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2022年考博英语-中央民族大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 不定项选择题Predicting the future is risky business for a scientist. It is safe to say, however, that the global AIDS epidemic will get much worse before it gets any better. Sadly, this modern plague will be with us for several generations, despite major scientific advances.As of January 2000, the AIDS epidemic has claimed 15 million lives and left 40 million people living with a viral infection that slowly but relentlessly erodes the immune system. Accounting for more than 3 million deaths in the past year alone, the AIDS virus has become the deadliest microbe in the world, more lethal than even TB and malaria. There are 34 developing countries where the prevalence of this infection is 2% or greater. In Africa nearly a dozen countries have a rate higher than 10%, including four southern African nations in which a quarter of the people are infected. And the situation continues to worsen; more than 6 million new infections appeared in 1999. This is like condemning 16,000 people each day to a slow and miserable death.Fortunately, the AIDS story has not been all gloom and doom. Less than two years after AIDS was recognized, the guilty agent human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV was identified. We now know more about HIV than about any other virus, and 14 AIDS drugs have been developed and licensed in the U.S. and Western Europe.The epidemic continues to rage, however, in South America, Eastern Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. By the year 2025, AIDS will be by far the major killer of young Africans, decreasing life expectancy to as low as 40 years in some countries and single-handedly erasing the public health gains of the past 50 years.It is Asia, with its huge population at risk, that will have the biggest impact on the global spread of AIDS. The magnitude of the pandemic could range from 100 million to 1 billion, depending largely on what happens in India and China. Four million people have already become HIV-positive in India, and infection is likely to reach several percent in a population of 1 billion. Half a million Chinese are now infected; the trajectory of Chinas epidemic, however, is less certain.An explosive AIDS epidemic in the U.S. is unlikely. Instead, HIV infection will continue to fester in about 0.5% of the population. But the complexion of the epidemic will change. New HIV infections will occur predominately in the underclass, with rates 10 times as high in minority groups. Nevertheless, American patients will live quality lives for decades, thanks to advances in medical research. Dozens of powerful and well-tolerated AIDS drugs will be developed, as will novel means to restore the immune system.A cure for AIDS by the year 2025 is not inconceivable. But constrained by economic reality, these therapeutic advances will have only limited benefit outside the U.S. and Western Europe.1. Which is the best title for this text?2. The phrase “gloom and doom” (L1, Para.3) probably means ( )3. Which of the following statistics is correct according to the text?4. We can learn from the text that ( )5. According to the author, the cure for AIDS will probably mainly depends on ( )问题1选项A.The Spread of HIV . And Will We Ever Cure AIDS?B.The Worse Situation of AIDS . Will AIDS Ruin Human Being?C.The Statistics of AIDS . Will AIDS Spread around the World?D.The Expansion of HIV . Will Asia Become the Core of AIDS?问题2选项A.obscurity and sadness.B.darkness and despair.C.ruin and death.D.disappointment and end.问题3选项A.In India, there are 4,000,000 people who have been found HIV-positive, the infection rate almost reaching dozen percent in 1 million people.B.In China, about 50,000 people are infected by HIV, with the channel of spreading unknown to the Chinese physicians and researchers in the world.C.AIDS epidemic has caused 15,000,000 deaths in the whole world by January 2000 and more than 3,000,000 people died of it in the last year.D.In the United States, HIV infection will go on to attack about 5% of the whole population and lead to an explosive AIDS epidemic in the country.问题4选项A.HIV was found more than two years earlier than AIDS was identified.B.people know a little more about HIV than about most other viruses.C.AIDS continues to rage more wildly in Africa than in Asia.D.HIV infections will mostly happen in the poor and in minor groups.问题5选项A.international cooperation.B.powerful drugs.C.economic situation.D.strong will.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:C【解析】第1题:文章标题题。根据全文的大意,我们看到全文一直围绕的是艾滋病的危害和药物的研发,B选项并没有提及,C选项艾滋病毒已经蔓延到全世界了,D只是最后几段有提到亚洲,但是没有说亚洲是中心的意思,因此答案是A。第2题:词义辨析题。gloom意为“昏暗”,doom意为“死亡,厄运”;A选项的obscurity是“朦胧;阴暗”的意思,D选项是“悲伤失望和终结”,与题干最符合,答案为D。第3题:细节推断题。问:下列哪个数据是对的?正确的是C选项,答案在第二段的开头:As of January 2000, the AIDS epidemic has claimed 15 million lives and left 40 million people living with a viral infection that slowly but relentlessly erodes the immune system. Accounting for more than 3 million deaths in the past year alone.(截至2000年1月,艾滋病已夺去1500万人的生命,使4000万人生活在病毒感染中,这种病毒缓慢而无情地侵蚀着免疫系统。仅去年一年,就有300多万人死于艾滋病病毒。)这句话就是C选项的转述。第4题:推断题。D选项的提示点在倒数第二段,“New HIV infections will occur predominately in the underclass, with rates 10 times as high in minority groups.”因此D正确;A、B、C通过原文都能判定出是错误的。第5题:本题的答案在最后一段。“A cure for AIDS by the year 2025 is not inconceivable. But constrained by economic reality, these therapeutic advances will have only limited benefit outside the U.S. and Western Europe.(到2025年治愈艾滋病是不可想象的。但受经济现实的限制,这些治疗方面的进步在美国和西欧以外的国家的效果有限。)”因此可以看出,治疗艾滋病毒最重要的是经济实力,有经济实力才能去开发药物治疗病毒,因此答案为C。2. 不定项选择题Sometime around 621 BC, a legislator named Draco appeared on the Athenian scene and made the laws that substituted public justice for personal revenge. His laws were so severe that the legislator has been immortalized by the word “draconian”. These laws held for only a quarter of a century until Solon, who came to be called the founder of Athenian democracy, abolished the death penalty for everything but murder. Solon also carried out constitutional reforms that set up free election and brought all classes, except slaves, into the process of government. And so democracy began.A hundred years later democracy and everything else Greece had built up were threatened by Persia. The first of Persias expeditions took place in 490 BC when its army arrived at Marathon, near Athens. This was the event where a Greek soldier ran the 27 miles back to Athens, managed to cry out, “We have won”, then collapsed and died.In their second expedition the Persians were matched by the genius of Themistocles, an Athenian leader who made his people nervous by going out and building a huge fleet rather than an army. However, he turned out to be right. The Persians were blasted off the sea at the battle of Salamis, off the coast near Athens.Athens, now a naval power, was headed for its golden age. Its ruler at this time, around the middle of the fifth century BC, was Pericles, the most dazzling speaker. He practiced democracy at home. One of his not-so-smart decisions was to restrict Athenian citizenship to people whose mother and father were both Athenians.It was Pericles who built the Parthenon. This was quite a time for Athens. While Pericles was building his Parthenon, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides were writing their plays and Socrates and Plato were teaching.Athens was then involved in the Peloponnesian War with Sparta and 27 years of fighting led to Athens defeat in 404 BC. But victorious Spartas influence lasted only 30 years after, it was then ruled by Macedonia, a kingdom in the north of Greece.Philip of Macedons ambition was to unify all of Greece, restore Greek culture to Macedon, and eliminate Persia as a lingering threat. Next in line in the throne was his first wifes son, Alexander the Greats, who had studied under Aristotle. Alexanders death marked the end of the great classical period of Greece, in literature, philosophy and art.1. Which of the following best defines the word “draconian” (L.3, Para.1)?2. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?3. From the last two paragraphs, we lean that ( )4. Solon and Pericles share one similarity, which is that they both ( )5. The best title for this text may be ( )问题1选项A.Democratic.B.Revenge.C.Harsh.D.Dramatic.问题2选项A.Unlike Draco, Solon first established death penalty for the crime of murder.B.Athens marched to its golden age after Persias first expedition.C.Pericles is famous for his ability of writing plays and teaching.D.People misunderstood Themistocles when he built navy.问题3选项A.Macedonia is the name of a man who controlled Athens after war.B.Peloponnesian War is the transitional point for Athens from prosperity to decline.C.Greece was split under the rule of Macedonia.D.Alexander gave Aristotle Athens citizenship because Aristotle was his teacher.问题4选项A.carried out constitutional reforms.B.excelled at giving speech.C.implemented strict laws.D.valued democracy.问题5选项A.The History of Athens.B.The War that Splits Athens.C.The unification of Greek.D.Alexander, the Great Ruler of Athens.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】第1题:词义推断题。draconian的原意是“严酷”,而题干前的“His laws were so severe that”提示了我们答案,文章说他的法律太过于严厉以至于,因此答案为C项harsh“严酷的,严厉的”。第2题:文章大意题。我们需要根据每一个选项定位到相应的部分。A项在第一段有提示,“abolished the death penalty for everything but murder”,可以得出Solon并不是首创,而是沿用了之前的Draco的这一法例;B项错误,是第二次,不是第一次;C项也错误,Preicles是一个演讲家,以演说出名;D项正确,“who made his people nervous by going out and building a huge fleet rather than an army”以及“However, he turned out to be right.”这两句可以看出一开始民众确实是误解他的。第3题:段落细节题。定位到最后两段,A项不对,Macedonia是一个希腊北部的国家,并不是人;B 项并没有提及,错误;C项正确,正因为是在马其顿的统治下分裂,因此菲利普的心愿就是统一希腊;D项错误,并未提及。第4题:细节推断题。解题关键在第一段“Solon, who came to be called the founder of Athenian democracy”以及“Pericles, the most dazzling speaker. He practiced democracy at home.”可以看出他们两位都对民主很重视,答案选D。第5题:文章标题题。从全文多处我们可以看到,文章讲述的主要就是雅典的历史,法律也好,战争也好,都是围绕雅典在叙述,因此A正确。3. 填空题Directions: For Questions 6-10, you will hear an interview with an expert on marriage problems. While you listen, complete the sentenses or answer the questions. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and questions below. (5 points)6. What should be the primary source of help for a troubled couple?7. Writing down a list of problem in the marriage may help a troubled couple discuss them.8. Who should a couple consider seriously turning to if they cant talk with each other?9. Priests are usually unsuccessful in counseling troubled couples despite their( ).10. According to the old notion, what will make hearts grow fonder?【答案】6. (the couple) themselves7. constructively8. a qualified psychologist9. good intentions10. absence4. 翻译题Directions: Read the following two texts carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)(1) Sex prejudices are based on and justified by the ideology that biology is destiny. According to this ideology, basic biological and psychological differences exist between the sexes. These differences require each sex to play a separate role in social life. Women are the weaker sexboth physically and emotionally. (2) Thus, they are naturally suited, much more so than men, to the performance of domestic duties. A womans place, under normal circumstances, is within the protective environment of the home. Nature has determined that women play caretaker roles, such as wife and mother and homemaker. On the other hand, men are best suited to go out into the competitive world of work and politics, where serious responsibilities must be taken on. Men are to be the providers; women and children are “dependents.”(3) The ideology also holds that women who wish to work outside the household should naturally fill these jobs that are in line with the special capabilities of their sex. It is thus appropriate for women, not men, to be employed as nurses, social workers, elementary school teachers, household helpers, and clerks and secretaries. These positions are simply an extension of womens domestic role. Informal distinctions between “womens work” and “mens work” in the labor force, according to the ideology, are simply a functional reflection of the basic differences between the sexes.(4) Finally, the ideology suggests that nature has worked her will in another significant way. For the human species to survive over time, its members must regularly reproduce. Thus, women must, whether at home or in the labor force, make the most of their physical appearance.So goes the ideology. It is, of course, not true that basic biological and psychological differences between the sexes require each to play sex-defined roles in social life. (5) There is ample evidence that sex roles vary from society to society, and those role differences that do exist are largely learned.But to the degree people actually believe that biology is destiny and that nature intended for men and women to make different contributions to society, sex-defined roles will be seen as totally acceptable.【答案】1.性别歧视是在生理由先天决定这一思想基础上产生的,并被其合理化。根据这一思想,生理和心理的基本差异存在于性别之中。2.这样,女人天生比男人更加适合履行家庭职责。在通常情况下,女人的位置处于在家里这个被保护的环境中。3.这种思想还认为,想要走出家庭到外面工作的女人自然就应该在那些适合她们性别的行业里的工作。4.最后,这种思想还认为,自然以另一种显著的方式行使了自己的意志。人类要长远生存下来,它的成员必须有规律地繁衍。5.有充足的证据表明,性别角色在不同的社会里是不同的,而且这些确实存在的角色差异大都是后天学来的。5. 不定项选择题In recent years, railroads have been combining with each other, merging into super systems, causing heightened concerns about monopoly. As recently as 1995, the top four railroads accounted for under 70 percent of the total ton-miles moved by rails. Next year, after a series of mergers is completed, just four railroads will control well over 90 percent of all the freight moved by major rail carriers.Supporters of the new super systems argue that these mergers will allow for substantial cost reductions and better coordinated service. Any threat of monopoly, they argue, is removed by fierce competition from trucks. But many shippers complain that for heavy bulk commodities traveling long distances, such as coal, chemicals, and grain, trucking is too costly and the railroads therefore have them by the throat.The vast consolidation within the rail industry means that most shippers are served by only one rail company. Railroads typically charge such “captive” shippers 20 to 30 percent more than they do when another railroad is competing for the business. Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal governments Surface Transportation Board for rate relief, but the process is expensive, time consuming, and will work only in truly extreme cases.Railroads justify rate discrimination against captive shippers on the grounds that in the long run it reduces everyones cost. If railroads charged all customers the same average rate, they argue, shippers who have the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation would do so, leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping up the line. Its theory to which many economists subscribe, but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail. “Do we really want railroads to be the arbiters of who wins and who loses in the marketplace?” asks Martin Bercovici, a Washington lawyer who frequently represents shipper.Many captive shippers also worry they will soon be hit with a round of huge rate increases. The railroad industry as a whole, despite its brightening fortunes, still does not earn enough to cover the cost of the capital it must invest to keep up with its surging traffic. Yet railroads continue to borrow billions to acquire one another, with Wall Street cheering them on. Consider the $10.2 billion bid by Norfolk Southern and CSX to acquire Conrail this year. Conrails net railway operating income in 1996 was just $427 million, less than half of the carrying costs of the transaction. Whos going to pay for the rest of the bill? Many captive shippers fear that they will, as Norfolk Southern and CSX increase their grip on the market.1. According to those who support mergers railway monopoly is unlikely because( ).2. What is many captive shippers attitude towards the consolidation in the rail industry?3. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that( ).4. The word “arbiters”(line 6, paragraph 4) most probably refers to those ( ) .5. According to the text, the cost increase in the rail industry is mainly caused by( ).问题1选项A.cost reduction is based on competitionB.services call for cross-trade coordinationC.outside competitors will continue to existD.shippers will have the railway by the throat问题2选项A.Indifferent.B.Supportive.C.Indignant.D.Apprehensive.问题3选项A.shippers will be charged less without a rival railroadB.there will soon be only one railroad company nationwideC.overcharged shippers are unlikely to appeal for rate reliefD.a government board ensures fair play in railway business问题4选项A.who work as coordinatorsB.who function as judgesC.who supervise transactionsD.who determine the price问题5选项A.the continuing acquisitionB.the growing trafficC.the cheering Wall StreetD.the shrinking market【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:本题考查了对细节的理解。题目问的是并购支持者为什么认为铁路行业内不会形成垄断。答案要在第二段的前半段中找,因为后半段说的是货主们的观点。支持者们认为:“Any threat of monopoly, they argue, is removed by fierce competition from trucks.”,意思是:因为要和卡车(指公路运输)竞争,所以不存在垄断的可能。所以C选项最符合文章的意思。A项不对,文章说支持者认为合并能降低成本,与竞争没有关系。B项没有根据。D项把主语和宾语弄反了,而且也不是支持者的观点,所以也是错误的。第2题:这题和上一题是一样的。上题问的是支持者的观点,本题问的是货主的态度,要求考生根据文中所提供的线索做判断。通过文章中几处对托运商的描述,如:“But many shippers complain that.”(第二段),“Many captive shippers also worry.”(第五段),“Many captive shippers fear that.”(第五段),我们可以判断出货主的态度是忧虑的,对未来的状况忧心忡忡。所以D选项是正确的。C项并不对。C项的含义是“愤怒的”。这篇文章是论说性的文章,反映的是各方对铁路行业内合并的趋势和前景的看法。文中的许多描述用的是将来时,因为是对未来的推测。文中并没有线索说明货主们有强烈的敌对情绪,C项言过其实了。第3题:本题考查了段落细节的理解。需要考生具有推理能力和引申能力。A项正好与原文意思相反。从第三段第二句中,我们得知铁路公司合并后,铁路公司向货主们收取的费用是以前的20至30,所以,应该是“Shippers will be charged more without a rival railroad.”。B项缺乏依据,所以也是不对的。C项是正确的,因为文章里说到:货主们若认为铁路公司收费不合理,可以向联邦政府的机构申请降低收费。但是,因为申诉的过程耗时费钱,所以极少人提出申诉。由此,我们可以推断出受到剥削的货主们不大可能提出申诉。D项说的是政府能保证铁路行业内的公平竞争。这种说法缺乏依据。事实上,由于货主们申诉的困难大,更多时候政府部门不会管。第4题:该题考查的是考生对于具体词义的掌握及推测能力。“arbiter”的意思是“仲裁者”。考生可以通过上下文猜测到这个含义。这个词出现在第四段的最后一句,其实它要表述的内容已在前一句体现了:“Its a theory to which many economists subscribe, but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail.”。由此,我们可以猜测出“arbiter”指的是“those who are in the position of determining something”,就可得出答案B。考生应知道,语言交流中,重复是一种常用的修辞手段,以强调某个信息或观点。文章中也常会利用重复手法。所以,考生猜测词义时不应只限于一个句子,而应从上下文寻找线索。D项虽有“determine”一词,但是意思不对。文中说的意思是,因为铁路对不同的顾客收取的费用不同,这种不公平使铁路公司无形中决定了托运商的命运(一些托运商的花费就会比其他托运商的高出很多,从而影响了他们的效益),所以铁路公司就好比是商场中的裁判,能决定谁赢谁输。D项的含义不准确。第5题:该题为细节推断题,问的是铁路花费的上涨主要是用于什么事项。根据题干定位线索在最后一段,“Yet railroads continue to borrow billions to acquire one another”,也就是说铁路还在不断借钱去收购合并,从这里得出答案为A,A是原文的转述,而B项,文中提到铁路公司还没有足够的钱去增加投资,以满足快速发展的交通的需要,但并不是引起成本提高的主要原因,文章的重点也不是交通的问题。C、D项在全文中均未有明显提及,是错误选项。6. 不定项选择题At first, the new business plan seemed counterintuitiveif not a quick route to bankruptcy. Koreans who ordered products from LG Home Shopping, a television shopping channel hawking everything from jewelry to cookware, could return them no questions asked and get a refund even before the items were collected from their home. All deliveries were free. And the new p


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