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2022年考博英语-厦门大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题He had scarcely left the railway station_it started to rain.问题1选项A.thanB.thenC.whenD.since【答案】C【解析】scarcely when为固定用法, 表示一.就.。句意:他一离开火车站就开始下起了雨。选项C正确。2. 单选题As marketers increase their communication through both print and electronic channels,the opportunity for _is growing rapidly.问题1选项A.fraudB.jargonC.pledgeD.motivation【答案】A【解析】fraud欺诈, 骗子; jargon行话; pledge保证, 许诺, 抵押; motivation 动机。句意:当营销人员通过印刷和电子渠道加强沟通的时候,也为欺诈行为提供了快速增长的机会。选项A符合句意。3. 单选题A World Without Books Or MusicIf books had never been discovered, man would have found some other way of recording his communication. But then, for our consideration, we should include as books everything that is a written record. This would include tablets, papyrus and anything else 一 including computer diskettes. In the case of music, it would be impossible to think that man can live without it. Looking at primitive cultures, it appears that music is actually a part of the human psyche. When two things are knocked together, music is produced. So for the sake of our discussion, it is intended to restrict the meaning of music to the popularly accepted concept. Music is the pleasing combination of sounds that we like to listen to.Though it is difficult to, we can pretend that these things never existed. In this case we would not miss them today. To compare with recent inventions, let us look at radio and television. Though we cannot think of life without them today, this is so only from comparatively recent times. There are many of us living today who had seen a time when there was no television. They will tell us that life was not that much different. The same is probably true of radio. But books are a different thing because they, or something akin to them, began thousands of years ago. In the case of music, it goes back even further perhaps to millions of years. We may be able to imagine a world which never saw books, because books are a human invention. However, in the case of music this does not seem possible. Pleasing sounds are all around us; like the singing of the birds and the whistling of the wind. Music just seems to be inborn in us and in the world around us.If books did not exist, the world will be a poorer place indeed. Great philosophies like Platos would become unknown and all the pleasures and lessons we could get from them will be lost forever. Then there is literature like the works of the great masters like Shakespeare, Dickens and Jane Austen. What a sombre, miserable world it will be without the pleasures of reading. Since there are so many other things which depend on reading - like plays, songs and movies we can expect them to disappear also. It would be a dark and unsatisfying world where knowledge is not propagated; where there are no books to derive pleasure from.In the case of music: Without it the world will be bleak and cold indeed. It would be a terrible world with no cheery tunes, no songs to sing and no great music to lose ourselves in. A world which does not listen to the music of the great masters like Chopin and Beethoven would be a very sorry world. There will not be so many smiles on faces anymore. When we lose music, an expression of a deep part of ourselves - from the soul - is lost. With music, connected activities like dancing will be lost too. A world without music and dancing will bring us back to the Stone Age.Unlike radio, television, telephones and computers, reading and music are not mere conveniences that we can live without. Reading is crucial for self-expression and for passing on records and knowledge to future generations. Music is part of our very soul. A world without these will not be the world as we know it. In fact, many of us would not want to live in such a world. 1.Music is part of the human psyche because ( ).2.According to the passage, life without television and radio would be ( ).3.It is impossible to imagine a world without music because ( ).4.A world without books would be ( ).5.Why is music something that we cannot live without?问题1选项A.it is part of primitive cultureB.it is something we like to listen toC.it always strikes a chord with usD.it has been produced since ancient times问题2选项A.essentially the sameB.very differentC.quite boringD.spiritually more satisfying问题3选项A.music like books is a human inventionB.it is crucial for self-expressionC.enjoyable sounds exist in our environmentD.plays, songs and movies depend on it问题4选项A.bleak and coldB.a very sorry worldC.dreadfully unsatisfyingD.dark and dull问题5选项A.Because it is a convenience like the Internet.B.Because we will lose a deep part of ourselves.C.Because we wont have smiles on our faces anymore.D.Because philosophies like Platos would not exist.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:C第5题:B【解析】第1题:1.根据第一段的最后一句“Music is the pleasing combination of sounds that we like to listen to.”音乐是我们喜欢听的令人愉悦的所有声音。选项B符合原文。2.根据第二段的五六七句“There are many of us living today who had seen a time when there was no television. They will tell us that life was not that much different. The same is probably true of radio.”我们中有许多人曾经历过一段没有电视的日子。他们会告诉我们, 生活并没有多大的不同。收音机可能也是如此。所以选项A正确。3.根据第二段的倒数二三句“However, in the case of music . the whistling of the wind.”我们无法想象一个没有音乐的世界, 因为我们无时无刻不被像鸟儿的歌唱和风的呼啸这样悦耳的声音环绕着。也就是说我们的环境中存在着令人愉快的声音。选项C符合原文。4.根据第三段的最后一句“It would be a dark and unsatisfying world . derive pleasure from.”没有知识的传播,没有读书带来的乐趣,这将是一个黑暗并且不令人满意的世界。bleak and cold阴暗寒冷; a very sorry world悲惨的世界; dreadfully unsatisfying令人极度不满意的; dark and dull黑暗沉闷的。选项C更接近原文。5.根据第四段的倒数第三句“When we lose music, an expression of a deep part of ourselves - from the soul - is lost.”当我们失去了音乐,我们也失去了内心深处的一种表达来自灵魂的表达。选项B符合原文。第2题:第3题:第4题:第5题:4. 单选题The ALSPAC report is the third in recent years to find few or no_effects from consuming most types of seafood during pregnancy.问题1选项A.adverseB.aggregateC.antagonisticD.animate【答案】A【解析】adverse不利的, 敌对的; aggregate合计的, 聚合的; antagonistic反对的, 敌对的; animate有生命的。句意:ALSPAC的报告是近年来第三份发现孕期食用大多数品种的海鲜很少有或者几乎没有副作用的报告。选项A符合句意。5. 单选题She refused to disclose what had been told her, on the_that it would be a breach of faith.问题1选项A.reasonB.accountsC.termsD.grounds【答案】C【解析】on the terms that为固定搭配, 是关于, 因为的意思。句意:她拒绝透露别人告诉她的情况, 因为这将违背誓言。所以本题选C。6. 单选题.Any Democratic president will try to_the United States from the mess in Iraq,yet all would face rigid constraints.问题1选项A.knockoutB.distinguishC.overtureD.extricate【答案】D【解析】knockout击倒; distinguish区别,辨别; overture作动词意为建议; extricate使摆脱,解救。句意:任何一位民主党总统都将试图把美国从伊拉克的混乱中解救出来, 但所有人都将面临严格的约束。选项D符合句意。7. 单选题Nations,like individuals or sports teams,will not follow leaders they dont respect,whose goals are unclear,whose philosophy is not in_with accepted human values.问题1选项A.synonymB.syneC.synodD.sync【答案】D【解析】synonym同义字; syne自从; synod大会, 宗教会议; sync同时; 同步。句意:国家, 就像个人或运动队一样, 不会追随他们不受他们尊重, 目标不明确, 人生观也与公认的人类价值观不一致的领导者。选项D符合句意。8. 单选题Antiwar champion Rep. John Murtha wants to attach conditions on the impending supplemental_bill to fund the war.问题1选项A.approbationsB.approximationsC.apprehensionsD.appropriations【答案】D【解析】approbation官方批准, 认可; approximation接近,近似值; apprehension理解,恐惧, 逮捕;appropriation挪用,拨款。句意:反战派共和党员John Murtha希望对即将通过的为战争提供资金的追加拨款法案附加条件。选项D符合句意。9. 单选题He fears this months increased violence may harm Kenyas vital tourist industry,much of which centers on _to see its exotic animals.问题1选项A.sahibB.shambleC.severityD.safaris【答案】D【解析】sahib先生, 阁下, 大人; shamble蹒跚, 摇晃的脚步; severity严肃,严重; safari旅行, 狩猎远征, 旅行队。句意:他担心这个月暴力事件的增加可能会损害肯尼亚至关重要的旅游业, 肯尼亚的旅游业主要是以在旅行中观赏野生动物为主。选项D符合句意。10. 翻译题I was deeply shocked by a recent survey that suggested 30 per cent of job applicants embellished the truth or lied on a curriculum vitae. Can the figure really be that low? (1)I had always assumed CVs were filled with evasions, half-truths and downright untruths. But, the news that merely 70 per cent of workers are honest has shaken my lack of faith in my fellow humans. The only consolation is that people often fib in anonymous surveys, just as they do on resumes, which means the real proportion may be higher.One prediction rang true from the research by the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors. (2).It was that the incentive for falsehood is growing, as unemployment balloons and competition for jobs rises. In coming months recruiters will therefore be bombarded with CVs making extremely misleading claims.It was the same during the downturn of the early 1990s. Then, one acquaintance obtained a graduate traineeship at a large bank by bumping his third-class degree up to a 2:1. A journalist colleague meanwhile admitted to me that his degree from a top university was entirely fictional. (3). Another contemporary explained away a year lost to bone idleness by telling prospective employers that he had been writing a field guide to the wild flowers of the Pyrenees (比利牛斯山脉). I night have lied on my own CV, if an east coast Scottish upbringing bad not lumbered me with the subliminal conviction that I would burn for eternity in hell if I did.(4). A company whose services include background checks on job applicants, says that inaccuracies on CVs divide into three main groups. First, there are honest mistakes, typically made when candidates muddle dates. Second, there is deliberate fibbing about qualifications. Mr Thomas says: A lie told 20 years ago to get a job can become part of the liars reality. So he tells it again when he switches jobs, even though he has become a successful finance director. Third, applicants close up suspicious gaps in their employment history. In one case investigated by Kroll, a candidate turned out to have spent a three-month gap in prison for fraud.About 65 per cent of businesses take up references for shortlisted job applicants, according to research by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Fewer than half said they found out anything useful. (5). This is hardly surprising now that the fear of litigation prevents past employers from saying anything more revealing than: Yes, Derek worked for us. He has a beard and knows a bit about databases. Less than 40 per cent of businesses bother to check academic and professional qualifications.Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese【答案】1.我一直认为简历中充斥着借口,半真半假和彻头彻尾的谎言。但那则只有70%的工人是诚实的新闻让我对我自己的想法感到疑惑。2.虚假动机正在逐渐增加。因此,在未来几个月中,招聘人员会见到更多的足以误导其决策的简历。3.同时期的另外一个人也曾向雇主谎称自己曾花一年的时间编纂过有关比利牛斯山野花的一本野外工作指南,而其实那东西是临时抱佛脚的产物。4. 一个对求职者做背景调查的服务公司说,简历的不准确分为三组。第一,诚实的错误,确实是候选人搞错了日期。5.对诉讼案的恐惧导致以往的雇主不敢说除了“是的,迪瑞克曾为我们工作。他留着胡子, 对我们的数据有所了解”以外的话, 这些在当今都不足为奇。11. 单选题Arriving anywhere with these possessions, he might just as easily_for a month or a year as for a single day.问题1选项A.put upB.stay upC.speed upD.make up【答案】A【解析】put up在某地投宿; stay up熬夜, 不睡觉; speedup加速; makeup组成, 化妆, 整理。句意:带着这些东西到任何地方, 他都可以轻松地住上一个月或一年, 就好像只住一天一样。选项A符合句意。12. 单选题In writing his account of these important events, he will not_his experiences in the order in which they happened.问题1选项A.classifyB.compareC.composeD.arrange【答案】D【解析】classify分类;compare比较;compose构成;arrange排列。句意:在记录这些重要事件时, 他不会按照事件发生的顺序来对其进行排列。选项D符合句意。13. 单选题To give you a general idea of our products, we enclose the catalogues showing various products handled by us with detailed_and means of packing.问题1选项A.specimensB.inspectionsC.samplesD.specifications【答案】D【解析】specimens样本; inspections视察, 检查; samples样品; specifications规格, 规范。句意:为了使您对我们的产品有一个大致的了解, 随函附上我方经营的各种产品的目录, 以及详细的规格和包装方法。选项D更符合句意。14. 单选题A 1994 World Bank report concluded that_girls in school was probably the single most effective anti-poverty policy in the developing world today.问题1选项A.enrollingB.assigningC.involvingD.consenting【答案】A【解析】enrolling招收, 参加; assigning指派, 分配; involving牵涉, 使参与; consenting允许, 赞成。句意:世界银行1994年的一份报告得出结论:招收女童入学可能是当今发展中世界最有效的反贫困政策。选项A符合句意。15. 案例题Think about what would make you really, really happy. More money? Wrong. Smiling,well-adjusted kids? Wrong again. The fact is we are terrible at predicting the source of joy. And whatever choices we do make,we likely later decide it was all for the best.These are insights from happiness economics, perhaps the hottest field in what used to be called the dismal science. Happiness is everywhereon the best-seller lists,in the minds of policymakers,and front and center for economistsyet it remains elusive. The golden rule of economics has always been that well-being is a simple function of income. Thats why nations and people alike strive for higher incomes- money gives us choice and a measure of freedom. After a certain income cap,we simply dont get any happier. And it isnt what we have, but whether we have more than our neighbor,that really matters. So the news last week that in 2006 top hedge-fund managers took home $240 million, minimum, probably didnt make them any happier,it just made the rest of us less so.Now policymakers are racing to figure out what makes people happy,and just how they should deliver it. Countries as diverse as Bhutan,Australia,China,Thailand and the U.K. are coming up with, happiness indexer, to be used alongside GDP as a guide to societys progress. In Britain,the politics of happiness will likely figure prominently in next years elections. Never mind that the worlds top happiness researchers recently gathered at a conference in Rome to debate whether joy is even measurable.Why is this all happening now? Only in the last decade have economists, psychologists,biologists and philosophers begun cross-pollinating in such-a way to arrive at happiness studies. Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert humorously sums up much of the new wisdom in his book Stumbling on Happiness. He says 24-hour television and the Internet have allowed us all to see more seemingly happy people than ever before. Were surrounded by the lifestyles of the rich and famous, says Gilbert, rubbing our noses in the fact that others have more.Of course,the idea that money isnt the real key to happiness isnt new. The 18th-century British Enlightenment thinker Jeremy Bentham argued that public policy should try to maximize happiness,and many prominent economists agreed but could not quite embrace the idea. There was just no way to measure happiness objectively.One of the early revelations of happiness research,from Richard Easterlin at the University of Southern California,was that while the rich are typically happier than the poor,the happiness boost from extra cash isnt that great once one rises above the poverty line. The reason,says Easterlin,is the hedonic cycle:we get used to being richer darn quick,and take it for granted or compare it to what others have,not what we used to have. Turns out, keeping up with the Joneses is hard-wired into our brains, thanks to our pack-creature roots.Though many happiness researchers say work less,play more is the formula for happiness,Ruut Veenhoven, a professor at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, suggests otherwise. Hard-working Americans ranks 17th on his list; the hard-vacationing French 39th. Human beings do want a European-style safety net,but also want freedom and opportunity.And perhaps our intuitions about happiness should triumph over the fuzzy data, anyway. The economics of happiness has given us a couple of fairly hard and fast rules about well-being being truly poor is bad,and time with friends and family are good. The good news is that whatever choices we make individually and as societies in the pursuit of happiness theres good chance that theyll seem better in hindsight. Yet another truism of happiness is that we all wear rose-colored glasses when it comes to our past decision-making. says Gilbert. Todays dreadful life choice will likely be tomorrows happy accident.The passage below summarizes the main points of the passage. Read the summary and then select the best word or phrase from the box blow according to the passage. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.We are poor at prevision of the origin of happiness,and we would probably believe the decision we made is the most satisfactory. The Happiness has become (1) everywhere but tough to define. Nations and people manage to gain higher incomes based on the principle of economics that (2) are related to happiness,but that is not (3) . Wealth alone isnt necessarily what makes us happy. It makes different if we possess more than (4) , and thats why we feel unhappy to find those top (5) have superlative income. Some nations are beginning to consider issues like measuring societys progress by (6) as well as GDP,and researchers even held seminar to exchange surveys about the (7) , though the influential topic was advanced 10 years ago. The issue that a state policy should be (8) the happiness of the majority, erupted many decades ago by British Enlightenment thinker Jeremy Bentham and accepted by many eminent economists,could not fairly (9) , because happiness can not be objectively measured. The (10) of the happiness made by Richard Easterlin is that the wealth makes people happier,but their happiness will not (11) as great as it should be if they live above the (12) . They can easily take the life for granted and (13) the more expansive way of life. They are (14) to compare the life with others and manage to keep up with the Joneses. Ruut Veenhoven, a professor at Erasmus University in Rotterdam,does not support the (15) work less, play more. According to his investigation of happiness list, people want a European-style (16) and want to enjoy freedom and opportunity as well. We should probably go beyond the confusing information and (17) the fairly principles of the happiness: poverty is (18) , staving with friends and family is (19) , and the decisions made (20) are by chance to be happy experience.A.happiness indexes B.put into effect C.preliminary interpretationD.formula for happiness E.terrible F.earningsG.safety scheme H.measurement of happiness I.adapt toJ.Mr. Joneses K.optimize L.poverty lineM.the case N.acquaint with O.innateP.in the past Q. joyful R.agitating topicsS.escalate T.hedge-fund managers【答案】1.R2.F3.M4.J5.T6.A7.H8.I9.B10.C11.S12.L13.N14.O15.D16.G17.K18.E19.Q20.P【解析】1.根据第二段的第二句Happiness is everywhereon the best-seller lists,in the minds of policymakers,and front and center for economistsyet it remains elusive.可知, 幸福是个有争议的话题。所以,空格处应填 agitating topics。2.根据第二段的三四句The golden rule of economics has always been that well-being is a simple function of income.经济学的黄金法则一直是:幸福是收入的简单函数。也就是说人们将收入和幸福联系起来。所以,空格处应填earnings。3.that is not the case为固定搭配,意为事实并非如此。文中第二段有提到After a certain income cap,we simply dont get any happier.收人增加不一定会使我们幸福。所以, 空格处应填the case。4.根据第二段的but whether we have more than our neighbor,that really matte


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