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2022年考博英语-中国科学院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题The first edition of Thomas Kuhns The Structure of Scientific Revolutions appeared in 1962. (1)His vision revolutionized the way we think about science,and it has given us a new way to look at change in “science” itself.(2)Whereas previous visions of science saw science as an accumulation of all that had been learned over history, Kuhn envisioned science as having,at any one time, a worldview, or “paradigm (范式)”,of its environment.Kuhn (库恩) postulated that most scientists engage in “ normal science ” that often results in solid, but relatively incremental gains, which nevertheless accumulate and collectively contribute to research and subsequent scientific knowledge forward. When anomalies arise, some individual(s) step(s) out of the paradigm, and propose( s) a new principle or law. (3)If the scientific community accepts the proposed change, then science experiences a “paradigm shift”,and new science proceeds with that new paradigm.Paradigm shifts are important, and a necessary part of life. Things do change, and we have to adjust and adapt to that change. Perhaps not surprisingly, important paradigm shifts often come from the young. (4)It usually takes a long time to effect a paradigm shiftoften as much as 20-25 yearswhich,perhaps not so coincidently,is about the life of a generation.(5)A relatively recent white paper emanating from MIT justifiably argues that the intersections of arrays of scientists,engineers, mathematicians,as well as individuals with a host of many other professional talents, will be the next Kuhnian scientific revolution and in fact,the “Third” biomedical revolution. This new revolution is broadly known as Convergence.【答案】(1)他的视角彻底改变了我们思考科学的方式,给了我们一个全新的方式来看待“科学”自身的变化。(2)然而过去,人们把科学当作人类在历史长河中所学到的全部知识的积累过程,而库恩则把科学看成在任一时刻对环境的一种世界观,或者“范式”。(3)如果科学界认可了有些人所提出的变化,那么科学就将经历“范式转移”,而新的科学将按照新的范式向前发展。(4)引发范式转移通常需要很长时间往往长达2025年也许并非巧合,这大约相当于一代人。(5)最近一份出自麻省理工学院的详情报告理由充分。它认为各类科学家、工程师、数学家以及个人与其他专业人才的交汇将成为下一场库恩意义上的科学革命,事实上也就是“第三次”生物医学革命。2. 单选题When a book goes into translation, all those linguistic _ get lost.问题1选项A.subtletiesB.manipulationsC.suppositionsD.complications【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. subtleties 微妙之处 B. manipulations 操纵,操作C. suppositions 推断,推测 D. complications 复杂因素【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】空格处和下文的“get lost(丢失)”构成主谓逻辑,说明语言上的什么东西消失了。由前半句“When a book goes into translation(当一本书被翻译时)”可知,翻译是将一种语言转换为另一种语言,所以在这个过程中会有一些语言上的精妙之处丢失。subtlety指细微但重要的地方,因此A选项subtleties“微妙之处”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】B选项manipulations“操纵,操作”指对某事物的控制或熟练地使用某物,不能和“linguistic(语言学)”进行搭配;C选项suppositions“推断,推测”指没有证据的、推测出的想法,不符合题干的语义逻辑;D选项complications“复杂因素”指难以理解、解释或处理的事物,不符合题干的语义逻辑。【句意】当一本书被翻译时,所有那些语言上的微妙之处都丢失了。3. 单选题She has helped thousands of men and women( ) with things that bother them and that they could not talk about with others.问题1选项A.come to the pointB.come to termsC.come into forceD.come into contact【答案】B【解析】考察动词短语辨析。come to the point 切入要点;come to terms处理;处置;come into force生效; come into contact取得联系。句意:她帮助成千上万的男女解决了那些困扰他们并且无法跟别人谈起的事情,让他们走出了困境。选项B符合句意。4. 不定项选择题Remember the concept of “sisterhood”? That quaint relic of an idea that women owed it to other women to crash through ceilings and navigate a male world? It just might be taking new root in a most unexpected placeamong women with money. There are more women controlling more wealth in the U.S. than ever before. And unlike the women who preceded themold-school patrons who gave to the museum and the symphony and their dead husbands alma matersthese givers are more likely to use their wealth deliberately and systematically to aid women in need.To appreciate the magnitude of this change, go back 150 years or so to the womens struggle for the right to vote, or the suffrage movement. Back to the time when one of its leaders, Matilda Joslyn Gage, lamented: “We have yet to hear of a woman of wealth who has left anything for helping her sex get the vote. Almost every daily paper heralds the fact of some large bequest to colleges, churches and charities by rich women, but it is well-known that they never remember the woman suffrage movement that underlies in importance all others.”Today, globally, more than 145 funds, with assets of nearly half a billion dollars, exist to improve the lives of women and girls. Many focus their efforts domestically; about a third work internationally. Not one existed in 1972 when the Ms. Foundation, the first national fund for and by women, was established. Collectively they now form the Womens Funding Network and have plans to increase their joint coffers by another billion dollars by 2018, in concert with a drive called Women Moving Millions, which aims to encourage individuals, mostly women, to donate $ 1 million or more.Women Moving Millions began with the literal sisterhood of Helen LaKelly Hunt and Swanee Hunt. Daughters of the legendary oilman H. L. Hunt, they were raised “like Southern belles,” Helen saystaught that money was something a woman “shouldnt worry her pretty little head about.” As adults they discovered the power of philanthropy, and about three years ago Swanee called Helen with an offer. “She said she was going to leave me a lot of money in her will,” Helen says, “but I might die first and ruin the surprise, so why doesnt she give it to me now?” Swanees $ 6 million, and $ 4 million more from Helen, became the initial pledges to the campaign.60. In the past, women needed “sisterhood” to _.61. The big change in the US mentioned in the passage is that _.62. According to Matilda Joslyn Gage, the rich women failed to _.63. Paragraph 3 mainly tells about _.64. Women Moving Millions is _.65. What can we learn about Helen and Swanee?问题1选项A.be more competitive in a male worldB.help free each other from home burdensC.become as wealthy as the majority malesD.make a living in the male-dominated world问题2选项A.more rich women are aiding their poorer sistersB.more rich women are stopping donating money to schoolsC.more females have won the right to vote in national electionsD.more females have contributed money to museums and symphonies问题3选项A.think about the well-being of their unfortunate sistersB.make investments in any exclusive womens projectsC.realize what was crucial in helping those needy womenD.recognize that political rights are more vital than their families问题4选项A.the individual females efforts for raising their own statusB.the future plans of the Womens Funding NetworkC.the organized groups systematic supports to womenD.the funds used for improving the lives of women问题5选项A.a rich womens societyB.a pro-women foundationC.a funds-raising campaignD.a womens funding network问题6选项A.They made a large fortune from the campaign.B.They kept their promise to donate $ 10 million.C.They helped Women Moving Millions get going.D.They left each other millions of dollars in the will.【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:C第6题:C【解析】60. 【选项释义】In the past, women needed “sisterhood” to _. 在过去,女性需要“姐妹情谊”来_。A. be more competitive in a male world A. 在男性的世界里更有竞争力B. help free each other from home burdens B. 互相帮助,把对方从家庭负担中解放出来C. become as wealthy as the majority males C. 成为和大多数男性一样富有的人D. make a living in the male-dominated world D. 在男性主导的世界中谋生【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词sisterhood可以定位到文章第1段第1、2句“还记得姐妹情谊(sisterhood)这个概念吗?是那种古老的观念遗留下来的,认为女人有责任帮助其他女人冲破天花板(crash through ceilings),在男人的世界里遨游(navigate a male world)?”,说明在过去,“姐妹情谊”能够帮助女性冲破男性主导的限制,在男性的世界里发挥自身的竞争力。因此A选项“在男性的世界里更有竞争力”正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“互相帮助,把对方从家庭负担中解放出来”,文章中没有提到家庭负担,属于无中生有;C选项“成为和大多数男性一样富有的人”,由文章第1段第3句“它可能会在一个最意想不到的地方生根在有钱的女性(women with money)中间。”可知,这些女性已经很有钱了,属于反向干扰;D选项“在男性主导的世界中谋生”,文章中说的是帮助在男性的世界里更有竞争力,而不仅仅是谋生这么基础的程度,属于曲解原文。61. 【选项释义】The big change in the US mentioned in the passage is that _. 这段话中提到的美国的巨大变化是_。A. more rich women are aiding their poorer sisters A. 更多的富有女性正在帮助她们较穷的姐妹B. more rich women are stopping donating money to schools B. 更多的富有女性停止向学校捐款C. more females have won the right to vote in national elections C. 更多的女性在国家选举中赢得了投票权D. more females have contributed money to museums and symphonies D. 更多的女性向博物馆和交响乐团捐钱【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词big change可以定位到文章第1段最后1句“与之前向博物馆、交响乐团和已故丈夫的母校捐款的老派赞助人女性不同(unlike the women who preceded them),这些捐款者更有可能有意识地、系统地使用自己的财富来帮助有需要的女性(to aid women in need)。”,说明和以前不同的是,现在的美国有更多的富有女性来帮助贫困的女性。因此A选项“更多的富有女性正在帮助她们较穷的姐妹”正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“更多的富有女性停止向学校捐款”,文章只是说现在的富有女性比起向学校捐款更有可能帮助贫困的女性,没有说她们从此就不再向学校捐款,属于推理过度;C选项“更多的女性在国家选举中赢得了投票权”,文章中没有提及女性赢得了投票权,属于无中生有;D选项“更多的女性向博物馆和交响乐团捐钱”,文章中说的是比起向博物馆和交响乐团捐钱,富有女性更有可能去帮助贫困女性,属于反向干扰。62. 【选项释义】According to Matilda Joslyn Gage, the rich women failed to _. 根据玛蒂尔达乔斯林盖奇的说法,富有女性们未能_。A. think about the well-being of their unfortunate sisters A. 考虑到她们不幸的姐妹们的幸福B. make investments in any exclusive womens projects B. 对任何专属女性的项目进行投资C. realize what was crucial in helping those needy women C. 意识到在帮助这些有需要的女性方面什么是关键的D. recognize that political rights are more vital than their families D. 认识到政治权利比她们的家庭更重要【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词Matilda Joslyn Gage可以定位到文章第2段第2句“回顾过去,该运动的一位领导人玛蒂尔达乔斯林盖奇曾哀叹道:我们还没有听说过哪个富有女性为了帮助女性获得选举权(get the vote)而留下任何东西。”,同时第3句说到“她们从不记得女性投票权运动,而这一运动是所有其他运动的重要基础(underlies in importance all others)。”,说明女性投票权才是帮助女性最重要、最关键的方面,但过去的富有女性没有对此提供帮助。因此C选项“意识到在帮助这些有需要的女性方面什么是关键的”正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“考虑到她们不幸的姐妹们的幸福”,B选项“对任何专属女性的项目进行投资”和D选项“认识到政治权利比她们的家庭更重要”在文章中均没有提及,属于无中生有。63. 【选项释义】Paragraph 3 mainly tells about _. 第3段主要讲述了_。A. the individual females efforts for raising their own status A. 女性个人为提高自己的地位所做的努力B. the future plans of the Womens Funding Network B. 女性资金网络的未来计划C. the organized groups systematic supports to women C. 有组织的团体对女性的系统支持D. the funds used for improving the lives of women D. 用于改善女性生活的资金【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词Paragraph 3可以定位到文章第3段,本段第1句说到“今天,在全球范围内,有超过145个基金,资产近5亿美元,致力于改善女性和女孩的生活(to improve the lives of women and girls)。”,说明这些资金的目的是为了改善女性的生活,接着举了“女性资金网络(Womens Funding Network)”和“百万女性运动(Women Moving Millions)”的例子来说明做出的努力,这些组织和运动本质上都是为了提供资金来改善女性的生活。因此D选项“用于改善女性生活的资金”正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“女性个人为提高自己的地位所做的努力”,本段介绍的是社会组织和运动的努力,而非个人的,属于张冠李戴;B选项“女性资金网络的未来计划”只是列举的一个例子,不能全面概括本段的内容,属于以偏概全;C选项“有组织的团体对女性的系统支持”,本段中只说到了对女性的资金支持,没有提及系统的支持,属于无中生有。64. 【选项释义】Women Moving Millions is _. 百万女性运动是_。A. a rich womens society A. 一个富有的女性协会B. a pro-women foundation B. 一个支持女性的基金会C. a funds-raising campaign C. 一个筹款活动D. a womens funding network D. 一个女性的筹款网络【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词Women Moving Millions可以定位到文章第3段最后1句“与一项名为百万女性运动的运动合作,该运动旨在鼓励个人(主要是女性)捐赠100万美元或更多。”,说明百万女性运动是一个鼓励富有女性捐款的筹款运动。因此C选项“一个筹款活动”正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“一个富有的女性协会”,百万女性运动是一个运动而不是协会,属于无中生有;B选项“一个支持女性的基金会”,百万女性运动是一个运动而不是基金会,属于无中生有;D选项“一个女性的筹款网络”介绍的是“女性资金网络(Womens Funding Network)”,属于张冠李戴。65. 【选项释义】What can we learn about Helen and Swanee? 关于海伦和斯旺尼,我们可以了解到什么?A. They made a large fortune from the campaign. A. 她们从运动中发了一大笔财。B. They kept their promise to donate $ 10 million. B. 她们信守承诺,捐出了1000万美元。C. They helped Women Moving Millions get going. C. 她们帮助百万女性运动开始运作。D. They left each other millions of dollars in the will. D. 她们在遗嘱中给对方留下了数百万美元。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词Helen and Swanee可以定位到文章第4段第1句“百万女性运动始于海伦莱克莉亨特和斯旺尼亨特的姐妹情谊。”,同时最后1句说到“斯旺尼的600万美元和海伦的400万美元成为了运动的最初承诺。”,由此可知百万女性运动是由她们两人所开始的。因此C选项“她们帮助百万女性运动开始运作。”正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“她们从运动中发了一大笔财。”,她们的富有是因为她们是石油大亨的女儿,而不是从运动中获得的财富,属于偷换概念;B选项“她们信守承诺,捐出了1000万美元。”,文章说的是她们的1000万美元是运动的最初承诺,没有提及是否已经捐出,属于推理过度;D选项“她们在遗嘱中给对方留下了数百万美元。”,文章中说的是斯旺尼本来打算给海伦留下一大笔遗产,但她们决定将这笔钱用于百万女性运动,属于曲解原文。5. 单选题Love does not _ gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.问题1选项A.phase inB.fade inC.give inD.consist in【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. phase in 逐步采用,逐步到位 B. fade in 渐显,渐强C. give in 让步,投降 D. consist in 在于,存在于【考查点】动词词组辨析。【解题思路】由but可知,前后两个分句之间存在转折的逻辑关系,后半句说到“而在于注视着同一个方向(in the same direction)”,与其相对的是“注视彼此(each other)”,本句表达的是爱情的意义和特点,即爱情是什么,在于什么。consist in指作为基本或主要部分和特征,因此D选项consist in“在于,存在于”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项phase in“逐步采用,逐步到位”指在一段时间内逐渐开始使用某物或做某事,通常使用被动语态,且不符合题干的语义逻辑;B选项fade in“渐显,渐强”指变得更清楚或更大声,后面不接动词,且不符合题干的语义逻辑;C选项give in“让步,投降”指接受一直在抵制或反对的事情,后面不接动词,且不符合题干的语义逻辑。【句意】爱情不在于彼此凝视,而在于注视着同一个方向。6. 单选题Culture is transmitted largely by language and by the necessity for people in close contact to cooperate. The more extensive the communications network, the greater the exchange of ideas and beliefs and the more alike people becomein toleration of diversity if nothing else. Members of a culture or a nation are generally in closer contact with one another than with members of other cultures or nations. They become more like each other and more unlike others. In this way, there develops “ national character”,which is the statistical tendency for a group of people to share values and follow similar behavior patterns.Frequently, the members of one culture will interpret the “national characteristics” of another group in terms of their own values. For example, the inhabitants of a South Pacific island may be considered “lazy” by citizens of some industrialized nations. On the other hand, it may be that the islanders place a great value on social relationships but little value on “productivity”,and crops grow with little attention. The negative connotation of the label “lazy” is thus unjustified from the point of view of the island culture.Stereotypes, such as “lazy”,“inscrutable,” and “dishonest” give people the security of labels with which to react to others in a superficial way, but they are damaging to real understanding among members of different cultures. People react more to labels than to reality. A black American Peace Corps volunteer, for instance, is considered and called a white man by black Africans. The “we-they” distinction applies to whatever characteristic the “ wes have and the “ theys do not haveand the characteristics attributed to the “theys” are usually ones with a negative value.The distinction becomes most obvious in times of conflict. For this reason, it is often suggested the only thing that might join all men together on this planet would be an invasion from outer space. “We”,the earthlings, would then fight “them”,the outsiders.Given the great diversitiesreal and imaginedamong people of the world, is there any foundation for hope that someday all men might join together to form a single and legitimate world government? The outcome will probably depend on the political evolution of mankind.1.What makes people more tolerant of diversity between different groups?2.“National character” is built among people who( ).3.To some industrialized nations, the mentioned South Pacific islanders are( ).4.With stereotypes, people tend to( ).5.What is true about the black American Peace Corps volunteer?6.It is possible to form a single and legitimate world government only when( ).问题1选项A.Extensive communications.B.Language development.C.Close cooperation.D.Direct interactions.问题2选项A.like each otherB.share the same valuesC.speak the same languageD.think in the same way问题3选项A.idleB.carefreeC.inefficientD.well-organized问题4选项A.react to each other on a regular basisB.see different cultures in different waysC.take their own culture as the best of allD.describe other cultures with labels问题5选项A.He was wronged by his fellow African Americans.B.He was considered as a distinguished volunteer.C.He was discriminated against by the whites.D.He was excluded from the black Africans.问题6选项A.people are willing to abandon their “national character”B.people of different nations hold similar political viewsC.human beings as a whole have one common enemyD.human beings are able to contact beings in outer space.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D第6题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第一段第二句。“The more extensive the communications network, the greater the exchange of ideas and beliefs and the more alike people become(交际网络越广泛,思想和信仰的交流就越多,人与人之间的相似之处也就越多。)”,从而得出本题答案。2.细节事实题。根据题干信息。可将信息点定位至原文第一段最后一句。 “In this way, there develops national character, which is the statistical tendency for a group of people to share values and follow similar behavior patterns(这样,就形成了“民族性”,这是一群人分享价值观和遵循相似行为模式的统计趋势)”,即可得出本题答案。3.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第二段。“For example, the inhabitants of a South Pacific island may be considered lazy by.(例如,南太平洋岛屿的居民可能被认为是“懒惰的”)”,从而得出本题答案。4.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第三段第一句。根据 “give people the security of labels with which to react to others(给人们安全的标签,让他们对他人做出反应)”,即可得出本题答案。5.细节推断题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第三段第三句。根据“A black American Peace Corps volunteer, for instance, is considered and called a white man by black Africans.(例如,美国和平队的黑人志愿者被非洲黑人认为是白人,并被称为白人。)” 即可得出本题答案。6.细节推断题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文最后一段。“The outcome will probably depend on the political evolution of mankind.(其结果可能将取决于人类的政治演变。)”从而得出本题答案。7. 单选题Our trouble lies in a simple confusion, one to which economists have been prone since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Growth and ecology operate by different rules. Economists tend to assume that every problem of scarcity can be solved by substitution, by replacing tuna with tilapia, without factoring in the long-term environmental implications of either. But whereas economies might expand, ecosystems do not. They changepine gives way to oak, coyotes arrive in New Englandand they reproduce themselves, but they do not increase in extent or abundance year after year. Most economists think of scarcity as a labor problem, imagining that only energy and technology place limits on production. To harvest more wood, build a better chain saw; to pump more oil,drill more wells; to get more food, invent pest-resistant plants.That logic thrived on new frontiers and more intensive production, and it held off the prophets of scarcityfrom Thomas Robert Malthus to Paul Ehrlichwhose predictions of famine and shortage have not come to pass. The Agricultural Revolution that began in seventeenth-century England radically increased the amount of food that could be grown on an acre of land, and the same happened in the 1960s and 1970s, when fertilizer and hybridized seeds arrived in India and Mexico. But the picture looks entirely different when we change the scale. Industrial society is roughly 250 years old: make the last ten thousand years equal to twenty-four hours, and we have been producing consumer goods and CO2 for only the last thirty-six minutes. Do the same for the past 1 million years of human evolution, and everything from the steam engine to the search engine fits into the past twenty-one seconds. If we are not careful, hunting and gathering will look like a far more successful strategy of survival than economic growth. The latter has changed so much about the earth and human societies in so little time that it makes more sense to be cautious than triumphant.Although food scarcity, when it occurs, is a localized problem, other kinds of scarcity are already here. Groundwater is alarmingly low in regions all over the world, but the most immediate threat to growth is surely petroleum.1. Economists are prone to( ) .2.What does the author think of ecosystems?3.What does the passage say about the predictions made by Thomas Robert Malthus and Paul Ehrlich?4.What happened in the 1960s and 1970s?5.The purpose of mentioning the search engine is to show( ) .6.The last sentence of the second paragraph implies that ( ) .问题1选项A.emphasize the differences between economic growth and scarcityB.see economy from an ecological perspectiveC.


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