C选项increasingly“越来越多地”;D选项dominantly“有统治权地”。句意:最近几年里,国际形势日益严峻。选项C符合句意。11. 单选题Intensive requirements, rather than content, distinguish masters-level courses from undergraduate courses. The content is specialized, but often no more so than in upper-level undergraduate courses in British Commonwealth or European universities. First-year American graduate students are, in a sense, catching up. Yet they are also learning to work under more pressure than undergraduates in the United States of elsewhere.It is not quite accurate to equate first-year graduate study with the masters degree; in addition, most masters programs require more than a years work, and more than course work. They can be equated in their purpose: to acquaint the student with the literature, the current ideas, the methodologies, etc., of his or her field. The first year of graduate study is best characterized, then, as a reading program.All in all, the masters program is less easily defined than undergraduate curricula. The number of residence credits may be effectively determined by an accrediting agency (评审机构) and will vary from field to field. In some curricula (e.g. clinical psychology), a mandatory internship or practical training leads to 2 to 3 years of study, whereas an M.B.A may be completed in 18 months. The final requirement in a masters program may be a thesis, a comprehensive exam, or both, or course papers collected and bound as a thesis-substitute. There may or may not be a foreign language requirement.The masters degree itself may be defined as a certificate of competence in a reasonably specialized field. We may note here that many American educators oppose narrow specialization at masters and even at doctoral level; they complain of highly trained engineers who know nothing of the social sciences, of physicians who dont understand human psychology, and of literature Ph.D. s who ignorant of science. Effective graduate education, in this view, is the process of learning to find data, to evaluate it, and to organize it meaningfully.1.First-year American graduate students( ).2.It is suggested that( ).3.In order to get M.B.A, you must( ).4.Which one of the following final requirements is necessary in masters program?5.Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned?问题1选项A.are catching up with European UniversitiesB.are catching up with undergraduates in the Unites States or elsewhereC.are learning to work under more pressure than undergraduatesD.American undergraduates have no pressure问题2选项A.the first year graduates read a lotB.the first year graduates are working for the masters degreeC.the first year graduate are reading English literatureD.the first year graduates are just having course work问题3选项A.have internship or practical trainingB.study 18 monthsC.study a foreign languageD.study 2 or 3 years问题4选项A.Course creditsB.Foreign languagesC.A thesisD.A graduation project问题5选项A.American educators complain of highly trained engineers who dont know anything about social science.B.American educators complain of physicians who dont understand human psychology.C.American educators complain of literature Ph. D s who are ignorant of science.D.American educators complain of the graduate education, which is the process of learning to find date, to evaluate it, and to organize it meaningfully.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。第一段最后指出:First-year American graduate students are, in a sense, catching up. Yet they are also learning to work under more pressure than undergraduates in the United States of elsewhere(从某种意义上说,一年级美国研究生正在迎头赶上。然而,与美国其他地方的大学生相比,他们也在学习如何在更大的压力下工作)。因此C项正确。2.判断推理题。第二段最后一句指出:The first year of graduate study is best characterized, then, as a reading program (研究生学习的第一年最好被描述为“阅读阶段”),由此推断,研究生学习的第一年会阅读大量书籍。3.细节事实题。第三段指出:whereas an M.B.A may be completed in 18 months (而工商管理硕士学位可能在18个月内完成)。故选B项。4.细节事实题。第三段最后一句指出:The final requirement in a masters program may be a thesis, a comprehensive exam, or both, or course papers collected and bound as a thesis-substitute. There may or may not be a foreign language requirement (硕士课程的最终要求可能是一篇论文,一次综合考试,或者两者兼而有之,或者收集并装订成论文替代品的课程论文。可能有也可能没有外语要求)。因此C项正确。5.细节事实题。最后一段指出:they complain of highly trained engineers who know nothing of the social sciences, of physicians who dont understand human psychology, and of literature Ph.D.s who ignorant of science. Effective graduate education, in this view, is the process of learning to find data, to evaluate it, and to organize it meaningfully (许多美国教育工作者控诉训练有素的工程师对社会科学一无所知,医生不懂人类心理学,文学博士对科学一无所知。这样看来,有效的研究生教育,起作用的研究生教育是一个学习发现数据、评估数据并有意义地组织数据的过程)。由此可知,D项并不是美国教育工作者控诉的内容。12. 单选题( )before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.问题1选项A.Had they arrivedB.Were they arrivingC.Would they arriveD.Were they to arrive【答案】D【解析】考查虚拟语气。主句谓语是“should+动词原形”,表示与现在事实相反或与将来事实可能相反。从句部分是倒装结构,省略了if,由于句子中的时间状语是the day after tomorrow,所以从句动词应该用与将来事实可能相反的虚拟语气。应为should(were to)+动词原形。句意:如果他们在我们后天出发之前到达的话,我们可以有一顿丰盛的晚宴。故D项正确。13. 单选题We offer a wide variety of services to fit your request,( )web design, graphic design, web development, or anything else.问题1选项A.whether they beB.whether it beC.would they beD.would it be【答案】B【解析】考查语法结构。句意:我们提供各种各样的服务,以满足您的要求,无论是网页设计,图形设计,网页开发,或任何其他。根据句意可知,这里表示的是“无论.”,可首先排除选项C和选项D;其次,原句中并列的几个选择性词组都是单数形式,所以这里的代词也应该使用单数,选项B为正确答案。14. 单选题None of this is( )surprising, nor are these questionable industry machination limited to the frenzied search for the so-called pink pill.问题1选项A.at the leastB.the leastC.the least bitD.in the least bit【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项at the least“无论如何”;B选项the least“最少”;C选项the least bit“半点,毫厘”;D选项in the least bit“一点,丝毫”。句意:这些丝毫不令人感到惊讶,这些可疑行业的阴谋也不仅仅局限于疯狂地寻找所谓的“粉色药丸”。选项D符合句意。15. 单选题Many a businessman( ) himself the prisoner of his business and the commodities he sells; he has a feeling of fraudulency about his product and a secret contempt for it.问题1选项A.had feltB.have feltC.feelsD.feel【答案】C【解析】考查时态。句意:许多商人觉得自己成了生意和商品的俘虏;他对自己的产品有一种欺骗的感觉,并暗地里蔑视它。根据句意可知,这里应使用一般现在时,由此可首先排除选项A和选项B;Many a +单数名词,其后的谓语动词应使用第三人称单数,所以选项C正确。16. 单选题With price( )so much, its hard for the company to plan a budget.问题1选项A.fluctuatingB.wavingC.swingingD.vibrating【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。fluctuate“使波动,使动摇,涨落”; wave“挥手,挥舞”;swing“摇摆,旋转”;vibrate“使振动,使颤动”。句意:由于价格波动大,所以这家公司很难做出预算计划。A项符合题意。17. 单选题Imagine a world in which there was suddenly no emotion-a world in which human beings could feel no love or happiness, no terror or hate. Try to imagine the consequences of such a transformation. People might not be able to stay alive: knowing neither joy nor pleasure, anxiety nor fear, they would be as likely to repeat acts that hurt them as acts that were beneficial. They could not learn: they could not benefit from experience because this emotionless world would lack rewards and punishments. Society would soon disappear: people would be as likely to harm one another as to provide help and support. Human relationships would not exist: in a world without friends or enemies, there could be no marriage, affection among companions, or bonds (关系) among members of groups. Societys economic underpinnings (支柱) would be destroyed: since earning $10 million would be no more pleasant than earning $10, there would be no incentive to work. In fact, there would be no incentives(刺激,动力) of any kind, for as we will see, incentives imply a capacity to enjoy them.In such a world, the chances that the human species would survive are next to zero, because emotions are the basic instrument of our survival and adaptation. Emotions structure the world for us in important ways. As individuals, we categorize objects on the basis of our emotions. True, we consider the length, shape, size, or texture, but an objects physical aspects are less important than what it has done or can do to us-hurt us, surprise us, anger us or make us joyful. We also use categorizations colored by emotions in our families, communities, and overall society. Out of our emotional experiences with objects and events comes a social feeling of agreement that certain things and actions are good and others are bad”, and we apply these categories to every aspect of our social life-from what foods we eat and what clothes we wear to how we keep promises and which people our group will accept. In fact, society uses our emotional reactions and attitudes, such as loyalty morality, pride shame, guilt, fear and greed, in order to maintain itself. It gives high rewards to individuals who perform important tasks such as surgery, makes heroes out of individuals for unusual or dangerous achievements such as flying fighter planes in a war, and uses the legal penal (刑法的) system to make people afraid to engage in antisocial acts.1.The reason why people might not be able to stay alive in a world without emotion is that( ).2.According to the passage, peoples learning activity are possible because they( ).3.It can be inferred from the passage that the economic foundation of society is dependent on ( ).4.Emotions are significant for mans survival and adaptation because( ).5.The emotional aspects of an object are more important than its physical aspects in that they( ).问题1选项A.they would not be able to tell the texture of objectsB.they would not know what was beneficial and what was harmful to themC.they would not be happy with a life without loveD.they would do things that hurt each others feelings问题2选项A.enjoy being rewarded for doing the right thingB.know what is vital to the progress of societyC.believe that emotions are fundamental for them to stay aliveD.benefit from providing help and support to one another问题3选项A.the ability to make moneyB.the capacity to workC.the stimulus to workD.the categorizations of our emotional experiences问题4选项A.they provide the means by which people view the size or shape of objects.B.they are the basis for the social feeling of agreement by which society is maintained.C.they encourage people to perform dangerous achievements.D.they produce more love than hate among people.问题5选项A.help society exploit its members for profitB.encourage us to perform important tasksC.help to perfect the legal and penal systemD.help us to adapt our behavior to the world surrounding us【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D【解析】第1题:1.细节事实题。由第一段“People might not be able to stay alive: knowing neither joy nor pleasure, anxiety nor fear, they would be as likely to repeat acts that hurt them as acts that were beneficial. 人们可能无法活下去:既不知道快乐也不知道恐惧,他们可能会重复对自己有益的行为,也会重复对自己有害的行为。”言下之意就是人们不知道什么事情对自己有益处,什么事情有害,所以选项B正确。2.推理判断题。由第一段“They could not learn: they could not benefit from experience because this emotionless world would lack rewards and punishments. 他们无法学习:他们无法从经验中获益,因为这个没有感情的世界将缺乏奖赏和惩罚。可知人们从奖赏和惩罚中学习。故A项正确。3.推理判断题。由第一段“Societys economic underpinnings (支柱) would be destroyed: since earning $10 million would be no more pleasant than earning $10, there would be no incentive to work. In fact, there would be no incentives(刺激,动力) of any kind, for as we will see, incentives imply a capacity to enjoy them.社会的经济支柱将会被毁灭,因为挣1000万美元并不会比挣10美元带来更多快乐,没有了工作的动力。事实上,任何事情的动力都没有了,因为我们知道动力反映了享受它们的能力。”可知经济的支柱是工作的动力,故C项正确。4.推理判断题。由第二段“Out of our emotional experiences with objects and events comes a social feeling of agreement that certain things and actions are good and other


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