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2022年考博英语-中国农业科学院考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 不定项选择题(1) Poultry farmers need to adopt strict hygiene standards to curb Asials deadly bird flu virus, a top Vietnamese official said on the eve of an international conference Wednesday on fighting the disease.(2) A dozen Vietnamese have died of bird flu since Dec.30, raising concerns that the disease could be re-emerging after an outbreak last year spread to 10 Asian countries, forcing the slaughter of more than 100 million birds.(3) “Its difficult to change their habit but we need to educate them, “Bui Quang Anh, head of the Department for Animal Health, said Tuesday.”Once they understand and follow all the instructions, we can prevent the virus from spreading.(4) Big commercial farms learned from the first outbreak and applied preventive measures, such as strict hygiene standards and regular disinfection, Anh said. The most recent outbreak was only reported in small farms, which failed to apply preventive measures, he said.(5) New regulations should include separating ducks from chickens, requiring ducks to be raised in cages and improving hygiene measures, Anh said. Ducks should not roam freely in rice fields as they do now in the southern Mekong Delta, he added.(6) The conference will be looking at a variety of issues, including mass vaccinations, flu research, farm hygiene, animal husbandry practices and improving coordination between animal health and human health agencies.(7) The virus, which in the last year has killed 46 people including32 from Vietnam and 12 from Thailandhas yet to mutate into a form that can be transmitted between humans. But scientists say it may mutate to a human form that could become as deadly as the ones that killed millions during three influenza pandemics of the 20th century.31. The subject of the international conference mentioned in the first paragraph is about( ).32. According to the passage, which of the following statement is true?33. According to the passage, which of the following measures are NOT effective in fighting against the bird flu?34. We can infer from the last paragraph that( ).35. The best title for the passage is( ).问题1选项A.batting the SARSB.epidemic disease controlC.fighting the avian fluD.public health问题2选项A.Bird flu was first found in Vietnam.B.Big commercial farms have taken preventive measures to curb bird flu.C.Bui Quang Anh believes that it is impossible to prevent the bird flu.D.1, 000 birds were killed during the last year outbreak of bird flu.问题3选项A.to adopt strict hygiene standards in poultry farmsB.to carry out regular disinfectionC.to raise ducks and chickens separatelyD.to stop poultry trade问题4选项A.currently the bird flu virus cannot be transmitted between humansB.the bird flu virus is easy to mutateC.the bird flu has killed millions of peopleD.the bird flu is more deadly than common influenza问题5选项A.Bird Flu: A Deadly DiseaseB.What Can We Learn from the Bird FluC.Vietnam: the Biggest Victim of the Bird FluD.Official Urges Farmers to Curb Bird Flu【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:A第5题:D【解析】31.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“第一段提到的国际会议的主题是关于”。根据文章第一段Poultry farmers need to adopt strict hygiene standards to curb Asials deadly bird flu virus, a top Vietnamese official said on the eve of an international conference Wednesday on fighting the disease.(越南一位高级官员在星期三召开的防治禽流感国际会议前夕说,家禽养殖户需要采用严格的卫生标准来遏制亚洲的致命禽流感病毒。)可知,国际会议的主题是关于抗击禽流感,因此C项“抗击禽流感”正确。A项“打击非典”,文中没有提到非典;B项“流行性疾病的控制”,第一段没有提到控制方面的内容;D项“公共健康”不符题意。故该题选C。32.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“根据短文,下列哪个陈述是正确的?”。根据第四段第一句话Big commercial farms learned from the first outbreak and applied preventive measures, such as strict hygiene standards and regular disinfection, Anh said.(Anh说,大型商业农场从第一次疫情中吸取了教训,并采取了预防措施,如严格的卫生标准和定期消毒)可知B项“大型商业农场已经采取了预防措施来控制禽流感”正确。A项“禽流感首先在越南被发现”,文中没有明确说到禽流感是在越南发现的;C项“Bui Quang Anh认为预防禽流感是不可能的”,根据第五段第一句话New regulations should include separating ducks from chickens, requiring ducks to be raised in cages and improving hygiene measures, Anh said.(Anh说,新的规定应该包括把鸭和鸡分开,要求鸭在笼子里饲养,并改善卫生措施。)可知,一些卫生措施是可以采取用来预防禽流感的,所以C项错误。D项“在去年爆发的禽流感中,有1000只家禽被杀死”,根据第二段最后一句the disease could be re-emerging after an outbreak last year spread to 10 Asian countries, forcing the slaughter of more than 100 million birds.(去年禽流感疫情曾蔓延到10个亚洲国家,导致1亿多只家禽被宰杀。)可知,不是1000只,而是1亿多只,D项错误。故该题选B。33.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“根据短文,下列哪项措施不能有效地对抗禽流感?”根据文章第四段Big commercial farms learned from the first outbreak and applied preventive measures, such as strict hygiene standards and regular disinfection(大型商业农场从第一次疫情中吸取了教训,并采取了预防措施,如严格的卫生标准和定期消毒)和第五段New regulations should include separating ducks from chickens, requiring ducks to be raised in cages and improving hygiene measures(新的规定应该包括把鸭和鸡分开,要求鸭在笼子里饲养,并改善卫生措施)可知,A项“推行严格的家禽卫生标准”,B项“定期进行消毒”和C项“分开饲养鸭和鸡”均已提及,只有D项“停止家禽贸易”文中没有提到。故该题选D。34.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“从最后一段我们可以推断”。根据最后一段第一句has yet to mutate into a form that can be transmitted between human(目前尚未变异成可在人与人之间传播的病毒)可知,目前禽流感还不能在人与人之间传播,因此A项“目前禽流感病毒不能在人与人之间传播”正确。B项“禽流感病毒很容易变异”,第五段最后一句提到But scientists say it may mutate to a human form(但是科学家们说,这种病毒可能会变异),由此可知,禽流感病毒是可能会变异但不一定很容易变异,B项错误;C项“禽流感已经夺去了数百万人的生命”,根据最后一段第一句The virus, which in the last year has killed 46 people including-32 from Vietnam and 12 from Thailand(这种病毒去年已造成46人死亡,其中包括32名越南人和12名泰国人)可知,C项错误;D项“禽流感比普通流感更致命”,最后一句说到it may mutate to a human form that could become as deadly as the ones that killed millions during three influenza pandemics of the 20th century.(这种病毒可能会变异,就像20世纪三次流感大流行中导致数百万人死亡的那种病毒一样致命),由此可知是变异后可能会比普通流感更致命,所以D项错误。故该题选A。35.【试题答案】D【试题解析】主旨大意题。题干意思是“文章最好的标题是”。文章全篇主要讲述的是禽流感的预防措施和控制,根据文章首段(6) Poultry farmers need to adopt strict hygiene standards to curb Asials deadly bird flu virus, a top Vietnamese official said on the eve of an international conference Wednesday on fighting the disease.(越南一位高级官员在星期三召开的防治禽流感国际会议前夕说,家禽养殖户需要采用严格的卫生标准来遏制亚洲的致命禽流感病毒。)可知,本文是讲述官方如何督促农民控制禽流感,所以D项“官方督促农民控制禽流感”符合题意。A项“禽流感:致命的疾病”太片面,因此不选;B项“我们能从禽流感中学到什么”,文中没有提到这些内容,B项错误;C项“越南:禽流感最大的受害者”,文章也未提及越南是禽流感的最大受害者。故该题选D。2. 单选题The rear section of the brain does not contract with age, and one can continue living without intellectual or emotional faculties.问题1选项A.advancedB.growingC.frontD.back【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。rear在句中是后面的,后方的;A选项advanced“高级的,先进的”;B选项growing“成长的”;C选项front“前面的”;D选项back“后面的”。句意:大脑后部不会随着年龄的增长而收缩,一个人可以在没有智力或情感能力的情况下继续生活。因此只有D符合。3. 单选题Can you imagine! He offered me 5000 to break my contract. Thats( ). Of course I didnt agree. I would take legal action.问题1选项A.fraudB.blackmailC.briberyD.compensation【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项fraud“欺骗,欺诈”;B选项blackmail“勒索”;C选项bribery“贿赂”;D选项compensation“补偿,赔偿”。句意:你能想象嘛!他提出给我五千美元来违约,这是贿赂行为,我当然不会同意,我将采取法律手段。结合句意,选C。4. 翻译题从1992年到2003年的11年间,这些科学家按照农民的方法种植水稻,控制一切可能妨碍取得良好收成的因素, 但是并不包括温度和二氧化碳这两种因素。在研究所的农场,夜间平均温度比外面高出1.8华氏度,结果水稻产量平均下降了10%。科学家就此得出的结论是:较热的夜晚可能会加快水稻的呼吸作用,并使其活动加剧并消耗能量。【答案】【参考译文】11 years from 1992 to 2003, the scientists in accordance with the method of farmers grow rice, control all obstacles may achieve good harvest, but not these two factors including temperature and carbon dioxide. On the institutes farm, the average nighttime temperature was 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit higher than outside, resulting in an average 10 percent drop in rice production. The scientists concluded that warmer nights may speed up rice respiration, increase activity and expend energy.5. 单选题After centuries of self-enforced( ), China has gained for herself a place in world affairs that brings her into the current of modern history.问题1选项A.cooperationB.monopolyC.dictatorshipD.seclusion【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项cooperation“合作,协作”;B选项monopoly“垄断”;C选项dictatorship“专政,专制”;D选项seclusion“隐居”。根据后文中国占据了一席之地,可推测,中国经过数百年的自我专制,到达今天的地位。句意:经过数百年的自我实施后,中国已经在国际事务上占有一席之地,并进入了现代历史的浪潮。因此C选项正确。6. 单选题Because of its favorable climate, its easy access to the principal silk and tea producing area, and its( )to the main interior trade routes, Shanghai attracted more foreign attention than any other port in China.问题1选项A.distanceB.in the neighborhoodC.proximityD.in the neighborhood of【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义短语搭配辨析。A选项distance“距离”;B选项in the neighborhood“在附近”;C选项proximity“接近”;D选项in the neighborhood of“在附近”。proximity to邻近某段,为固定搭配。句意:宜人的气候,进入丝绸茶叶的主产地的便利以及国内主要的商业圈,让上海比中国其他地区更能引起外国的注意。因此C选项正确。7. 单选题Instead of the somewhat obnoxious nationalistic chest beating that went with a great deal the Singapore and Malaysia version of the “debate” over Asian values, what is now called for is an explanation of how the same set of cultural values could have produced both the dynamos and the dominoes.问题1选项A.soberB.rhetoricC.banalD.very unpleasant【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项sober“冷静的”;B选项rhetoric“花言巧语的”;C选项banal“陈腐的”;D选项very unpleasant“极不愉快的”;very unpleasant正是表达了题目中“不愉快的”的意思。句意:与新加坡和马来西亚版本的亚洲价值观之“论战”所带来的令人不快的民族主义者的痛打相比,现在需要的是解释同一套文化价值观如何既产生了发电机又产生了多米诺骨牌。因此D选项正确。8. 不定项选择题A type of cell that floats freely in the amniotic fluid of pregnant women has been found to have many of the same traits as embryonic stem cells, including an ability to grow into brain, muscle and other tissues that could be used to treat a variety of diseases, scientists reported yesterday.The cells, shed by the developing fetus and easily retrieved during routine prenatal testing, are easier to maintain in laboratory dishes than embryonic stem cells-the highly versatile cells that come from destroyed human embryos and are at the center of a heated congressional debate that will resume this week.Moreover, because the cells are a genetic match to the developing fetus, tissues grown from them in the laboratory will not be rejected if they are used to treat birth defects in that newborn, researchers said. Alternatively, the cells could be frozen, providing a personalized tissue bank for use later in life.The new cells are adding credence to an emerging consensus among experts that the popular distinction between embryonic and “adult” stem cells-those isolated from adult bone marrow and other organs-is artificial.Increasingly, it appears there is a continuum of stem cell types, ranging from the embryonic ones that can morph into virtually any kind of tissue but are difficult to tame, up to adult ones that can turn into a limited number of tissues but are relatively easy to control.The newly analyzed fetal stem cells, scientists said, have many of the advantages of both.“They grow fast, as fast as embryonic stem cells, and they show great pluripotentiality,” meaning they can become many kinds of tissues, said study leader Anthony Atala, director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C. “But they remain stable for years without forming tumors,” he added, something that embryonic cells are not very good at.Atala and other scientists emphasized that they dont believe the cells will make embryonic stem cells irrelevant.“Theres not going to be one shoe that fits all,” said Robert Lanza, scientific director at Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Mass. “Were going to have to see which ones are most useful for which clinical conditions.”George Daley, a Harvard stem cell researcher, echoed that sentiment. “They are not a replacement for embryonic stem cells,” he said.But in the past, even hints that non-embryonic cells might have medical potential similar to embryonic ones have complicated the political push to expand federal funding for the controversial field. And accordingly, opponents quickly pounced on the new results.65.( )is not a trait of embryonic stem cells.66. The cells that are shed by the developing fetus are( ).67. Tissues grown from these cells in the laboratory will not be rejected as they are( ).68. Embryonic stem cells can( ).69. Robert Lanza said “Theres not going to be one shoe that fits all.” He meant( ).70. The word “retrieved” in the second paragraph can be best replaced by( ).问题1选项A.Growing into brain tissuesB.Using embryonic stem cells to treat a variety of diseasesC.Causing a variety of diseasesD.Growing into muscle tissues问题2选项A.at the center of a heated congressional debateB.more difficult to maintain in laboratory dishes than embryonic stem cellsC.difficult to retrieve during routine prenatal testingD.easily retrieved during routine prenatal testing问题3选项A.free of birth defectsB.easier to cultivateC.a genetic match to the donorD.can be frozen for use by anyone in need问题4选项A.turn into a limited number of tissues and are difficult to tameB.turn into a limited number of tissues but are relatively easy to controlC.can morph into virtually any kind of tissue and are relatively easy to controlD.can morph into virtually any kind of tissue but are difficult to tame问题5选项A.he does not believe these cells will make embryonic stem cells irrelevantB.he knows people have different size feetC.he will still need to see which ones are most useful for which clinical conditionD.even hints that non-embryonic cells might have medical potential has complicated things问题6选项A.taken out for testingB.collected for other usesC.sampled for testingD.used for testing【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A第6题:A【解析】65.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。根据文章第一段第一、二句A type of cell that floats freely in the amniotic fluid of pregnant women has been found to have many of the same traits as embryonic stem cells, including an ability to grow into brain, muscle and other tissues that could be used to treat a variety of diseases.(一种可以在孕妇羊水中自由漂浮的细胞被发现与胚胎干细胞有许多相同的特征,包括能够生长成大脑、肌肉和其他组织,用于治疗各种疾病),选项C“引起各种疾病”,文章没有提到此内容,C选项正确。A选项“在脑组织中生长”,文章提到,这种细胞可以生长大脑,A选项可排除。B“利用胚胎干细胞治疗多种疾病”,文章提到,这种细胞可以治疗各种疾病,B选项可排除。D选项“长成肌肉组织”,文章提到,这种细胞,可以长成肌肉组织,D选项可排除。因此C选项正确。66.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。根据第二段第一句The cells, shed by the developing fetus and easily retrieved during routine prenatal testing(这些细胞由发育中的胎儿脱落,在常规的产前检查中很容易得到),D选项“在常规产前检查中很容易找回”,符合文章内容,D选项正确。A选项“处于激烈的国会辩论的中心”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。B选项“比胚胎干细胞更难在实验室培养皿中保存”,文章没有提到这些细胞更难在实验室培养皿中保存,B选项可排除。C选项“很难在常规产前检查中恢复”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。因此D选项正确。67.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。根据第三段第一句because the cells are a genetic match to the developing fetus, tissues grown from them in the laboratory will not be rejected(因为这些细胞在基因上与发育中的胎儿相匹配,所以在实验室中从它们生长出来的组织不会被排斥),可推测,这些细胞在基因上与发育的胎儿相匹配,C选项“和捐赠者的基因匹配”正确。其余选项,A选项“无出生缺陷”,B选项“更容易培养”和D选项“可以冷冻起来供有需要的人使用”,不符合文章内容,可排除。因此C选项正确。68.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。根据第五段第三句the embryonic ones that can morph into virtually any kind of tissue but are difficult to tame(胚胎细胞几乎可以变成任何一种组织,但很难驯服),可以推断出D选项“可以转化成几乎任何一种组织,但很难驯服”正确。A选项“变成数量有限的组织,很难驯服”,文章没有提到会变成数量有限的组织,A选项可排除。B选项“转化成数量有限的组织,但相对容易控制”,说法错误,可排除。C选项“可以转化成几乎任何一种组织并且相对容易控制”,文章中没有提到细胞容易控制,C选项可排除。因此D选项正确。69.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据Atala and other scientists emphasized that they dont believe the cells will make embryonic stem cells irrelevant.(Atala和其他科学家强调,他们不相信这些细胞会使胚胎干细胞变得无关紧要)和“Theres not going to be one shoe that fits all,” said Robert Lanza(罗伯特兰扎(Robert Lanza)表示:“没有一双鞋是适合所有人的”),可知Robert Lanza,Atala and other scientists的观点是一致的,他不认为这种新型细胞是万能的,会代替胚胎干细胞的所有功能,使之变得不相干。所以题干中的这句话实际上是在支撑前面的科学家的那句话they dont believe the cells will make embryonic stem cells irrelevant.(他们不相信这些细胞会使胚胎干细胞变得无关紧要),A选项“他不相信这些细胞会使胚胎干细胞变得无关紧要”,符合文章内容,A选项正确;B选项“他知道每个人的脚大小都不一样”并不是Robert Lanza所暗示的含义;根据原文“Theres not going to be one shoe that fits all,” said Robert Lanza, scientific director at Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Mass. “Were going to have to see which ones are most useful for which clinical conditions.”(“没有一只鞋适合所有人”,Robert Lanza说,他是麻省Worcester先进细胞技术的科学总监“我们将不得不确定哪些药物对哪些临床情况最为有用”)可知C选项“他还需要看看哪些药物对哪些临床情况最有用”在文章中有提及,但这句话是补充说明前文,表达他不认为这种新型细胞是万能的,而是要对症下药;D选项“即使暗示非胚胎细胞可能具有医疗潜力,也会使事情变得复杂”并不是Robert Lanza的观点。因此A选项正确。70.【试题答案】A【试题解析】词义辨析题。根据题干可以定位到第二段第一句The cells, shed by the developing fetus and easily retrieved during routine prenatal testing(这些细胞由发育中的胎儿脱落,在常规的产前检查中很容易得到)。这句话表达的是“在常规产前检查中容易取出这种细胞做检查”。A选项“拿出来测试”,符合文章内容。B选项“收集作其他用途”,不符合文章内容,可排除。C选项“取样测试”,文章没有提到取样,可排除C选项。D选项“用于测试”,文章没有提到这种细胞用于测试,可排除。因此A选项正确。9. 单选题I should be able to finish the task on time,( )you provide me with the necessary guidance.问题1选项A.in caseB.provided thatC.or elseD.as if【答案】B【解析】考查条件句。前半部分说“我应该能按时完成任务”,后半部分是条件“只要你提供给我必要的指导”。A选项in case“万一”;B选项provided that“只要”;C选项or else“否则,要不然”;D选项as if“好像”,结合句意,只有B项符合。10. 单选题Such an incident fits into the larger pattern of calculated indoctrination. He emphasized sincerity and loyalty as the cardinal virtues and tried to soften some of the( )edges of Lis personality.问题1选项A.smoothB.roughC.evenD.uneven【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项smooth“光滑的”;B选项rough“艰苦的,粗糙的;粗野的;猛烈的;充斥暴力的;危险的”;C选项even“平坦的”;D选项uneven“不平衡的,不公正的,不正直的”。由题干soften“使温和;使缓和;使变柔软”可知是使李性格中粗野的(或者说危险的)棱角。句意:这样的事件符合更大的有计划的灌输模式。他强调真诚和忠诚是李的基本美德,并试图抚平他性格中的一些棱角。因此B选项正确。11. 不定项选择题A finalist in a youth oratorical contest, Ceciles speech focuses on a history of Americans and the world turning their backs on injustice, losing sight of “our humanitarian obligation.” The unconscionable acts of history are repeating, but the world is “bickering over the terminology that is used to describe what Darfur is facing,” she said, with a swing of her hip and an indignant glare.How could the United States that bonded after Sept. 11, 2001, leave people on rooftops surrounded by floodwaters almost four years later, she questioned. It all comes down to “people neglecting people, ” she said matter-of-factly.“Everybody is part of Gods creation. Everybody deserves help. We all are going to need it eventually in our lifetime, and for us to neglect anyone from anywhere is just horrible,” Cecile said, shaking her head.Emoni draws parallels between the Holocaust and current events in Africa by citing a lack of guidance, understanding and compassion.“How can we say hope for those unseen when we do not help them have hope or believe there is hope because we cant see them?” the Godwin Middle School student asked, nearly making the walls shake with her emphasis on the word “we”.The world has a history of great leaders who brought international wrongs to light, she said, jabbing her index finger into the air in front of her. The situation in Darfur has primarily been ignored because the world lacks a powerful leader to get that message out, she said, furiously pacing the classroom floor.“I think if people learn about it and they hear about itif they understood it, then we can make a difference,” Emoni said, getting to the heart of her argument.All three students understand it could be their voice that motivates the masses tomorrow. Their speeches could bring the issues into the light as they follow the tradition of great orators before them on the day honoring one of the greatest.After careful, quiet consideration, Seth said the contest and celebration would have moved King.“It is the little people trying to make a difference, reciting speeches and all of this. He can feel happy that his work, like, what he left behind, is still going on as if he was here today,” he said.“And how did he start it? He started it through his voice, you know. Through just speaking up for what is right. And not being afraid of what people think of you, but knowing what is right and setting aside all other things,” an excited and boisterous Cecile said.53. The word “boisterous” in the last paragraph can be substituted by( ).54. In her speech, Cecile, a finalist in a youth oratorical contest accuses America of( ).55. Emoni, another contestant, compared the Holocaust to current events in Africa by not citing( ).56. Emoni said the world lacks( ).57. Emonis main points did not include( ).58.


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